So this is my first fan fic. I don't own glee or it's characters or the songs posted unless otherwise specified. This is an AU samcedes fic with some Klaine as well since they're my otps. I hope you all enjoy and leave reviews. Thank you for reading!

"I just want to welcome everyone to the first ever faculty meeting for New Direction's School of the Arts! My name is Will Schuester and I will serve as principal."
Mercedes sat in the auditorium along with all the other faculty staff pretending to take notes of what the principal was saying. This was going to be her first teacher job and she was both excited and nervous. Sitting next to her was a well dressed man, everything from his shoes to the scarf around his neck looked expensive. Mercedes was gawking so hard that he noticed and smiled.
"I'm Kurt Hummel, fashion department. How are you?" He said extending a well manicured hand. Mercedes was from a small town in Ohio so this was her first time seeing a man so well groomed.
"I'm Mercedes Jones, music department." She whispered as she shook his hand. "I didn't mean to stare but I just love that scarf."
"Oh this little ole thing." Kurt said touching the scarf. "I made this myself." Mercedes was about to ask more questions when she was startled by someone bursting through the auditorium doors. Everyone turned to see who it was. Mr. Schuester even paused waiting to see who it was.
"I'm sorry I'm late! I hope I didn't miss anything."
"Well you missed the better half of my presentation welcoming the staff!"
"I apologize for being tardy this won't happen again."
Mercedes and Kurt both looked at the tall blonde man as he skipped down the steps. He gave a side smirk at Mercedes and Kurt before sitting next to another man with too much gel in his hair.
"Well maybe you should introduce yourself." Mr. Schuester stated leaning back on the stage crossing his arms. The tall blonde man seemed annoyed but he stood back up and waved to everyone before speaking.
"Hi everyone my name is Sam… Sam I am and I don't like green eggs and Ham!" He paused to see if anyone would laugh. Mercedes wanted to laugh but felt silly when she realized no one else found that funny. "I'm Sam Evans and I'll be in the art department." He said sadly and sat down.
"We're happy to have you with us Mr. Evans. These kids need you! They need all of us and they need us on time!" He said with emphasis looking at Sam. Sam slouched a bit with embarrassment.
The rest of the meeting went pretty quick and then they mingled and got to know each faculty member. In reality, Mercedes and Kurt went to a corner and talked amongst themselves. Mercedes was playing with her cookie in hand and looking over at Sam as he made impressions for one of the teachers.
"Why don't you go say hi?" Kurt said with a smile.
"Say hi to who?" Mercedes said trying to divert her eyes back to the cookies.
"Mercedes… look he's handsome it won't hurt to say hi."
"He's not my type. He's OK if you like the blonde hair and pink lips look." Mercedes stated. She was definitely not used to good looking men like him where she was from.
"You're not fooling me! He is gorgeous and the guy next to him has been looking my way all afternoon!" Kurt said as he flirtatiously waved at the guy with too much gel in his hair. "Let's go say hi!" He said as he linked his arms with Mercedes and dragged her over to where they were. Mercedes was in panic mode as Kurt dragged her. She tried to gain her composure as they reached them. "Hey there… What department will you all be working in?"
"Hi I'm Blaine Anderson I'm actually in the music department." He said beaming with pride.
"Oh that's pretty cool! I'm Kurt Hummel in the fashion department and this is Mercedes she'll be in the music department just like you." Kurt stated as he and Blaine locked eyes. "And Sam I understand you're in the art department?"
"Yes! Seems to be the smallest department within the school of the arts but I also will be working in the music department with Blaine on the instruments." He added. "So do you play instruments?" He asked Mercedes. For a moment there Mercedes wasn't sure if he was talking to her, but he definitely was because he was looking right at her with his piercing green eyes.
"Me?"she asked and looked around. He smirked at her just as he did before and she almost lost it. Damn he was fine!
"Yes you! You're in the music department. Just wondering if we'll be working together?"Sam asked again. Blaine finally diverted his eyes away from Kurt to smile at Mercedes.
"That would be great!"
"Well no I'm just the vocal couch. I can't play any instruments other than my vocal chords!" She stated laughing. Sam laughed as well but they stopped when they realized Kurt and Blaine weren't laughing as well. "Well it was nice meeting you guys! We're going to mingle and get to know more of the staff." Mercedes stated as she tugged Kurt.
"Um I think I've met enough of them I'm good right here!"
" I'll mingle with you." Sam offered. Mercedes looked from Kurt to Sam and back. She tried to tug Kurt once more.
"Mercedes that's a great idea mingle with Sam! I'll be right here with Blaine!"
"Ugh OK let's go Sam." She said walking off. Sam watched as she shashayed and smirked as he followed her lead.
They walked up to three teachers, one Asian, one in a wheelchair and a woman with blonde hair and long legs. Mercedes was the first to interrupt and introduce herself and Sam to the group. "Nice to meet you Mercedes. My name is Mike and this is Brittany. We're in the dance department. And Artie here is in the film and photography department!"
"Photography? That's awesome Artie! I gotta check out your class one day." Sam stated. Artie was shocked to see someone as excited about his department as he was.

