Hello,thank you to my lovely reviewer. This is the next chapter. Please continue to review it helps me to keep writing and I love hearing from you guys! Can you try to give me another two? I would be so happy if you did!

Oscar tried to remain calm. He slowly looked at Dan. Who looked back. Mentally Oscar told Dan that he wouldn't sell him out. Dan looked the KORPS agent.

"I asked. He said his temper rising. Which one of you is Oscar Cole." He pressed the gun further into Oscar's temple.

"Well it's one us" Dan remarked sarcastically.

"Wise guy" The KORPS agent said. Throwing a piece of rope at another.

"Tie him up"

He took the gun away from Oscar's head and pointed it at Dan.

"Hands up" He said.

Dan raised his hands and placed them on his head. His thumbs brushing his ears.

The KORPS agent tied his hands behind his back in a complicated knot. He grabbed him by his jumper and pulled him across the room. He was inches away from the KORPS agents face. He scanned him. Dan tried not to look him in the eye. The KORPS agent looked at Dan and then to Oscar.

Dan and Oscar were more similar than they thought. Both of their hairs were Blonde. The skin pale white,and both the boys had Blue eyes. So how KORPS were having difficulty. They didn't understand really. Oscar had a mole on his right hand and was trying to hid it.

"Go and phone for the Grand Mistress. We need to sort this mess out."

Dan sat on the floor working on the knots. He had been practicing Old school spy tricks and uniting knots was one. He moved his wrists around trying to break the rope. Oscar sat next to him. His free hand was pulling against Dan's wrists to free them. Finally the rope burst and Dan felt his wrists relax. He turned to Oscar and nodded. Oscar moved backwards slowly and Dan untied the rope from around his wrist.

They looked to the KORPS agent that was still in the room. He had his back to the boys and his gun in his hands. Oscar and Dan got up slowly. Singling the boys split and walked separate ways. Oscar set his base wide and then in a split second knocked the mans feet from undreath him. Whilst that happened Dan kicked his gun out of his hands. Oscar then kicked the man in the side of the head and the man stopped moving. Unconscious.

Opening the door Oscar,peered down the empty corridor. Looking to his watch. There was two minutes until the bell for break. The closet was at the other end of the school. The other KORPS agent would be returning,but then so would the Grand Mistress. The boys opened the door and ran towards the closet. Just as they arrived the school bell rang. Slipping into the room. They pulled the lever and the lift started to go down. Their uniforms replaced with Black spy uniforms. They both smiled. The doors opened and they were met with a worried looking Frank.

"What happened?"He asked.

"KORPS,they were looking for Oscar." Dan said.

Frank paled.

"That's what the mission is about,now everybody is present we can start discussing." he said.

"Oscar,your mother. Works for KORPS. As I'm sure you are aware. KORPS want you for your skills and languages. We need to make sure that you have kept safe. Kerri and Zoe. You know that you were made by KORPS. You rescued yourselves by breaking out. Now you need to stay here. If KOPRS got a hold of you,the country would be destroyed."

"Now team,this mission is dangerous. You need to go in KORPS and investigate. In particular you need to steal these files. These are located on the Grand Mistress desk."

Pointing to the screen there were three files. Oscar,Kerri and Zoe.

"KORPS are looking for you three,they will do anything to find you. We need a well formed plan. "

"Actually" Dan said.

"KORPS couldn't work out who was who between me and Oscar it was quite wired actually."

"Bingo" Frank said.

"Dan,you will pass off as Oscar if anybody manages to get a hold of you. Protect Oscar."

"Dan,Oscar,Blane,Anehsia,Keri,Zoe,Carrie" Break into KORPS and retrieve the files. Work out the roles between yourselves."

"What Do you mean they escaped?" The Grand Mistress screamed. She had been making her way to St Harvey's when she had received a nervous phone call telling her that the two boys had escaped. How hard could it be to keep a hold of two boys. They were only school boys. Everybody had been shown the brief. Oscar Cole should have been noticed.

Screaming to her driver to return back to base. She dialed a number. After a few rings the voice answered.


"The boys escaped. We will post several people at the school to catch them when they indeed make an appearance but I'm returning back."

"We need this boy"

"I understand but they didn't catch him."

"How hard is it to catch a boy. A young boy managed to outsmart two grown men."

"There was another boy."

"Another boy"

"Another boy who looked just like Oscar."

"Find him too,he could prove useful."

"Yes sir."

The team crouched outside of KORPS.

"How are we splitting?" Carrie asked.

"We should go boys and Girls." Dan said.

"Okay? We are going to find this file and you are going to find the others. I doubt they will be together." Dan added.

The boys made there way around to the front of the building. The door was locked from the inside. Touching his ear pod he called for Tom.

"Tom,can you unlock this door?"

