Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Any characters and/or familiar plots in this fan fiction belong to Akira Amano. Anything unfamiliar with the audience belongs to me.
Chapter 13
"Sunny! Sunny!" If Monday's shouts didn't alert me to her impending arrival, her ecstatic stomps sure did.
The door opened with a bang!, the sound making me jump despite being mentally ready for the intrusion. "What is it, Moony?" I asked, not bothering to look up from the blend I was working on.
"A new chapter of KHR came out! Look look! Do you think you could you draw me Tsuna, please? Please please? He's my favorite!" I glanced at the tablet in Monday's hands, identifying the art style as manga, and looking away.
"I have a project due later this week, Moony." I said in excuse (which was true), pointedly swiping my palette knife across the canvas, "I'll see if I have anything after that, but if not, sure. As for payment…" I looked up, smirking, "How does two week's allowance sound?"
She pouted, the action making me nearly laugh. "Again?" She whined, as if it was unfair of me to charge her for my hard work. "I wasn't able to buy the new merch that came out last week—"
"Well, I painted that character you like on your wall so…" And god, had she been breathing down my neck the entire time for that.
Not going to lie though, that came out really good...
Her pout intensified, and it was actually cute this time. Her internal conflict was amusing to watch, but if she wasn't going to budge… "You can always ask one of Mother's friends to paint it for you instea—"
"No!" She shouted, nearly startling me out of my stool. She huffed. "I like your paintings the best…" She mumbled, looking annoyed.
I blinked, touched and amused at her antics. "Fine. A week's worth of allowance and I get to choose where we're vacationing this year. Deal?"
She growled deep in her throat, looking like a bristling kitten. "Fine." She ground out, looking like the word had pained her mouth, "as long as you don't pick a place just for it's art exhibit—"
She saw the grin on my face.
Could you blame me?
For teasing her?
A shiver ran up my spine, and I stopped—right in the middle of the hallway.
I waited, trying to feel for what had made me shudder.
But the flow of traffic in the hallway continued uninterrupted, so after five minutes of nothing I continued, picking up my pace to get to the Reception Room. We had a meeting today, and I was already late.
Maybe now's a good time to tell Kyōya someone has been following me these past few months…? I hadn't been sure at first, but as of late, it had been so frequent and present I've even told Kusakabe about it.
Of course, I told him not to tell Kyōya at all or else he'd go off without proper evidence but—
"Yo, sorry I'm extremely late," I announced, sliding open the door, "A lame third year held me up—"
I froze, taking in the utter chaos of the room. There were five bodies at the doorway, two against the wall and—
"S-Senpai?" Oh god, he looked like he was about to cry.
I frowned at the lone figure standing in the middle of the room, "Kyōya, what the hell is going on—?"
"They won't wake up." He said, as I stepped over the "corpses" blocking the doorway. "I hit them to make sure of that." I looked up, trying to identify who he was talking about.
And noticed whose head of spiky black hair leaning against the wall was.
"Holy shit, is that Takeshi?" I nearly shrieked, hurrying to his side to check his pulse.
"S-Senpai, are they…?" Tsuna sniffed, and the sound made me look up.
He was terrified. Too terrified to finish that sentence properly. Somehow, it softened me a bit. That he cared so much.
"It's extremely okay, Sawada-mouse," I said, leaning forward to place a hand on his wrist. I waited for him to look at me before continuing, "I'll call an ambulance, okay? They're not hurt enough to extremely need one, but they've been knocked around pretty good. And it's… more of an extreme customary procedure at this point."
He sniffed again, blinking rapidly for the tears to go away. As he did so, I looked up at Kyōya, trying—and failing—to decipher his facial expression.
Tsuna tensed under my hand, and my neck snapped to him in alarm. He was looking over my shoulder at the window, and his panicky expression made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
I spun, heart picking up its pace and adrenaline spiking to make eye contact with—
A baby. In a fedora.
I blinked.
He raised a gun.
There was a Bang! that was too familiar and made my heart drop to my stomach because—
I inhaled—
The bullet missed—
And caught Tsuna's forehead over my shoulder.
Time slowed…
My heart with it—the sound of it throbbed in my ears...
