Disclaimer: I don't own anything related with or to 'Dominion' like characters etc. I am just a fan of the show/plot.
M note: This chapter is going to be all about Alex and his mourning, telling Bixby about it. The story should begin to progress into some romance in later chapters.
'O God, Whose property is always to have mercy and to spare, we humbly beseech Thee for the soul of Thy servant..which Thou hast this day commanded to depart out of this world.
That Thou wouldst not deliver it into the hands of the enemy, nor forget it unto the end, but wouldst command it to be received by the Holy Angels and conducted to Paradise.
As in Thee it hath hoped and believed. It may not suffer the pains of hell, but may take possession of eternal joys.
Through Christ our Lord.
Alex walks into the room glad that the nurse left. He wants to be alone for what he has to say.
Mustering what courage he can because this is going to take all of it.
"Bixby..I..uh." He can't get the words out. Can't breathe for that matter. "My..a V-1." He feels like shit. No that word cannot begin to cover it. He doesn't know what to say. That he failed her, that he is sorry.
That he loves her and will forever be grateful that he met her because even though they didn't spend much time together she is without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to him.
That she is his strength and thanks to her he has courage. That without her here a part of him has died with her.
All of it.
He doesn't know. All he knows is that she is gone and he misses her.
Nothing he can say will bring her back to his arms. No amount of prayer is going to make her breathe anytime soon but he hasn't lost faith in God because he knows it.
Can feel it in his gut. His soul.
He will see her again when the time comes so for now she is just going to wait in Heaven.
Wait for his mission to end and no matter what comes his way, what he endures. Nothing, absolutely nothing will compare to what-how he is feeling now.
Moving quickly towards the doors he is suddenly stopped by a doctor with a pen and clipboard.
He looks at the pathologist at least that is what he is assuming that is what his job title is and tries again.
"Hey, I'm Alex. I called this place earlier about Bixby Lannon. I am here to see the results of the autopsy. To see her. Before the ceremony takes place."
They are going to cremate her, give her an honorable burial because he knows if for some reason Michael doesn't allow it, give them the 'go ahead' Claire will.
He looks at the guy who is looking at him for a second then setting his stuff down. Returning to face his computer to find the information he is looking for.
"Autopsy..let's see. Don't see, oh right the V-1 kid? There wasn't one done on her. She's not a priority. More are to come according to the news. I've got to prepare." He looks at the door, clearly speaking the universal tongue. Saying 'would you get out' without an actual word to it.
"What?! Under whose order." Alex would have been concerned about what this doctor was implying by saying that more people, dead bodies are underway here because of the news. What? But no he doesn't care about them or that right now.
"Ms. Thorn. She said you were welcome to seek her out if you wanted. Now if you could please find your way out. I've got work to do. Unlike some..." He looks at the way Alex is dressed and it is obvious that this man is from the Archangel Corps. Thinking 'so this is what a Special Forces agent looks like' but dismissing the thought a moment later.
"All I want is a few minutes alone with her then." Alex doesn't know if it's allowed to gift a V-2 this right but he is still a soldier for Vega. A good one at that. A little special treatment isn't what he's ever looked for or wanted because he likes to get what he gives.
Nothing more or less. In this instance however he wants the exception made. Needs it done.
"No, sorry. Cant do that." The guy looks a little remorseful and he probably is but he supposed he has to keep it professional. That he's not going to break the rules for him and he doesn't want to accept that, just can't.
"I just want a moment to say goodbye to my fucking daughter. If it's too much to ask I-" Alex stops talking and tries to keep his mouth shut and emotions in check. Raising his voice and in that tone is obviously way too threatening and it will land him in prison if he knows how it goes and he does.
What good would that do him? He would miss out on saying what he wants to his little girl and he would regret it for the rest of his life.
"I um..okay, well. Compelling argument. I'll give you all the time you need." He doesn't mean it both know he's going to have to get back to his job sooner than later but he can spare a few minutes.
That he is either doing this because he doesn't want to get his ass kicked or that he just wants to give him a brief moment alone.
Either way he is thankful.
Once the man is gone. He walks over to the cold chambers and opens the one the doctor had instructed.
"Growing up in the way, time I did..in this life knowing what I know. Doing what I do. I know it is inevitable, death. Children, adults, well people of all ages die. All the time too. Sometimes people get more attention than others when that happens but it doesn't matter. It's all the same in the end. You're born with nothing and leave the way you came, without a thing."
This isn't helping. He thought it would but he's crying now and his heart is breaking further because doing this. Saying these words out loud aren't making it less real. If anything it's finally hitting him, settling in.
He's lost. He will not ever see her again and there was so much she did not get to experience.
Mistakes. Freedom. The good things about life, the bad, the in between.
Seeing the ocean in person or running in a field of flowers, having a snow fight.
Children in general should not have to die he knows that it happens, will keep happening until Judgment Day. It's unfortunate and worst of all unfair.
But he misses her above anything else, anyone because he knows her.
"Never again will I see your beautiful smiles or catch glimpses of Noma and Ethan chase you around this town while I'm on duty. I- you won't jump on my back for piggyback rides when you say you're too tired or just not wanting to walk."
He is looking at her and it feels real but then it doesn't so he is fooling himself because he is still expecting her to wake up.
For someone, anyone of the doctors to have made a mistake when pronouncing her time of death.
"You won't be able to reach out for my hand when you're scared because of nightmares or a bad dream kept you awake and I won't ever hear your voice again. Saying that you are going to eat all of your food so that one day you will..so that you would be as strong as me."
Alex looks at his hands and steadies himself. He is going to get through this. He has to for her sake.
His own sanity.
"That one day you would be someone valuable to the community so that I wouldn't have to work so hard. But deep down I have faith that knew you were, still are. Always will be the most important person to me."
He wipes at his face and he is terrified of letting go. Of one day forgetting her voice, laugh. Her face.
"Because I might have taken you for granted on more than one occasion. Thinking you'd always be there. And yet even though you won't be physically anymore. You will always be in my heart. I should have at least taken a day off to spend with you but I just wanted you to be a happy child. To have it better off than I did. To be happy even if you were in the middle of the Apocalypse."
"I love you but wait for me until I'm done here, okay. Angels are watching me and the date of the world is on my shoulders but it doesn't matter because you're in Paradise, saving me a seat on one of those fabled fully functioning rollercoasters or whatever else you want. I just remember how excited you got when Michael had mentioned such a thing existed once upon a time."
Alex kisses her forehead and breathes. Stands a little straighter even though his legs feel wobbly and unsteady.
It's time. He is going to start reciting the prayer for the dead. Without it her soul can't get into Heaven and he won't have that.