It's been three years. Jenna is with Tom Hughes and Matt is still with Lily James, but hey, I'm still writing this. Woohoo.

I'm a better writer, I hope. I was naïve back then, absolutely terrible at writing, really. I probably still am. I hope you enjoy the long-awaited update. I don't know if I will continue after this, but we'll see. You can follow my work under the same pen name on Wattpad, if any of you are still into Whouffle or Whouffaldi and whatnot.

The crash shocked the two actors, who both rushed out the doors to see what had gone wrong. Karen pushed open the doors of the studio to find a car crashed into the iron gates of the complex. In the middle of the road lay a black cat, licking its paw, unaffected by the car that could have ran it over.

"That's Jenna's car." Matt said and before Karen could even say a word, he was sprinting over to the vehicle's driver's seat. The airbag had deployed and he bit his lip, seeing the brown curls covering the beautiful face he knew too well. "Jenna? Jenna." Considering the amount of damage given to the car, Jenna must have been frustrated as all hell or couldn't see clearly. Regardless, she was incapacitated. Matt opened the door, unfastened her seatbelt, and dragged her out. A shard of glass was embedded into her shoulder and her face still wet from her tears. Her phone was on the floor of the car and it appeared she had been texting something, but it was never finished. It was to her mother.

'How do you deal with a broken heart,Mu-'

Karen came over with Peter and Steven, who apparently heard the crash as well. Steven was on the phone with the authorities and Peter looked towards Jenna, holding a stoic look. He was assessing the situation of his new co-actress.

"Oh dear." Karen bent down to the unconscious Jenna as Matt held her protectively, planting kisses on her forehead and murmuring sweet nothings to her. Karen stood, seeing Matt had things under control and looked towards Peter.

"You'd think they were reliving their roles." Karen said to Peter, standing beside him. He nodded in approval.

"Reminds me of the actual Doctor and Clara." Peter added, "What happened anyway?"

"Leaving a series is never wonderful. I'm guessing Jenna was a mess and the cat got in the way of her leaving. She was probably going at a faster pace than she normally would, so she swerved and hit the gate at the sight of the little kitten." Karen said, frowning. Steven got off the phone as Matt addressed to some of her wounds, using his shirt sleeves to stop the bleeding. Karen watched as he made sure he was gentle with her. It felt as if the scene was being torn right from a moment in Doctor Who, except the Doctor would probably use his regeneration energy rather than cloth. Karen smiled softly at Matt's actions. He was a true gentleman.

"They're on their way." Steven said, running a hand through his hair, "I better situate the people inside. They'll be wondering where the four of you are."

"I'll accompany you. Matt and Karen have this under control." Peter said. Steven nodded and the two men went back inside the studio. Karen turned back to Matt, who was now just holding Jenna, satisfied with his work.

"How bad are her injuries?" Karen asked gently.

"She is bleeding a lot. Took some of the glass out, but I'm sure there are some in places I have missed. She might have a minor concussion." Matt frowned, "And she's breathing lightly. Passed out to the pain, I'm guessing."

"You sound like a real Doctor." Karen commented, trying to keep the mood light. Matt smiled bittersweetly.

"I've been in a car accident before. Before I became an actor. I know what she'll be feeling in a couple hours." Matt murmured, hearing the sirens come closer. In several moments, an ambulance had appeared. Karen and Matt decided to accompany Jenna to the hospital. The press was absolutely littered around the hospital when they arrived. Someone must have tipped them that Jenna got injured. The nurses took Jenna away from Matt and Karen, letting them stay in a waiting room secluded from the public.

Karen watched as Matt paced in the waiting room. They've only been waiting for an hour, but to the two, it felt like eternity.

"It's not life threatening, Matt. It'll be alright." She tried to console her friend for the fiftieth time, but she knew no words could stop him from worrying. She fiddled around with the hem of her shirt.

"I know. I just feel so sorry." Matt murmured, leaning against the wall now.

"But it's not your fault."

"I can't help but feel that it is." Matt pressed.

"Richard broke up with her." Karen reminded him.

"That was only the icing on the top of my leave." Karen watched her stubborn friend run a hand through his fake hair. She remembered that she too, was wearing a wig. It felt weird to have long ginger locks again.

"Like the hair?" She said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Honestly, I miss it." Matt grinned. "What about you, Pond?"

"Hmm, a bit." Karen smirked. A doctor came in with the nametag of Smith. She had the uncanny resemblance of Martha, or rather, Freema, though older. Oh, the irony.

"I hope I'm not intruding." Doctor Smith said meekly.

"No, not at all. How's Jenna?" Matt asked.

"Miss Coleman is situated in a private hospital room as of now. We have removed the smaller chunks of glass and have comforted her the best we can. She should wake up tomorrow morning one the sedatives have worn off. Are you two going to stay here, or…?" Doctor Smith asked.

"I will." Matt said without hesitation.

"But don't you have work tomorrow?" Karen tried to say and Matt shook his head.

"Not anymore."

"Okay then. Well, I guess I don't either." Karen said. She saw Matt try to protest. "It's fine. Besides, I have to make sure the two of you don't get too friendly." She then saw Matt start to blush. She chuckled, "Lead the way, Doctor Smith."