"UWOOOOOOOO! I'll beat you up as if I were to die!"
I couldn't breathe.
Was I breathing?
No. I wasn't.
I inhaled, the force of it choking me. I tried exhaling, and my lungs shuddered violently.
I blinked, hoping the action would somehow right whatever was shifting me—
It did. Kind of.
"Fool!" I came back into awareness as Sawada Tsunayoshi hit Hibari Kyōya upside the head with—
A slipper.
A slipper.
A motherfucking slipper—
"Hey…" Kyōya breathed, and the word alone made me want to run—
I was suddenly awake.
"Can I kill you…?"
"Sawada!" I warned, because there was no way Tsuna who couldn't even touch me yesterday could—
"That's enough."
The… baby…?
His face made my heart start pounding again.
The same baby that had shot a bullet into a room filled with four children—
Who had clearly aimed at the boy over my shoulder and hadn't hesitated to aim it—
"You're strong after all," he smirked, and the expression made something inside of me twist because what the actual fuck—
"I don't know who you are," Kyōya said, a deathly glare on his face—one that I hadn't seen for a while, "But I'm very much irritated right now. Would you sit there and wait for me?"
Something inside of me knotted, because Kyōya wasn't the type of person to make empty threats. He wasn't the type to go easy, either. If he saw potential, he went for it.
So for him to say that to a baby— Granted, the baby seemed to be speaking fluently and had just shot a bullet at me and a fourteen year old boy but—
Something about this wasn't adding up—
Kyōya swung, and I tensed. For what, I didn't know but—
The baby blocked Kyōya's tonfa.
The baby.
To Kyōya's tonfa.
"Wow," Kyōya breathed, and the sound alone struck me.
Because I had so rarely heard such a sound of wonder leave Kyōya's lips before that hearing it right now astounded me—
"You're amazing."
He… complimented him?
I shuddered.
"Let's break up." The baby said, and in any other situation I would have laughed at the humor but—
Kyoya tensed before turning towards me with a, "Ryō—"
I woke up to Kyōya's scent.
It was a clean scent that reminded me of Leilei Suzume and Kyōko and that crazy ridiculously delicious tea Kyōya could make and…
I inhaled—to let Kyōya know I was awake, even though I was pretty sure he knew that already.
I grunted when I opened my eyes, the golden tones of the setting sun piercing my retinas. I adjusted my arms to wrap around Kyōya's shoulders to bury my face into his neck and better hide from the light.
"Whut hppnd?" I mumbled against his skin, trying to remember.
I vaguely remembered Tsuna and Yamamoto and—
A baby.
A shiver ran down my spine. And I was suddenly awake.
"A bomb went off." He answered shortly, and I grunted again, this time in acknowledgement.
"Are the boys extremely okay?" I asked, tilting my face away to place my chin on his shoulder.
He shrugged, the action jarring my jaw a little bit, but I stubbornly replaced it. The motion was going to be the most I would get from him, so I reminded myself to text Kusakabe later. Which left me at thoughts of how I didn't like how this all had progressed, because it left a deep deep feeling of apprehension working at my gut.
"What is he?" I whispered, too scared to say the words any louder.
Kyōya seemed to be thinking about it, and I said nothing as he did.
Instead, I focused on the muscles of his back—at the way his body swayed, at his hands under my thighs, at the power I could feel from his skin.
My hand traced patterns on his chest, as if I was drawing. As if I was sketching.
As if I was painting again.
Something inside of me ached—
"He's an Arcobaleno." I raised my head, having hidden it slightly when thinking about my past.
I was strangely wistful today. Was it because that baby had tried to kill me?
Or because my nightmares have been hauntingly frequent lately?
"Arcobaleno." I echoed, my tongue feeling fat in my mouth at the foreign word. It was strangely familiar… "I've heard that before…"
From Hibari Souma? Leilei Suzume?
He grunted. "They're the strongest seven individuals in the world. Cursed into infants." A shiver ran down my spine at the words.
Cursed? That was…
Frightening. To an extreme sense.
"Strongest seven…" I echoed again, sighing.
That means that that baby, who had just aimed and shot a bullet at me…
He was dangerous.
And there were six more of him? Somewhere out there?
What kind of fucking monsters—?
