Hi guys! This is my first story and I hope that everyone enjoys it. I really want to try to put a chapter out a day, but no promises. Please review, favorite, and follow. All reviews are welcome! Feel me to PM me if you want and I promise to respond as quickly as possible. Happy reading!
The sun streamed through my open balcony door, as I woke up stretching. Today was the day that I would finally begin to earn Maxon's trust back. I knew that I had a long road ahead of me, but it was a road that I was willing to follow to ensure that I got to spend the rest of my days with the man I loved.
My maids came into my room shortly after I woke up. Their faces are filled with tentative smiles, as if unsure if they want to bring up the previous days events. I quickly plaster a fake smile on my face in order to reassure them. "Hello, ladies. Ready for another day?"
Lucy is the first to step towards me. "Of course. We had better get you ready if you want to impress the prince," she says with a wink. Anne scurries into the bathroom to start my bath and Mary goes over to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day.
Mary returns from the closet with a garment bag. She tries to conceal it from me, which makes me curious about what could be hiding in the bag. "What do you have there?" I ask. The girls are completely invested in me winning the competition and I hope that I will not let them down.
Mary looks at me a coy smile and hangs the dress on the back of one of the chairs. "You will just have to wait to find out," she says. "Now hurry up and go take your bath so that we can begin getting you ready." I rush into the bathroom hoping that the faster I get ready the faster I will be able to go down to breakfast to see Maxon. Although we had only been separated for a few hours, my heart still ached to see him again.
The warm bath is just what I needed after my confrontation with the king last night. The bubbles in the water release wonderful scents that mix perfectly with the shampoo that is rubbed into my hair. Before I know it the water has turned cold and it is time to dry off. I slip on my silk robe and enter back into my bedroom to continue getting ready. "Alright ladies, work your magic."
My maids are experts at getting me ready and once my makeup is applied and my hair is done I step into the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. The dress is strapless and white with a beaded bodice. The sweetheart neckline emphasizes my chest and the long swirling fabric allows me to feel elegant without even trying. When I look into the mirror I see a princess, and a future queen, looking back at me. A tear rolls down my cheek, as I think about what becoming princess would mean, spending the rest of my life with Maxon.
Anne sees the tear running down my cheek and quickly brushes it away. "We don't want to ruin your makeup," she says with a smile. "Better get down to breakfast."
Lucy runs over to open my bedroom door and I exit smiling at the guards as I leave. They both nod politely at me, and I remember both of their names, Officer Johnson and Officer Patrick. The hallway is empty as I walk down in and I marvel in the true beauty of the palace. I eventually reach the dining room doors and my heart beats with the anticipation of what is waiting for me behind the doors. The guards in front of me open the door and I step through.
As I enter everyone turns to look at me. The look of jealousy is clear on Celeste's face, and a hint of jealousy can even be seen on Kriss's face. Elise just looks at me with a small smile on her face. I can't help but look at the royal family and find that Maxon is looking at me with a look of total adoration. He slowly reaches up to tug his ear and I return the gesture with a grin. The grin quickly falls off of my face when I see the king glaring at me from his spot next to the queen.
Once I reach the table I allow myself to relax a bit and help myself to some of the pancakes in the middle of the table. Just as a I place a large bite into my mouth the king decides that it is the opportune time to question me.
"So, America I see that you have yet to give up on your obsession with food," he remarks with a smirk. "Better be careful, we wouldn't want you to get fat."
Once I have thoroughly chewed and swallowed my food I respond to his remark. "Of course your highness, I know how important appearances are to you. Why else would Lady Celeste be here?" I suddenly stop realizing what I had just said. Kriss stares at me with wide eyes, while Elise tries to cover up her laugh with her hand. Celeste of course just glares at me, which isn't any different than how she usually looks at me. All I can do is stare down at my plate waiting for the king to reprimand me again.
"Well Lady America, at least Lady Celeste is good for something, unlike you," the king says with a scowl.
"Father," Maxon says, "I am sure that Lady America did not mean what she said. It was probably just an accident."
The king stands up and begins to exit the room, but as he does he leaves Maxon with one more command. "Watch that girl Maxon, I only have so much patience."
Great, in one sentence I had managed to infuriate the king and dig myself an even bigger grave than before.