"That will be cool!" Artie admitted with a genuine smile.
"I can't wait to meet the kids!" Brittany stated.
"I agree! I'm so excited about it! Can't wait to teach them how to really sing!" Mercedes beamed.
"I would love to hear you sing." Sam admitted. He shocked himself because he thought he said that in his head but with all eyes looking at him he knew he had said it out loud.
"I would love to as well." Artie added as the rest followed suit.
"You all can sit in on one of my classes one day." Mercedes said as she smiled.
"We'll be there!" Mike stated. Mercedes was starting to feel that they were all going to be really close friends by the end of the school year.

It had been weeks since the first faculty meeting. And they had several more preparing for the first day of school. Mercedes was still nervous and excited. She had gotten really close to Kurt and they spent the weeks preparing together. And today was the first day of school and she arrived early to get everything together. The only thing she forgot was to reserve time in the auditorium for her new students. She wanted to see what she was working with and since she was getting freshmen and sophomores she knew she had no time to play around.

She marched to the front office noticing some students were already arriving. When she reached the office she noticed Mr. Schuester's wife at the front desk. Emma Schuester, working as assistant principal, was a soft spoken red haired woman who Mercedes had met at one of the prior meetings.

"Hello Mercedes! How are you today? Are you ready for these hormonal kids yet?" She said placing pamphlets neatly on her desk.

"Yes I'm just about ready! I just need to schedule some hours for the auditorium!" Mercedes said smiling. "I want to see what these kids are working with!"

"Oh I understand completely!" Emma replied typing on her computer. "Let's see what we have available." She stated as she motioned for Mercedes to sit. Mercedes waited patiently running her hands down her leather pencil skirt. "I have Tuesday available."

"I'll take it!" Mercedes said cutting her off. Emma smiled as she began to type Mercedes in the slot.

"Great! So Tuesday next week at what time?"

"Um excuse me? Next week? I thought you meant tomorrow Tuesday!" Mercedes said standing up with a frown on her face.

"I'm sorry Mercedes someone already scheduled for the entire week with Tuesday being the earliest available!" Emma stated. " Do you still want it?"

"Hell to the no! Who took all week?" Mercedes asked and when Emma didn't reply she marched into Will's office.

"Mercedes! You can't go in there!" Emma rushed behind her but was too late. "Sorry Will!" Emma apologized. Mercedes was thoroughly pissed and needed answers.

"It's OK!" Will signaled for her to let it go. "How can I help you Mercedes?" He looked at her with a smile.

"I was trying to reserve a time slot for the auditorium and was told that one teacher took an entire week! That is not fair to the other teachers on staff!" Mercedes stated ignoring that there was a brunette in the room seated quietly in front of Will.

"Excuse me Will." The brunette stated before standing and addressing Mercedes. "Hi Mercedes I'm Rachel Berry. You probably have heard of me. I've done Broadway." She boasted and extended her hand. Mercedes looked at her as if she was two feet tall and ignored her hand looking back at Will cocking one eyebrow up. "Well look I'm the teacher that took the week." Rachel continued as she realized Mercedes wasn't going to shake her hand. " I'm not sure you know but I am also in the music department but I will have the juniors and seniors. So I'm sure you understand how important it is that I have that time."

