When he was a child Naruto could remember having complained endlessly over Sasuke's decision to live in such a secluded area. After having explored the range of forest that his guardian had allowed him to roam without supervision five times over he'd quickly grown bored with playing by himself and had always wished that there were more children around his neighborhood to keep him company.

Now though, as he lay sprawled on his back on top of the largest rock at the highest point of his trout stream, he couldn't have been more grateful for this amazing acre of land that he and Sasuke shared all to themselves. He breathed in deeply, lungs expanding to jut out his chest, and then let it out in a long and content sigh. The familiar smell of wet grass and pine tress filling his senses and the easy decent of water running smoothly over the rocks of the stream relaxing him completely and he was barely even aware of the steady drooping of his eyelids.

He sighed again in contentment and appreciated this rare opportunity of a little alone time. It was the first time that he'd been completely alone all week; and what a hectic week it had been. Naruto's emotions had been running haywire over the past few days as he came to terms with all that he'd put himself through to reacquaint himself with a past that was probably better left forgotten.

There had been relief of course. He was home, safe and secured under the protection of his precious guardian again. Most important though was the relief of absence of all secrecy and longing that had been driving him and Sasuke apart. There was nothing left to hide. No more fear of life altering revelations holding them back. The young human and his guilt-ridden guardian turned significant other were simply doing their best to move on. Naruto doing the best to encourage his love to let go of his guilt and trying to ease himself of his own at the same time.

There was definitely a lot of guilt on his part. He was guilty and ashamed of what he had put his family through. He'd cried with Iruka when the man had pulled him into his arms, a brief reunion as he'd been dragged into the arms of Sakura, then Ino only seconds later. He'd sat quietly under Tsunade's strict scolding for the first time in his life without interrupting with smart-ass remarks, defiance, rebellion, and absolute statements of his own justification.

He'd suffered suffocation, had literally choked, after she'd crushed him to her large bosom in between insanely strong arms moments later. His uncles, Gaara, Itachi, Kiba, and Neji more strictly than others, had taken to giving him the silent treatment. Not for his little runaway escape, they were giving Sasuke the treatment for that bit, but felt slightly betrayed as if he'd completely taken Kabuto's side.

Naruto had thought it ridiculous but after all he'd put them through he figured it wouldn't hurt to humor them. It hasn't lasted too long though because even though he'd experienced a bit of fear the first day he'd encountered Kabuto in the hallways at school, walking along side of a blushing Haku, he still felt that his uncles had no right to ninja-stalk him throughout his day, extra precaution be damned.

He'd been in class, doodling distractedly on his notebook when he'd shivered, the strange feeling of being watched causing goose bumps to run up his arms. He turned sharp blue eyes to the large window planted of the left wall of his classroom and had spotted him instantly. Shikamaru, in all his passive glory stood leaning lazily against a tree in the public park across the street. He was lazily alternating a cigarette from his mouth, down to rest at his sides as he lazily excelled the poisonous gas from his lungs, and back to his mouth again when he was ready for another drag. The ass had the nerve to nod his way when he'd caught Naruto's mortified stare, too damn lazy to bother hiding!

He'd given them all hell for that the moment he'd gotten home. He and Itachi had gone at it like two teenaged girls for half an hour. Itachi throwing his run away escapade in his face like he was entitled to invade in on Naruto's life now (a low blow). Naruto making offending comments on the quality of Itachi's hair (a double low blow) that were completely untrue (Itachi had great hair). It ended in a truce and Naruto having to console his uncle that, yes the shampoo that he was using was completely fine and that no he was lacking in either luster or shine.

Naruto sighed deeply as he stretched out on the surprisingly comfortable rock bed he was lying against. He barely noticed that he'd rolled over onto his side in the mist of his musing. Nor did he register the deep yawn that fled his mouth so lost was he in the memories of his stressful week.

