Chapter 9
Once the animals returned to the park, everyone was overjoyed to have their dearest human friend back. Hayden giggled happily as the embrace of the park animals wrapped around her, giving her hugs and kisses, tickled her as they surrounded her, covering her until she looked like a big ball of fluff before the all jumped off the girl and she smiled as she said "I'm so happy to see all of you again, and to be back home safe and sound."
Surly smiled before he hopped up on top of her stomach and said "Hayden... I... I'm so glad you're home. We were all worried about you... I was worried about you."
"Then why weren't you there before?" Hayden asked "We would've gotten out a lot faster with you."
"I... I was ashamed of myself." Surly said "I... I thought you never wanted to see me again after... after what I did to you."
Hayden scooped him up and hugged him gently saying "I'm the one who was worried you'd never wanted to see me again... I gave you that black eye."
"Yeah but it's getting better." Surly said "But... all I could think about was you... I'm really sorry about what happened back at the mall. I should've been there for you when you needed me... will you ever forgive me?"
Hayden smiled and said "Of course I do Daddy. I'll always will."
"D-Daddy?" Surly asked in surprise "You... called me... Daddy."
"Because you're the best daddy anyone would be proud to have." Hayden said before she kissed the squirrel's head affectionately.
Instead of wiping away the kiss like before, he smiled and felt touched that she would happily call him his daddy and he said "And... and your the best daughter any family would be proud to have."
"Isn't it wonderful?" Andie said "Our family is back together again and this time Hayden, we will never let anything happen to you again. You can stay with us as long as you want. What do you say?"
Hayden was about to respond when she let out a yawn and her eyes began to droop. "I think Hayden needs some rest." Surly said with a warm chuckle "It's been a busy night after all."
"Your right." Andie said "After such a long night some sleep sounds good. Let's get some rest."
The next few days were as happy as they could be, everyone adored Hayden and nobody wanted to b without her again, especially not Surly, who began to treat her more like his child more then he ever had before. He had thought nothing could ever happen to take her away from him and the park ever again, but fate had other plans.
One evening Hayden had filled her tummy with so much food she thought that her belly would burst if she ate any more. Her lips and nightgown were dirty and covered with sauce, grease and frosting from the food the animals had brought her and she couldn't help but hiccup as she sighed and rubbed her belly before Buddy, Andie and Surly arrived and climbed up to her belly.
"How was your dinner honey?" Andie asked
"Delicious." Hayden said with a hiccup "Pizza, hot dogs, cake. I don't think I can eat another bite... i'm so full."
Surly patted his child's tummy, remembering how thin it was before they filled their child up with pilfered food every chance they got. Hayden didn't want to deprive them of human food but they insisted they give it to her for own belly, since they missed eating nuts, and she was surprised that they were such good cooks with human food. Now she was as plump as a plum and the animals love her twice as much.
"You guys spoil me." Hayden said "And you know you don't have to."
"Yeah we now, but nothing's too good for our kid sweetie." Surly said as the furry trio sat on her belly "It's the least we can do."
Buddy smiled before he placed his paw on her tummy and began to wriggle them, tickling the little girl as she cried "Hey! Uncle Buddy's tickling me!"
"And he's not lone." Surly said.
Before Hayden knew it the trio jumped under her clothes and began to tickle her. Hayden squealed with joy as her squirrel parents and rat uncle feet and paws tickled her body from under her clothes. She giggled as she watched the fast bulges made by the trio went up and down her little body, rolling around happily as she did, before she suddenly let out a harsh cough.
Andie, Surly and Buddy stopped and hopped out as Hayden continued to cough and Andie said "Hayden? Are you alright?"
"Sorry." Hayden said once she stopped coughing "I just couldn't breathe. I'm ok."
Surly smiled, glad to know that his baby was alright and said "Well, I guess it's about time we went to bed."
Hayden nodded with a yawn and the squirrels tucked her in bed, with Surly placing the blanket over her body and Andie humming a sweet lullaby in her ear, and as they watched Hayden fall fast asleep they couldn't help but feel proud to be the parents of a very special child and went to sleep themselves, never dreaming of what was to happen tomorrow.