He scanned the door with his spy-pod giving Tom a grid and pad.

Tom typed all possible codes in and started to code break. There were only three possibilities left. Finally after moments of silence. Tom cracked the code.

"Code is 3456" he said.

Blane typed it into the door and it clicked open. The boys opened the door and entered. The place was huge. Walking cautiously in they came to a board. It had a lot of different departments on it and they scanned it until they found what they were looking for.

"Department of Suspects." Third Floor. The boys found the stairwell and climbed it quietly. It was quiet,a bit to quiet.

"Tom,"Is there anybody around here?" Blane asked.

Tom had up a map that showed signs of movement.

"You three are the only movement I have picked up. Apart from the girls,who I have tracked to around the other side."

"It shouldn't be this easy." Blane said.

Oscar and Dan turned around.

"What do you mean?" They asked.

"Well,you know. In spy movies. The bad guys are always waiting you know. This seems almost" He paused.

"Boring?" Tom said over the radio.

The group laughed.

"Where next Tom?"

"Along the corridor. There should be a room with a glass there Oscar file should be sitting. If the room isn't empty. Don't go in,there is no point in all of you getting captured for a file."

The group cautiously walked along the landing. Every door was Glass. Oscar rolled his eyes. This was helpful. The corridor was long and smelt of different perfumes. Finally the came to the end of the corridor and found the room. Dan took out his spy pod. Holding it against the door. Infrared showed their was someone inside.

"We need this file" Blane whispered.

"We can't go in there." Oscar said. "We promised."

"I'll go" said Blane. "I'm not important."

"You are" Dan said.

Blane stood up slowly his hands against the glass. He took his hands off the glass to see they were sweaty. They had left marks on the glass. Taking a hold of the golden handle. He pushed open the door. It creaked slightly. Peering around the door he saw there was nobody in. He quietly slipped in closing the door. The room was large and spacious. There was a table near the window which was neat and tidy. The window behind it was huge. The windows clean and smear free. The rest of the room was as big. The walls were painted white and there was a clock on the far wall ticking. A safe lay open. Blane went over to investigate. Filing through the items he saw nothing with the mention of Oscar. He quickly crossed over to the desk and picked up the folder lying there. He opened the cover and saw a picture of St Harvey's notes were scribbled against them. There were freshly written. Blane could smell the pen. He leafed through them until he seen a picture. It was Oscar. Then Dan. He looked at them in surprise. He read the notes attached. Oscar was wanted to join KORPS. They were trying to work out who Oscar was,Dan or Oscar. He laughed. Then he read the other notes. They were going to take St Harvey's to random until they got what they wanted. He needed to warn them. He picked up the files and turned around. Jumping back in surprise. There was a woman standing in front of him. She was tall and slender. He hair Black and long cascading down her back. She had a fringe cut over her head until her eyebrows. She smiled. Her perfect white teeth shinny underneath her red lips. She wore a long dress black with red attached to it. She turned her head to the side.

"What are you doing in my office?" she purred.

Blane stared at her.

She walked forwards and ripped the folder out his hands.

"You seem to be here for this" she said answering her own question.

"You mean to foil my plans" "We can't have that" She pressed a button. Lights started to flash and the air was full of the noise of deafening alarms.

Blane ran forward stealing back the folder. He ran out of the office. Dan and Oscar were nowhere to be seen. He took off the way he had been first. Running down the corridor. Doors opened and people came out. Blane tried to turn to run the way he had came he ran into a large uniformed man. He struggled to get away from him. He needed to tell Tom.

"Tom" he yelled.

Tom had heard the conversation between Blane and the Grand Mistress and looked to Frank worriedly. Frank looked at the screen.

"Help him"

"I really can't" Tom said frantically typing on his keyboard. Suddenly the screen froze. Tom sighed,typing to try and recover the work but nothing the screen shook and static rang through his headset.

Blane struggled against the men dragging him back up the corridor he had ran down. The folder limp in his hand. He pulled himself left and right,but no difference was made. His trainers scrapping along the floor. The Crime Mistress was standing in her room waiting. She knew the boy wouldn't get far. Blane was roughly thrown to the floor. Bending down the Crime Mistress grabbed Blane's face between her long white fingers. She ripped the file from him and handed Turning his head to the left and to the right. He was clearly not Oscar. Or this other Daniel child. He wasn't important but was included. He couldn't leave,he'd seen the files.

"What's your name?" She asked.

Blane said nothing.

She smiled.

"You'll talk in time."

Addressing the agents she said.

"Lock him up."

hey dragged Blane through the base. Everybody looked to him,with weird looks. Pulling him down a flight of stairs the air suddenly got cold. There was a small room with a bolted door. Unlocking the door they threw Blane inside,locking the door behind him. He banged his fists against the door. How was he going to get out of here?

Thank you,don't forget to review!