3rd Person
Merlin went to Freya the next morning. "Merlin! Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding?"
"Well, bad luck seems to follow me around these days. Besides, if I hadn't come this morning, how could I have given you this?" Merlin pulls out a silver crown that looks almost like what an elven princess would wear. He puts it on Freya's head. It has two beautiful lines that curve and entwine together until the center where a sapphire dangles, resting on the girl's forehead. "Now, you can look like a princess all the time. And once we are married, you will be a queen."
Freya laughs, "Why are you so good to me?"
"I can't help it. I love you. It's true, though, the Druids view me as their king. You will be my queen. I may not have riches or money, but, I will shower you with as much love and care that I can."
"I know, my love. But, you need to know, just as you told me, that you are not a monster. You are unique, and that is what makes me love you. Now, go, I'll meet you at the lake," Freya whispers.
Merlin goes back to his room. He gets into his navy robes for the ceremony. A midnight blue cape with a silver Camelot dragon sewn onto the back covers most of the robes anyway. The girls had set out over fifteen minutes ago. Gwen and Lancelot had helped with the decorations, along with Mordred, whom Merlin had also asked to be a groomsman. Gwaine was the one in charge of the wine, luckily, he knew that he couldn't drink it all. Now, all the men were on their way to the lake. Geoffery would be preforming the ceremony.
Merlin walked up to the lake and waited. Aithusa was in the woods, waiting until she was to present the rings. Merlin stood there, biting his lip, not making eye contact, and wringing his hands together. "You look a little nervous there, mate," Gwaine tells Merlin, laying a hand on the warlock's shoulder. Merlin almost jumped out of his skin.
"That is probably the biggest understatement in all of Camelot," Merlin retorts.
"Hey, she loves you, and you love her. I hear how she talks about you, she adores you. You have nothing to be afraid of."
"If nothing goes horribly wrong until we get back to Camelot, I will buy you a barrel of mead once the celebrations are over," Merlin mutters.
"I'm holding you to that," Gwaine laughs and walks away. Next, Arthur walks up to Merlin.
"Hey, it's time," Arthur whispers. Merlin nods and Arthur gives the signal. Freya begins walking down the grass in a straight line toward Merlin. She holds a bouquet of red roses with a few small bushels of strawberries mixed in. Her long white dress falls to the ground, flowing behind her. The crown Merlin had given her rested upon her head, a gift from the Druids. Guinevere, Susan, and Mary-Beth followed behind wearing short, red dresses, similar to the one Freya had been found in, only not as ripped.
Freya takes her place looking into Merlin's eyes. Geoffery begins, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the unity of a man and a woman in marriage. The couple has written their own vows, and will now promise them to each other aloud now."
Merlin states, "Freya, when I first met you, all I knew, was that I had to get you out of that cage and out of harm's way. The reason I had given you, was that it could have been me, in that cage. That was more of an excuse. I couldn't bear to see a girl, terrified of her own shadow, in chains freezing to death in a cage. In the process, of trying to keep you safe, I fell for you. I didn't want you to ever leave me, but, you did. In our last moments, you said I made you feel loved. I realize now, doing what I did, was a huge accomplishment, on both of our parts. When you came back to me, my heart stopped. You are the most precious thing in my life, and I promise to adore and protect you until my dying breath. I will shower you with red roses and strawberries every day. Even, when we are old and gray, I will be just as willing to admit my love for you, and I will care for you. I will always come back for you, and you should never, ever be afraid that I will leave you behind. Remember my promise, I will look after you."
Freya, with tears of joy in her eyes, begins her vows, "My dear Merlin, when we first met, I was soaked to the bone, and afraid of everything around me. The world was dark, but you brightened the way. I was astounded at the fact that someone would go to such lengths to please me. With your jubilant approach at life, you showed me that the world wasn't only cages and nightmares. I realized, that you could never hate me for the curse that was forced upon me all those years ago. When I saw how kind you were to me, I didn't want to disappoint you. I didn't want to hurt you. I love you, with all my heart. You were even able to calm the ferocious beast that took over me with your colossal heart. I love you, magic and all. I promise to never lose hope and to always be faithful to you. I swear to love you with my heart, soul, and mind, until death do us part."
"With the power vested in me, I pronounce Merlin and Freya, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," Geoffery gestures to Merlin who pulls Freya close and kisses her until they need to almost gasp for air, gaining whistles from Gwaine and cheers from the girls. Freya takes Merlin's arm and they walk down the aisle. Then, Merlin closes his eyes and kisses Freya again, but lightly. That is, until Freya is ripped away from him by a man with a black hooded cloak.
"Merlin!" Freya shrieks and the man has a dagger to her throat. She tries to struggle, but realizes that she could get cut if she moves too much, so stays still.
"Freya!" Merlin shouts, walking toward her.
"Don't come closer, or I will slit her throat open."
"Let her go! She hasn't done anything!" Merlin cries.
The man looks at the warlock, "Oh, but you have. You killed my wife! You killed Morgause! So, now, I will take away your wife. It's such a shame, I actually almost don't want to. Why waste such beauty? Maybe, I shall keep her for myself," the man sneers as he runs a hand down Freya's face, who gives him a look of disgust.
"No! Leave her alone! Please!" Then, Freya bites the man's hand, and the blade that was at her throat is then buried into her side, blood staining her white dress. "No! Freya!" Merlin puts out a hand and his eyes glow gold. The man is slammed against a tree and a sickening crack is heard. The warlock runs to his wife's side, "You are going to be fine. I promise. It isn't that deep. Here," Merlin rips the blue cape and binds the wound. "We are going back to Camelot. I can take better care of you there." Merlin lifts Freya into his arms and she leans her head onto his shoulder.
"Couldn't you transport me?"
"It could be risky with your condition."
"I can handle it. Just get everyone there," Freya keeps her eyes trained on Merlin's face, memorizing every detail. Everyone gets nearer to Merlin and then he says the spell and they are back at the castle. Gwen goes with Merlin to assist in cleaning Freya's wound. "Merlin. I can feel it. I am going to be okay. It didn't go in too deep."
After the warlock cleans Freya's wound, with Gwen's help, they change Freya into some more comfortable clothes. A silver tunic and blue trousers, still keeping the crown on her head. Then, Merlin puts his hands over Freya's injury, saying words of the Old Religion. He sees the cut clear, leaving only a scar, the size of an inch. Freya, who at some point drifted into unconsciousness, begins to stir. "Merl… Merlin," she murmurs, eyes fluttering open. Gwen turns to leave, and Merlin nods, then continues to look at his wife.
"I'm right here, Freya. I'm right here," he says, grasping the woman's hand. "How are you feeling?"
"Great! I'm sorry we had to miss the celebrations."
"We can celebrate another time, okay?"
Freya nods, "I knew you would keep your promise. I love you."
"I love you, too." Then, the two kiss, barely leaving any room to breathe. The two know that they will love each other for all eternity. Their love was written in the stars, and was told for centuries after.
Well, that's it! Last chapter! I hope you all liked it! Thank you to Alana1982 for your review. And, I have a different type of quote for you all. Because this is the last chapter, I have decided to do a quote by Colin Morgan. Oh, by the way, I should be putting up another fanfic soon. Keep an eye out for it!
Quote: "I know this is the end, and I know this is goodbye, but thank you for being there on the journey with us because it has been a lot of fun." -Colin Morgan