Nothing that he'd experienced yet could compare to how he and Sasuke were handling the new development in their relationship. They were practically walking on eggshells around each other as they explored newly opened doors and tested boundaries. A tan hand resting lightly over a hard bicep would have Naruto's fingers trembling slightly at the intimacy of that small act alone. Long nimble fingers brushing along the smooth expanse of tan cheeks never failed send Naruto's heart into frenzy. Especially when Sasuke would lean forward slowly -so fucking slow- and run those fingers down to brush them over pouting lips. He strummed Naruto's heart like an instrument and the boy wasn't quite sure if he loved the feel of the organ clenching painfully in chest when Sasuke would tuck a lose strand of gold behind his ear. He wasn't sure if he loved the way his pulse would accelerate excitedly every time Sasuke leaned in just a little bit closer. He couldn't really figure out if he loved the feel of the ridiculous control the elder man held over his heart or if he hated it because he knew that Sasuke could hear every clinch, every acceleration, and every stop of his most vital organ and knew without a doubt that he was the very cause of it all. And finally, he was left undecided over the decision to either smack that extremely pleased, down right cocky, egotistical, undeniably… sexy smirk off of his face, or if he'd rather just kiss it off instead.


It was always a strange feeling for Naruto, to wake up without any remembrance of ever having fallen asleep. Subconsciously, he was aware of being lifted so easily that he was barely disturbed out of his slumber. The cool chill of blowing wind though proved to be a good enough reason to pull Naruto back into the physical world. The hard body that he had been cradled against was much to cool to offer any warmth but was so pleasantly familiar that Naruto could have fallen back to sleep easily with just the comfort of knowing that he was secured in Sasuke's strong and protective arms.

He realized that he must have fallen asleep atop the trout stream and had been there for at least an hour considering the fact that the sun was only minutes from retiring for the night. In one smooth motion Sasuke had leapt from the large rock and back to level with the trail that lead back to their home without so much as shifting Naruto's body from where he lay bridal against his chest. With a loud yawn, Naruto stretched his body out in exaggerated movement not caring that he was causing Sasuke inconvenience when he had to move to accommodate his arms to the boy's squirming body.

"Hmmm Suke." *yawn* "Mmm hungry." Blue eyes -watery and shinning from his nap- locked onto the adoring blacks of his guardian as he looked down at his still spoiled charge. By now the two had already made it home, Sasuke walking through the open door, Naruto lounging as he was carried into the kitchen. He was made to sit on the counter with his guardian leaning over him, hands resting on either side of Naruto's hips.

His heart clenched in his chest, reacting immediately to what he knew was leading into one of their explorative intimate moments. Sasuke picked up on the change in pace instantly, that smirk tilting his thin lips. Smug bastard. He leaned in closer -closer still- the smirk breaking into a full on cocky grin when Naruto's pulse went hyper. He chose not to comment on the elder's newly inflated ego in favor of counting the seconds that it took for the few inches left in between them to finally cease to non. It seemed though, that his guardian had something new in mind for tonight.

A startled gasp left his lips at the rare sight of Sasuke's fangs - four sharp and gleaming pointed teeth- protruding from the top and bottom of both sides of his mouth. It startled Naruto because the man had always been cautious when it came down to showing Naruto his "darker side" for reasons unknown seeing as the rest of the family had absolutely no qualms with baring their teeth at each other in front of him the moment their little secret was out. But it was always a rare sight that Naruto would catch a hint of light reflecting off of the daggers growing out of the punctures of Sasuke's gums.

And it always left Naruto breathless and excited to be met with something so lethal. It terrified him because he'd only known Sasuke to be gentle –stern and commanding when the occasion called for it- but caring and loving was the norm. But fascination played the bigger part when he was meet with this side of his guardian. Maybe he had some sort of attraction for the "bad boy" type, and Naruto knew without a doubt that Sasuke could be just that. He knew enough about his past to know that Sasuke was exactly that in all of his years of roaming this earth alone. He was dangerous…and damn was Naruto getting a thrill from this moment.

