The heat from the shower melted away any and all kind of nerves that stirred inside me.

In eight hours, I'm going to be Mrs. Alaina Teller.

Well, I technically am because we already have the marriage liscense.

But to me, the ceremony will make it official.

It's not so much the getting married part that made me nervous.

It was the staying married part that made me nervous.

It seems like in this day and age, divorce is unusally common.

I don't want to be one of those couples that throw in the towel the moment shit gets hard.

I refuse to be.

I just hope Jax feels the same way.

He has been married before. What if our marriage won't be his last?

I heard the glass door to the shower close, and strong, familar hands rested on my hips.

"Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?"

Jax picked up my purple loofa, pouring my caress body wash on top of it.

"You do know that myth is bullshit, right?", he let the water run over the loofa, and began to scrub my back.

"If you say so," I turned around, entangling my arms around his neck.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. "

"Alaina, I love you, but you suck at lying. What's wrong?"

"You sure you want to marry me?"

"Of course I do. Why would you ask me something like that? You don't want to get married?"

" No, no I do. I'm only asking because, I've seen marriages take some serious hits, and they end in divorce. I really don't want to be that kind of couple."

"You're in luck because neither do I."


"Yeah. It's different this time around for me. I only married Wendy because I was lonely. I'm marrying you because I love you, and I want you to be my wife. I'm in this for the long hall."

I smiled, standing on my tippy toes to kiss him. He dropped the loofa at our feet, lifting me off the shower floor, pressing his mouth against mine. He continued to lift me until my legs were tightly wound around his waist. He pressed my back against the shower wall, both of us letting out a feral moan.

"Good answer, Teller."


"I'm in the living room, Gem."

Gemma walked into the living room where Alaina had Michael and Sophia on her lap, watching Keeping up with the Kardashians on tv.

"Why the hell are you making my grandkids watch this shit for," she asked, picking up the remote off of the wooden coffee table, turning the tv off.

"I'm teaching them how too much money makes you go batshit crazy. Plus, this show is my guilty pleasure."

"Seriously," Gemma asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

"Oh yeah. It's like when you pass a car accident on the highway. You can't not watch."

She smiled, putting her purse down on the table.

"Where's Abel?"

"Jax picked him up from school. He wanted to hang with him and the guys until the wedding."

" Okay. Oh, I've some great news. I was able to reach out to Elliot Oswald, and he is letting us use a piece of his land for the wedding and reception."

"Really? How do you know Elliot?"

"I'm an old lady, sweetheart. I know everyone."

"You sure I can't do anything to help?"

"No baby, I got everything covered. I even got you your wedding dress."

"What, how?"

"I stole your bridal magazines from your bedroom nighstand. You should know by now, you can never hide anything from me."


Jax put the tub of Vanilla ice cream and Hershey's chocolate syrup back in the fridge at Chibs's place.

"No more ice cream, buddy. That's your second bowl. If I give you any more sugar, you'll be awake for the rest of the year."

"No, not that."

"What is it?"

"Do I have to wear a suit again?"

Jax couldn't help but smile at his chocolate covered son's face.

"Do you want to?"


"Then, you don't have to. Now, eat up your ice cream before your uncle Bobby spots it."

Gemma started dressing her grandchildren for the upcoming nuptials on Alaina and Jax's bed.

She looked at the closed bathroom door.

"Alaina, come out. I want to see how great it looks on you."

The door opened, causing Gemma's jaw to drop.

The dress looked utterly breathtaking on Alaina.

The strapless dress had a heart shaped neckline that was beaded throughout the top that stopped at the waist, which made the dress flare out into a full gown that hit the floor.

"Is you being quiet a good thing?"

"You look beautiful. My son is going to mount you the moment you step up to that alter."

I started to blush, making my way back in the bathroom, trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do with my hair.

6:45 pm.

"You nervous, brother?", Chibs asked as he stood at the beautifully made up altar, looking over at his president

"You have no fucking idea. What I wouldn't give for a bottle of Jd and a joint."

"That could be arranged, ya know."

Gemma opened the white tent where Alaina was.

"You ready, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I am," I let out a deep breath before exiting the tent.

This was it.

Gemma took her seat next to where Nero was a few minutes ago.

"Neeta, where the hell is Nero?"

"I don't know. He just said he'll be right back."

"Wow. You look beautiful."

"Thank you, Nero. "

"I know your father isn't here to give you away, and I'm truly sorry for that. But, would you like me to stand in?"

I smiled, moving my arm around his.

