A/N: Last chapter for this year. (That's 2014, if anyone from the future is reading this.) Have an excellent day! Read and review, if you please.
For the second time today, I was sitting in a waiting room, bored out of my metaphorical gourd and waiting for help. This time, however, it was about one-thirty in the morning and I was dealing with a Pokemon emergency, rather than a creepy magician. I had been waiting for twenty minutes. My laptop had long since died, possibly as a result from getting dropped in the mud when I tried to drag Jimbo away from the Jigglypuff.
Groaning, I let my gaze drift toward the ceiling, then back to the selection games. Do I dare try to play a game of checkers? The pieces looked suspiciously moldy. I really don't feel like getting germs today. I already feel bad.
A door by Nurse Joy's desk opened and another Nurse Joy walked out. "Um, Jessica Milikan?" I raised my hand, feeling slightly stupid because no one else was in the room. Well, unless you count the bored-looking Nurse Joy already at the desk. I've always wondered how they interact with each other. Are they exactly the same or would they still be like a regular person? Wait, is it racist to say 'regular person?' Clone-ist? Oy, I really need some sleep.
The second Nurse Joy led me into the inner workings of the Pokemon center. It was filled with various clones, all working on Pokemon. Healing them, feeding them, giving them medicine, checking on their internal functions, etc. I even saw one grumpy-looking one holding a used bedpan. After a few more twists and turns, Nurse Joy took me into a corner office. Inside, the Jigglypuff, Ducklett, and Jimbo were in separate beds. The Jigglypuff had a few bandages, Jimbo had a fresh pad over his burn, and the Ducklett seemed to be okay. Upon seeing me, all of them started to chatter and squeal.
Nurse Joy sat down on a chair, pulling another one out for me. "Your Girafarig is okay. We checked on the burn and replaced the bandage. You did a good job with finding a patch for him at the time of the accident, but if it happens again, you should come right to us. Now, about the mood swings, it appears to be from the changed area. It's creating conflict between the two brains. Everything should be fine in a few days. Just keep away him away from any stress. Meanwhile, your Ducklett and Jigglypuff-"
Keep him away from stress? We're trying to train! I winced. "They're not my Pokemon. I tried to write it down on the emergency form, but the pen was running out of ink and my handwriting is really bad, um...yeah…" A long, horrifically awkward beat passed. I could hear someone coughing outside.
Nurse Joy smiled. "Okay, then. That doesn't really change anything. We are currently dealing with an issue-" More coughing from outside. Nurse Joy sighed. "That proves my point. A minor issue and it would be wonderful if you could take care of the Jigglypuff and Ducklett. They do not appear to have been captured at any point. They are not common to this region. Combining that with the Ducklett's attachment to the Jigglypuff, it appears that they bonded while in some kind of forced trading. It is possible that some Team Axel members forcibly captured them and left them here. We haven't heard anything about them near this region, but you can never be too careful. Now, Jigglypuff has some minor bruises, but they should be gone in two days. The Ducklett is nervous, but fine. Do you want to take them?"
I hesitated. I didn't want to risk any more conflicts between Jimbo and Jigglypuff, but it would be nice to have two more Pokemon. If I can't train with Jimbo, then I wouldn't be able to capture any other Pokemon unless I find, like, a Magikarp or something. You don't even need a Pokemon to capture one of them. "...Sure."
Nurse Joy smiled. "Excellent. You can take them home immediately. I suggest getting some sleep. You don't look well. Maybe try to search for Pokemon during the earlier times of day and bond during the later times. All trainers make this mistake, even the...older ones." Urrgh….
Jessica Milikan, Hard Luck Trainer
by MiscellaneousSoup
Ducklett, Jigglypuff, and Jimbo sat on separate cushions, carefully placed on the floor. The Ducklett huggled the Jigglypuff, glaring at Jimbo. Jimbo squeaked, looking remorseful. I was in my pajamas, on my bed, trying to destress with a funny YouTube video. "So…"
Jigglypuff glared at me. "Jigg. Jiggy-jigg puff."
"Yes, Jigglypuff. I'm guessing that you're talking about the video. That is a weird place to store pancakes. You are talking about that, right? I'm not the best at this."
"Jigg." He turned away to stare at the wall.
Sighing, I turned the video off. "Okay, everyone. Part of the bonding process includes naming your Pokemon, but all of us are very tired. Do you want to help pick out names and talk about things to do for fun tomorrow?"
Ducklett coughed. "Duck." It hopped up on my bed and snuggled next to me, cuddling my leg. Just as quickly, it went back to the pillow, falling asleep almost instantly.
"Okay, that was odd. You're affectionate." I reached out to pat the little guy (gal?), but the Jigglypuff waved me away. "Jiggly."
I awkwardly tried to pet it. "Okay, Jiggly." He glared at me. "Jiggles?" More glares. "Sir Puffington McJiggles?" Jigglypuff went back to staring at the wall. "Burt?" Jigglypuff made a sound that sounded like a vomiting Snorlax.
I turned off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness. The only light came from my glowing laptop. "Okay, everyone. I'm going to bed, but I want to play something for everyone. Do you want to listen to a story? More comedy?"
For the first time that night, Jigglypuff perked up. He motioned for me to set the laptop down, so I placed it on the floor. He started typing and some classical music started playing. "Jiggly-puff puff?"
It actually wasn't bad. It sounded soothing. Jimbo yawned and snuggled into his bed, the Jigglypuff jumped back into the cushion, and the Ducklett seemed to be having a good sleep. I guess they liked it. My head ached. Bedtime…Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
To be continued...