He wasn't even aware of Sasuke's searching eyes as the man studied his every reaction. He was too distracted by the sight of Sasuke smiling dangerously down at him through those lethal weapons in a way that was oddly seductive -insanely sexy on his attractive face- and Naruto was so dazed that he was only subconsciously aware of said attractive man edging closer and closer. Sasuke locked his chin in between his thumb and forefinger, titling his head up until he was staring into intense onyx. "You're hungry huh?" Naruto sucked in a deep breath -when had he stopped breathing?- and could only answer with a slow blink of his eyes.

He followed obediently when Sasuke -with the grip that he still held on his chin- turned his head slightly to the right and leaned closer so that his nose was buried in Naruto's neck. "So am I." The younger Uchiha shuddered at the feel of Sasuke's front teeth gently nibbling at his pulse.

In the back of his mind, Sasuke noted that this was the furthest that they had ever taken their intimacy. Taking things slow had their perks because every time he'd introduce his charge to something new, he can revel in the light blushes that dusted Naruto's cheeks beautifully every time. Even more than that though was the boy's eagerness to participate and learn.

Like now, he wasn't retreating. He was in fact delighted to hear the boy respond breathlessly with, "how fast would it heal?" Easily catching on the not-so-subtle implication and Sasuke was almost besides himself to hear the boy responding positively to the idea.


Naruto swallowed. Hard.

"Will it hurt?"

"...Yes, a little. It can be as painless or as painful as I please. Once you get past the initial sting of penetration of course."

He breathed in deeply from his position at Naruto's neck, letting the scent of warm caramel andmapples cloud his mind for only a second, his eyes flashing from ebony to blood red and back.

"…Naruto" There was an equal amount of strain and lust seeping out of Sasuke's voice. Persuasion, though, stood out the most. It was insane to think that Sasuke could persuade someone into wanting something that would only benefit himself, and make them want it just as badly. There was no resistance to his charm. People had willingly fallen victim to this man at the very cost of their lives.

"For eighteen years my self control has been nothing short of impeccable as I've denied myself even the slightest moment to entertain the thought of tasting you... But your scent... it's everywhere."

Pale fingers reached up to twine with the dainty ones resting on his shoulder.

"In my home. At my work."

His grip around those fingers tightened to a degree that borderlined painful.

"In my bed." Naruto simply would not outgrow his fear of thunder.

"It'll never stop seducing me Naruto. And it wasn't until I had finally figured out my feelings for you -and even later after I'd accepted them- that I'd allowed myself to fantasize..."

Naruto was very aware of the deep breaths that Sasuke took from the way that lips were pressed so intimately against his collarbone, cool air blowing and seeping into the collar of his button up shirt.

The shiver racking his spine had nothing to do with the chill.

"I know you'd taste amazing -the warmth of your flesh, your blood- would feel so amazing. He'd had gone deeper in sharing with Naruto his fantasies in great detail but then Naruto had whispered -without any hesitation- "do it."

Sasuke -charged with eighteen years of grueling self restraint- wasn't going to risk any second-guessing by asking for assurance. He trailed his fingers -slowly and languidly, down a tan arms until they came to rest on the trembling hand that still lay flat on the counter. He intertwined those delicate limbs with his own and brought them up only to release them after he'd coaxed the boy into holding onto his other shoulder.

"Remember, the penetration is going to be a little more than uncomfortable at first. Just hold on to me. I got you." Naruto nodded once in mock assurance, though he was sure that he'd end up barfing butterflies at any moment. His grip tightened around his guardian as cool finger lifted to undo the buttons of his shirt. A tongue rolled out to stroll over dry lips before making a hasty and shy retreat when Sasuke's eyes followed the movement intently. The teasing smirk that followed was soon placed over his hyperactive pulse, but was chased away when Sasuke released a tortured groan that nearly had his partner groaning in return. A tender kiss to his sensitive skin was his last warning before he felt the sharp edge of something deadly press gently against his neck.