"I'd love for you to stand in for my dad."

The wedding music started to play, making everyone turn their heads in my direction.

I felt my blood boil underneath my skin as I stared at the numerous members of the SOA stare at me.

"Relax," Nero whispered.

I nodded, directing my attention to Jax.

He looked so terribly handsome.

Not trying to sound so cliche, but it can't be legal to be that good looking.

And the gaze he has in those blue eyes as he is looking at me.


Someone punch me in the fucking face. I must be dreaming.

Jax's nerves diminished when he saw Alaina make her way down that aisle. Jesus christ, she was stunning.

Alaina's white gown dusted the floor as she moved closer to him. Her chocolate brown locks were in soft waves, blowing lightly in the fall air.

She looked angelic.

He really wanted the band to speed up the music. He wanted her in front of him. He needed her in front of him to finally say I do.

"Who gives this woman away?"

"Gemma and I do."

Nero gave me a kiss on the cheek, and shook Jax's hand before taking a seat next to Gemma.

Jax took both of my hands in mine.

"You clean up pretty nice, Larson."

"Not so bad yourself, Teller."

The priest smiled, holding his bible firmly in his hands.

We are gathered here today in front of god, nature, and family to celebrate the union of two people who are in love. Jackson, would you like to share your personal vows?"


"No?," the priest asked, looking at Jax in question.

"She knows how I feel about her. I find a way to show her every day how I feel. I just want to get to the I dos to make her my wife already."

The priest looked at me, seeing my reaction to Jax's response was a huge smile on my face.

"Alaina, how bout you?"

"I agree. "

"Do you have the rings?"

Chibs gave Jax my ring while Mandy gave me Jax's.

"Okay. Jackson Nathaniel Teller, Do you take Alaina Elizabeth Larson to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, through sickness and health, till dea.."

"I do," Jax slid the wedding ring on my left hand.

"And?", The club asked in perfect unison.

"I promise to treat you as good as my leather and ride you as much as my harley!", every guest that attended chanted, making me laugh.

The priest cracked a smile before adverting his eyes to me.

"Alaina, do you take Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, through sickness.."

"I do, " placing Jax's ring on his left hand.

"Can I kiss my wife now?"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now, you may kiss your bride."

Jax pulled me close by my waist, our lips molding perfectly against one another.

Everyone stood from their seats, cheering.

It was official. I was no longer a Larson, but a Teller.

Alaina Elizabeth Teller.

"Do you think anyone realizes we are gone?", I asked, changing my clothes in the passenger seat as Jax and I drove up to the cabin.

" I doubt it. Everyone is shitfaced by now, except Happy of course. He's meeting us at the cabin to give you my crow."

I closed my eyes as I felt Happy lightly stencil the tattoo on my back.

My hands gripped the back of the chair even tighter.

From what I was feeling, this tatoo was going to take up my whole back, stopping right above the small of it.

I let out a shaky breath as Happy turned on the machine, dipping the needle in black ink.

"You want me to hold your hand, babe?", Jax sat behind me, next to Happy to make sure he added all the detail he wanted for his crow.

"I'll let you know."

Jax leaned forward, handing me a bottle of Jd.

I took the bottle, downing almost half the bottle.

"Thanks," I passed it back to Jax, and Happy began to move the needle against my skin.

Five hours Later:

I stood in the bathroom mirror, taking in my new tattoo so far.

The crow on my back had its wings spread, ready to take flight.

Whenever any muscles in my back contracted, the deep shading in the wings caused it to look animated.

I loved that.

"What do you think?", Jax asked, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"It's incredible."

"Hap thinks this is his best work yet," he turned me around, rubbing A and D ointment all over my tattoo.

I saw Jax flinch in the mirror, trying to rotate his shoulder.

"You should be wearing your sling."

"I hate that fucking thing. It always gets in my way. "

"How do you expect it to get better?"

"I was thinking you give me one of your famous massages."

"I could do that. I could do a full body if you want."

"Full body?", Jax looked up from my back, making eye contact with me in the mirror.

"Absolutely, baby. I put local rub and tugs to shame with my set of skills."

"When can you start?"

"As soon as Happy leaves. I'll be in the bedroom, waiting."

The End

I was originally going to continue this story. But, the future plots I had in mind weren't strong enough to carry the story, in my opinion. I thought it would be best to end it on a happy note. I might come back to this story eventually. I might not. I'm still up in the air about it :). I want to thank you all for favoriting, following, and reviewing. I hope you can take the time out to give my other stories a shot!
