It has been awhile, and I'm sorry for that. School has been driving me crazy, but I'm going to try and get my butt in gear and get some stories done. Please enjoy and if you have any ideas, feel free to message me. No flames please!

Leo's POV

Cough. Blood in my hand. Sick. That's all I am. I need to get out of bed. I feel like I've been lying down for forever. I want to get out of my room, yet at the same time, I'm not sure if I can. A voice at the door interrupted my thoughts...

"Hello Leo."

"Hello Sensei."

"How are you my son?"

"I have been better. I am dying to get out of here."

"Have patience my son, you will heal, it just takes time."

"Hai Sensei. Would it be alright if I walked around a little? My muscles are aching from staying in bed."

"If you feel well enough. Would you like some help?"

"Please?" I really hate that my father, my Sensei, had to see me so weak. He smiled, and came to help me up. I will admit, it was painful. My body is weak. My lungs are weak. I am weak.

I made my way to the couch, only to find Raph curled up in a ball with Donnie checking his temperature.

"Leo? What are you out of bed?"

"I needed some air. Is that okay? What is wrong with Raph?"

"He is sick. As it turns out, he has the same infection you do, only the one you have is affecting your lungs and respiratory system. His is affecting his digestion system. I'm afraid that if we don't fix it, he could become very sick. If he does, his immune system won't be able to fight off the virus."

"That is great." I said sarcastically. "Why do I keep coughing up blood?"

"I don't know Leo. But your body does have much of an immune system either, if one at all. In fact I'm thinking of moving you and Raph into my lab once I have done a thorough cleaning."

Donnie's POV

Constant ringing...What? Who could be calling my T-Phone? Only my brothers, April, and Master Splinter are in our network. All of us are here. Who could be calling? I reluctantly answered the call.

"Donatello speaking."

"Ah, yes. Donatello. How are your brothers?" I know that voice! We had a battle not long ago with this numskull!

"Bishop! What do you want? How did you get into my network?"

"You are not the only one who is tech savvy Donatello. Anyway, answer my are your brothers?"

"Why so persistent? Why do you need to know about my brothers?"

"Well, wouldn't you like to know what is wrong with them?"...Silence..."I see I now have your attention. Are they sick? Let me guess, Leo got it first?"

"How would you know that, Bishop?"

"That is none of your concern at this moment. Wouldn't you like to know how to cure it?" He was right, I'd rather have the cure for Leo and Raph right now. Who knows how long they can stay the way they are.

"Fine. What do you want?"

"That is up to you Donatello. What are you willing to give?"

"I'm not kidding. What the hell do you want?! I'm not playing games."

"Neither am I. Tell me, what are you willing to give? When you have the answer call me." With that, he was gone. I stood with my phone to my ear, listening to the constant beep coming from the other line. One call. One call is all it took for an understanding, but what was I willing to give for my brothers?

After much thought and meditation , I came up with an answer. I know what I'm willing to give for my brothers. I will give all I have, all that I can give. . .me. Bishop has always wanted to study one of us, now he can. I picked up up shell cell and dialed the mysterious number.

"Do you have an answer, Donatello?"

"I do, but you may not have the answer until you help my family. "

"Is this worth my time?" asked Bishop rudely.

"I guess you'll have to give me an antidote, and find out. Be aware, if you're toying with me, you will regret it. "

"Fair enough. Bring your brothers, and I shall heal them, just don't forget your payment. You better not disappoint me...if you do, I will destroy all of what you know." Beeping. It's set. This is it. It is time to go.

I walked into the kitchen and quickly thought about what I had done. What? I just gave myself up to Bishop. "It's worth it." I kept encouraging myself. "It's worth it."

"What's worth it?" Asked a voice. I turned to discover that it was Leo.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud."

"You have been spending a lot of time in your lab. What are you researching?" He asked.

"Only a possible cure for you and Raph."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh course I am." I smiled cautiously. "So...are you feeling better?" As if on cue Leo ran forward and threw up in the sink.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked as I handed him a towel to wipe his face.

"Leo, are you alright?"

Donnie's POV

I helped Leo get into bed for rest, then went to my lab to think. I sat down at my desk and pondered my current predicament. I had an option though. I could please Bishop with science for an answer. Leo and Raph are both sick. To be truthfully honest, I'm not sure how much more they can take physically, nor how much more pain I can bear to see my brothers go through. I was stalling. Even in my thoughts, I stalled what could potentially become of our family.

I went to the dojo to speak with Master Splinter. He was meditating in the corner.

"Yes, Donatello?"

"I have found a way to cure Leo and Raph, but I have to take them to Vermont."

"That's a bit far, would you like me to come with you?" He asked with genuine concern.

"No, Sensei. I can handle it, I promise."

"Why not?"

"I want to show you that I can take care of my brothers."

"I trust you, my son. Please keep in contact with me throughout the trip, and bring everyone home safely."

Now that Sensei was taken care of, the only thing that was left to do was pack up and go. I prepped the battle shell with blankets and's now only a matter of time, I know what I need to do. I returned to my lab where I prepared a drug to help Raph and Leo sleep. Once Mikey helps me get them situated in the battle shell, we'll begin our journey. I cautiously stepped into Leo's room where he laid on his bed. I saw his hand sticking out beneath his covers, so I located a vein and inserted the medicine. Leo shuttered in response, but did not wake. I had Mikey bring me a stretcher to help move him. We carefully slid him into the back of the car with a soft blanket and a bottle of water. Next was Raphael, this wouldn't be as easy since he has such a temper. He was passed out asleep on the couch with Spike. Mikey placed his pet turtle on the table adjacent to the sofa.

"Raphael?" No answer. He was out cold. He really didn't need the sleeping medication, but I decided to bring a couple extra doses just in case. After a little struggling and a stubbed toe, we got Raph situated next to Leo, only he had a small trash can so if he needed to throw up, he could. I jumped into the driver's seat and Mikey next to me.

"Wait a second!" Mikey yelled jumping out if the car.

"Shhh!" He came back a few seconds later with Spike and put him in Raph's lap.

"We couldn't leave her alone..." His heart is so big even in a time of great danger.

"I sure do love you, Mikey." I smiled and began to drive through the tunnel. I love all of you, that's why I have to do this...