The Next morning Hayden got sick, really sick. She couldn't move, couldn't talk and couldn't eat. The animals did their best to give her the nourishment she needed but it would never be enough. Surly and Andie were very worried. If they didn't do something soon poor little Hayden could possibly die. And nothing scared a family more the the possible lost of a parents child.
Andie gathered up everyone outside the mill to talk about the situation while Hayden slept quietly in the mill.
"What are we going to do, we have to do something or Hayden will get worse!" Andie told the crowd of concern animals.
"But we've never had a problem like this before!" Jimmy said "We don't even know what humans do when they get sick in the first place."
"Do they go to a vet?" Johnny asked
"Don't be dumb, those are for animals and Hayden is not an animal!" Mole exclaimed
"If only we knew a real human doctor. Then we'd just take her there in no time."
Surly thought about what Grayson said before something triggered in the back of his mind and he said "Wait, we do know who lives with a human. Precious! Maybe her owner will know what to do." He turned to Andie saying "Andie, get Hayden ready, the rest of us will be back some something big enough to carry her to the nut shop."
Andie nodded and went upstairs back to the top floor where Hayden slept, wrapped up in her blanket and as she touched her cheek she noticed how much she was sweating and said "Hayden, are you alright sweetie?"
"I'm... still sick." Hayden said in a horse voice."
"I know honey." Andie said "But don't worry, we're going to take care of you. Daddy won't let you down."
Hayden smiled and sat up in spite of her illness and she pulled Andie close for a hug. Andie couldn't help but shed a tear at this. Her first day as a mother to this beautiful girl and she had already gotten her sick. She felt like this was her fault and began to cry.
"Mommy?" Hayden asked in worry
"Oh, i'm so sorry baby." Andie sniffled "I'm a terrible mother... I did this to you... i'm so sorry."
"No, you didn't make me sick." Hayden said "It just happened."
The red squirrel was still upset as she sniffled and Hayden gently raised her lowered head as she smiled, saying "Your the best mommy ever."
Andie sniffled and smiled as she said "Thanks for trying to cheer me up Hayden, now let's get you ready for the others."
It wasn't easy but Hayden managed to climb back down to the first floor of the mill and sat down. They waited for a while before the other animals returned with an old wagon and Buddy waved to Hayden, motioning her to climb on. Hayden sniffled and climbed in. Andie, Buddy and Surly joined her on her shoulders and Surly said "Alright everyone, you know what to do!"
The Bruisers grabbed on and pulled the handle while Grayson, Mole and the other animals pushed and they began to move the wagon out of the park and down the street where the nut store was and they stopped on the steps before Hayden said "Now what'll we do?"
"We already got you this far, now all you have to do is walk in and tell the lady who works inside your sick. Hopefully she'll now what to do." Surly said
"But what about you?" Hayden asked
"Sorry sweetie, but we can't stay." Surly said "Lana won't like us like you do. But we'll be right nearby when you need us."
The animals ran to hide behind the steps of the store and Hayden walked up to the door and opened it. Inside she saw lots of nutty themed things and working at the desk was a woman with curly blonde hair wearing an orange dress, black gloves and tan heels checking inventory. That must be Lana. Hayden opened her mouth, and let out a harsh cough. Lana jumped at the sound and saw Hayden at the door.
"Oh my goodness! Are you alright?" She asked in shock as she ran over to the girl
"I... i'm sick... I need help..." Hayden said.
She took a step forward, but tripped on her own feet and fell down with a hard thud! Lana gasped and ran over to her as she held the girl and said "Oh no! Are you alright?"
Hayden suddenly began to cry as she clutched her knee in pain. Upon hearing the cries of his child, parental instincts took over and Surly ran over to his daughter's side as he ran towards her and climbed up her head.
Lana gasped as she let go of the girl and ran to grab a broom to shoo the rodent away. She was about to scream when she heard Hayden said "I tripped and hurt myself Daddy."
Lana turned around, expecting to see the girl's father, but instead she saw Surly talking to Hayden, focused more on the child then the situation. Lana heard the chirps and squeaks of any regular squirrel but the girl heard words, proven to the surprised owner as she said "I didn't mean to trip Daddy, it was an accident, but it hurts so much!"