"Are you for real? My freshmen and sophmores are just as important!"

"Mercedes we work on a first come first serve and unfortunately you waited too long and will have to just wait till Tuesday." Will interjected finally. Mercedes could feel the fumes coming out of her ears. she was so mad. Yes, he had a point but she just couldn't believe he would allow one teacher a full week with no regards of other teachers.

"Look, I'm a fair gal and I'll compromise because when you think about it Mercedes is prepping my future juniors. So I'll give her an hour on Thursday." Rachel stated proudly. Mercedes wanted so much to punch her in the face but instead she smiled and headed for the door. Before leaving she turned to them and smiled before saying:

"Keep your charity! I will show you that my freshmen and sophomores can be and might already be better than your upperclassmen!" And with that she slammed the door and walked out. She was so heated that she didn't noticed that the two buttons on her blouse had gotten loose. As she tried to rebutton them and walk she bumped right into Sam Evans.

Sam was really excited about teaching art and after the first faculty he knew this was going to be an awesome year. He and Blaine had gotten close over the weeks of preparing for the first day of school. He walked down the halls of the school suddenly remembering how it was as a student. He vowed to make a difference in the students life one way or another. Deep in thought he ended up bumping right into Mercedes Jones.

"Oh sorry!"she apologized. He couldn't help but notice that her blouse was a bit opened and showing off her dark purple lace bra and plump cleavage. He couldn't take his eyes off them until she realized what he was staring at. "Oh my God!"she exclaimed fastening her blouse up quick and turning around. This allowed Sam the opportunity to look at her entire body. The leather pencil skirt she had on was hugging every curve on her body and he was enjoying it. Why didn't teachers dress like this when he was a student. Then again he might not have ever graduated.

"I'm sorry Mercedes. I didn't mean to-" he began to apologize. She turned back around with a frown on her face and held her hand up.

"You know what, don't worry about it. I am dealing with enough already." She said walking away. Sam ran up behind her to continue the conversation.

"What's wrong?" He said catching up to her. By this time students were heading towards the auditorium for the morning assembly. "Don't tell me you're getting first day jitters?"

"No not even that." She said stopping and facing him. "I just wanted to have some auditorium time and this other teacher, Rachel Berry, reserved the entire week."

"You're making these kids work on their first week of school?" He asked looking at her as if she were crazy. She looked around as if she didn't want anyone hearing them and then pushed him into her classroom and closed the door. "Whoa... look if you want some alone time with me, all you have to do is ask. No need to push!" Sam stated lowering his voice as he got really close to her.

"Slow your roll partner!" Mercedes said pushing him away. "I just didn't want potential students hearing our conversation." She said leaving Sam feeling embarrassed. He licked his lips and leaned on her desk and smiled at her.

"Oh OK so what's going on?"

"Look, I just want my students to take me serious and if I slack they'll take me for a joke."

"They won't! You will do great!" He said placing one hand on her shoulder. "You know what I plan on doing on my first day with the kids?"


"Play a few games, get to know each other, let them know my plans for them. Remember when you were in school and give these kids what you wished your teacher gave to you. This will be a learning experience for both you and them, remember that!"

"I guess you're right! Maybe we'll do some karaoke let them let loose a bit." She smiled at him. "When's your first class?" Mercedes asked him as she cleaned her board to write her name and class rules. He couldn't focus as he watched her ass move from side to side. "Sam?" She asked waving her hands in front of him.

"Oh my classes are after lunch!"

"Well maybe you can help me loosen them up. You think you can spare a girl an hour?"

"I can spare you more than that." He stated with a side smirk. They stared at each other for brief moment till the intercom alerted everyone to report to the auditorium. Then her door opened and Kurt looked in. After seeing Sam he smiled and raised a brow at Mercedes.

"Hey Kurt."

"Hey Sam. Mercedes come on let's go so we can avoid the rush." Kurt stated. "Come on Sam. You can sit with us." Kurt grabbed both their hands as the trio made their way to the assembly.