A little more than uncomfortable turned out to be a little more than an understatement. A pained gasp sounded the air and Naruto had to grip hard on Sasuke's shoulders just to keep from jerking away. Those fangs were ripping straw-hole sized punctures into his neck, ripping through his skin -however smooth the action was rather painfully. But he endured it nonetheless and was rewarded with the feel of cool fingertips running under his shirt -traveling up the smooth expanse of his toned stomach- and brushing against dusty nipples. He gasped again -this time in surprised pleasure- and called out Sasuke's name breathlessly.

The elder Uchiha almost missed it, so far gone was he in a haze of taste and sensation. It was everything he'd dreamed it to be and more. The rushing of Naruto's blood flowing a steady stream through the punctures in his neck into his mouth to caress the taste buds on his tongue, and down his throat where it lost itself into his own bloodstream, it was amazing. The rich taste of something of the same nature but far more delectable than that of caramel and apples pulled a starved moan from his lips.

Frightened shivers racked Naruto's body when that moan turned into a predatory growl from somewhere deep in Sasuke's chest, but the thrill only contributed to his pleasure. He whimpered helplessly as those lips latched onto the skin around their joining as Sasuke sucked harder at his life source. His guardian growled again and bucked his hips forward violently colliding them with Naruto's, who could only throw his legs around the man's hips and cling on for dear life.

It was only after Naruto had started to feel more than a little lightheaded that Sasuke let up. The feeling of loose fingers trailing weakly off of his shoulders reminding him that he could only afford a sample. It physically hurt him to withdraw, and had he been feeding from anyone other than the child he held in his arms who's life meant more to him than anything, he definitely wouldn't have.

He ran his tongue over the wombs -watching as his saliva healed them instantly- and savored Naruto's taste on his tongue all the while. "So fucking good... you taste... heavenly... Naruto." He pulled away until he was staring the panting boy in his face.

"My angel."

And then he was kissing him, slow and sensual, long and deep. All traces of blood had been wiped away and drained into Sasuke's system but for a hint of what Naruto could only describe as a copper aftertaste. Naruto couldn't really agree on him tasting 'heavenly' but the feel of Sasuke's lips against his lips, tongue sliding along his tongue, fingers rubbing soothing circles into his back, heavenly was definitely what he would use to describe the moment.

His eyes slipped closed, both from the feel of Sasuke's tongue doing unspeakable things in his mouth, and because he simply didn't have the energy to keep them open any longer. It took quite a bit of effort for him to raise his arms to bury his hands in ebony locks, but still he managed.

Somewhere in his subconscious, the young Uchiha was vaguely aware that he was being lifted, but he damn right refused to tear his mouth away from the addicting lips attached to his own. That was okay though, because the elder wouldn't let up either, even as he carried his drowsy angel out the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom.

Inwardly he cursed himself for having taken more than he intended. He disposed of his burden gently onto his own satin sheets and watched amused as Naruto struggled to catch up with his surroundings. Lidded blue eyes shifted once to the left, right, and then upward to focus on his hovering guardian as his fingers spread out into the smooth converter beneath.

"Suke," he drawled tiredly. A spoiled pout jutted his bottom lip, and Sasuke watched with interest as red slowly begin to fill Naruto's cheeks again restoring that natural flush. "I told you that… I was hungry."

Sasuke chuckled quietly -more content and happy than he could ever remember being- before leaning down to press tender kisses all over his face until weak hands batted him away. "I would feed you, but love I don't think that you could stay awake long enough for me to fix you something- or long enough to eat it at that."

Behind those tanned eyelids, Sasuke was sure that blue eyes were glaring defiantly. If Naruto could be bothered to open them, he'd have been blessed with the most sincere smile that he'd ever known to grace that handsome face.

"Fine, but… I want Ramen… tomorrow."





"… I love you."

The corners of Naruto's lips tilted into a soft smile and when he reached out blindly –searching- Sasuke wasted no time in guiding that hand until it cupped around the outline of his jaw and rested against his cheek. A slight tug was all that was needed before he felt the slight pressure of thin lips against his own.

"You to Suke… You to."