Her pug dog Precious ran over to the girl and barked. Hayden turned to the dog and said "Oh hi, my name's Hayden. You must be Precious, Daddy told me all about you."
The dog tilted her head and whimpered. "Oh of course, I can understand you. I can talk to animals. And yes Surly is my daddy, he rescued me and he's taken good care of me. But he don't now what to do now that i'm sick."
Lana was confused but as they continued the pieces clicked together in her mind that this child was no ordinary child. And when she saw Surly's purple coat she remembered the poor purple squirrel her ex-boyfriend and his gangster friends had captured and she set free with the dog pleading her to do it.
She walked over to them and kneeled down next to the girl. Surly finally saw her and froze. He was about to lose his cool when Lana said "Hey there little fella... remember me? I set you free from that cage in the basement."
Surly began to calm down as the memory came to his head. He grinned and spoke to her, but Lana couldn't understand him. She turned to Hayden and said "What did he say dear?"
"He says he remembers, and he wants you to help me now." Hayden said
"You... you can really understand what they're saying can't you?" Lana said
"Yes, I can." Hayden said "Can't you?"
"Sorry, but all I hear is..." Lana imitated the sounds of a squirrel and Hayden couldn't help but giggle at the silly imitation while Surly crossed his arms muttering to himself "I do not sound like that."
"So... let's see what's wrong with you." Lana said. She removed her glove and placed her hand on Hayden's head. Then she looked into Hayden's mouth and then pressed her stomach lightly as it groaned at the touch and looked at her knee. "Hmm... a fever, sore throat, a bruised knee and indigestion."
"Indi-what?" Hayden asked
"A tummy ache." Lana said "Don't worry sweetie, i'll close up shop and take you back home so we can let your parents-"
"I don't have any... i'm an orphan." Hayden said "But Surly's the best daddy anyone can ask for."
Lana looked at the squirrel, who flashed a smile at her, and she said "Ok then, then i'll take you to my place and I can take care of you. Besides, today's pretty slow enough as it is."
"Can the other animals come?" Hayden asked
"Other animals?" Lana asked
Surly let out a whistle and the other park animals came rushing into the store. Lana watched as an army of park animals of all shapes and sizes filled the shop and her jaw dropped. She shook her head and chuckled "Wow! Are they all your friends?"
Hayden nodded
"My, I'm going to have to take a second trip!"
In Lana's house that night Hayden was getting better as she slept in the guest room, already sound fast asleep as Lana watched her. She smiled before she felt something tug her nightgown. She looked down and saw Buddy, Surly and Andie. The little rat handed Lana with a daisy he had found and Lana bent down to pick it up.
"Well, aren't you just the sweetest thing?" Lana cooed quietly "For a rat, you're a very generous creature." She allowed the rat to climb up to her hand along with the squirrels and she gave the little rat a kiss. Buddy toppled over but Andie caught him as Lana looked at Surly and said "You really care for Hayden don't you?"
Surly nodded and looked back at the girl.
"How about I let you sleep with her?" Lana said
She gently placed the trio on the bed and walked away, closing the door. Andie, Surly and Buddy smiled as they curled up at the foot of the bed and went to sleep, knowing well that with the others sleeping in the living room and them sleeping with their baby there would be nothing more to worry about.
The next morning Buddy was the first one to wake up. He yawned and stretched his limbs before he rubbed his eyes to see Surly and Andie sleeping together... but when he turned to face Hayden he was shocked to find the bed empty!
He shook the couple awake in a panic and they groaned "Buddy!"
"What's the big idea, I was sleeping!" Surly groaned.
Buddy pointed to the bed and the two turned to see it empty. Hayden was gone.
"My baby!" Andie cried in alarm
"Don't panic!" Surly said "We'll split into four teams, two goes high and the other goes low, no, three goes into the sewers, no! Everyone goes everywhere and we won't stop until we find her!"
"Fine who?"