"You're fine now. Walk home by yourself."
Kyōya dropped me—
The action was so sudden and unexpected I squawked as I landed on my ass.
"Holy fu—Kyōya!" I groaned, feeling sore all of a sudden. "Kyōya, wait, you little shit!"
He didn't.
That motherfucker.
Thanks to:
Nuvola De Demone (Ah, there's no set pairing as of yet, so there's no telling where it would go from here :))) , LeftNotRight (Thank you for reading!), Espeon35 (I wouldn't know if Hibari was on the rooftop or nah haha...), jazica (updated :) ), MiyuKazu (We shall see... :D ), thebingefangirl (no way! I've been very busy but I still think of all of my works constantly :( ), PlunnyBreeder (I'm gonna make it even harder for you, haaaa), Hermitaf (Thank you!), Allykrau (HEY! I've missed you :( ), AnimaQueen (I'm totally into that whole fem is older than male because the oppsite is so overplayed!), StormScripter (thank you so much for reading!), YuujouKami (lol, I honestly have no idea who's she's end up with, we're in for a wild ride :D ), UndeadHarlot (thank you! I like exploring different POVs), NinjaDemonAngel (thank you so much for reading!), low on battery (I really wanted Kyōko and the rest of the cast to actually be people? I love writing people with character and I couldn't stand how blank Kyōko is in cannon :( Literally all "powerful" female characters never seem strong enough to me, imo, at least I haven't read of any :( ), Aihi8 (hey! I love constructive criticism :) you're right in the whole yamamoto stuff, I honestly don't know how it came to be that way, but I will for sure elaborate on the relationship Ryōhei has with the committee and the other characters :) stay tuned!), Madam3Mayh3m (thank you so much for reading!), OfMiragesandOtherFalseTruths (mm, you're right about Ryōhei's will to die all the time. i'll try to expand more in the future :) ), ReadingnerdOtaku (Hana was a special in an alternate universe :) it was just one of the infinite posibilites since there's no set pairing), ChuChewy (yay!), Mary D. Black2000 (yeah~!), rickrossed (does this chapter answer your question?), Milkalette (possibly lol), Peristeria (there will be more mayhaps!), ahyeon (thank you so much for reading!), lacomtessa (I think this depends on the person, for me, I do that because I find certain scents really calming; you're not wrong in people smelling tho lol. I like breathing in my mom, because her smell if very comforting to me :) ), Seere Klein (how do you know Hibari was even there lol), NewandOld (thank you so much for reading! I missed you :( ), Stopdropanroll (thank you so much!), Choco-Latte64 (stay tune! there's no set pairing, so there's lots to see!), ShirazakiYami (yeah...we'll see), akagami hime chan (because), Vaughn Tyler (thanks), Rayakashi (thank you so much for reading! did this chapter answer your question?), Lioness32 (here we go), Menekoice123 (we shall see, haha), FabulousMoonie (thanks), skidney (thank you), Chibi Zel (everyone says that! i'm so bad at summaries :( ), Sparksofrandomness (how did this chapter make you feel, lol?), ItsKatfri (I tagged it femRyōhei tho!), BloodDDB (thank you so much for reading! how did this chapter make you feel?), dab-of-paint (thank you so much for reading!), Shiro-chan1827 (that sounds like a good idea! we shall see how it all goes tho, lol), (here we go), xCloudsAndDreamsx (ah... you made me not want to update with your pestering tho…?), voidmarijo (does this chapter answer your question?), ViDevLiaN (hey! I love you. thank you so much for being patient with me. fans like you make me want to update :) ), Annadidit (ryōhei really was underappreciated it, so I guess this fic came into fruition haha), Mitsuki04 (thank you so much for reading! i'm exited to write it all out too!)
Hello, fellow readers. Yes, I have updated.
I really have been busy and would like to reiterate that I have not stopped thinking about my lovely child :(
I did say I would post the Daily Life Arc in one chapter right? Uh... well it was reaching over 12 pages and I was not going to update that monster :))
So I decided that you guys have waited long enough, and I am working on the rest of the Daily Life Arc as I post this :)
I'm excited to get to the Mukuro Arc :))
Thinking of you all, lovelies