They jumped when they saw Hayden at the front door with her night gown as clean as it could be. They heaved heavy sighs of relief and they ran up to her, hugging her legs before she picked them up and she hugged them back saying "I hope you slept well."
"It was waking up that got us." Surly said "You had us worried sick! You were suppose to wake us up before you wander off!"
Hayden frowned and said "Oh, i'm sorry... I was just busy taking to Lana."
"What was it about?" Andie said
With a sigh she climbed up on the bed and sat down while placing the animals down onto the sheets saying "Lana... was impressed by how much I won all the animal's hearts. She said that she didn't want me to get sick again... So she's adopting me."
"She is?" Surly asked
"And I said yes." Hayden said "I like her as well, she's wonderful."
"I'm... glad to hear that." Surly said. Truthfully he was crushed. He thought he would be the one who would always keep Hayden under his wing, but now Lana was going to adopt her and that meant their little girl has to move away.
Hayden noticed how sad he looked and said "Oh Daddy, it's not because of what happened. It's just that... well, the park was wonderful, but I can't keep living in it. It's your home. And it's about time I started settling into a home of my own. One where I was meant to live. But don't worry, Lana says you can visit me whenever you want and we can always have picnics at the park, even parties. I... I hope you don't think i'm abandoning you."
Surly looked at Andie and Buddy then had a thought. If either of them had been taken into a permanent human home then neither of them would learn how to be real animals. Andie wouldn't now how to store nuts, climb trees and walk on wire. And Buddy would not have learned how to find food, swim or even how to avoid predators like cats and dogs. What if there were important human skills like that Hayden needed. He couldn't bare to see her in a situation and not know what to do.
He smiled and said "I understand."
"We understand." Andie said "Make us proud sweetie."
"I will." Hayden said before he scooped up Surly and said "And Daddy, you will always be the perfect parent to me... I hope some day I can grow up to be just like you."
She gave the squirrel a kiss on the head and was about to place him down when Surly hopped on top of her shoulder and planted a kiss right on her cheek. Hayden giggled at the kiss and then placed the squirrel back down on the bed said "By the way, the others are already heading back to the park. You guys should do the same while me and Lana make the adoption official back at the orphanage."
As they watched her leave Andie walked up to Surly and said "It's amazing how children grow up so fast huh?"
There was no response.
She and Buddy leaned their heads over and saw Surly's face; his eyes were sparkling and filled with tears, his nose was dripping and his lips was wobbling. It was like he was proud and sad at the same time. But mostly proud of his baby. He choked a sob and said "Yeah... I sure is."
"Are you crying?" Andie asked
"N-No!" Surly said quickly as he rubbed his eyes quickly "I just got something in my eyes."
Andie and Buddy smiled. That's their Surly alright. After the squirrel pulled himself together they bid Precious good bye and went back home.
"That was another heist well pulled off." Andie said "Our best one ever I think."
"Yeah, me too." Surly said
"Uh, Surly... can I ask you a question?" Andie asked. Surly stopped to look at her as she said "Will you go out with me?"
"On another heist?" Surly asked
"No, more like a date." Andie said "Like... boyfriend and girlfriend."
Surly gulped loudly as a chill ran down his spine and his body trembled "Y-You mean a d-d-date with you? And me? I... I don't know... I mean, I might be... I mean I gotta... sorta... kinda..."
Andie smiled before she pulled Surly close and kissed him, her lips touching his lips, and Surly felt the whole world vanishing from his mind. This went on for a while before their lips parted and Surly wobbled around with a dopey smile on his face as Andie said "So... pick me up around five?"
"Make it six." Surly said
"Deal." Andie said "See you then."
And with that she sprinted back home while Surly fell down. Buddy looked over his best friend with worry but the face the squirrel had on him was more like a big goofy smile then a frown and he helped him up. Surly smiled at Buddy and said "See this face Bud? It's a happy face."
With a chuckle he pulled the rat close and playfully messed up the fur on top of his head before the rat did the same as they scurried back home, playfully tackling each other and knowing well that their baby girl was in safe, reliable hands of Lana and Precious but they would always be able to return to her and spend as much time as they could wit her. And that was just what they did, living happily ever after
The End