So... welcome back to this story. I somehow manged to finally write a new chapter. I think I started chapter 3 maybe 2 or maybe 3ish years ago? I don't remember at this point. I know I need to go back and rewrite a lot cause my writing has improved a lot. But anyways. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, sorry if it;'s not much. But it took me forever to get over this writers block.
I felt something shaking my shoulder and I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked a few times to help my eyes adjust and saw that I was in a room, curled up on a bed. I quickly sat up and looked around, there were three others in the room with me. One was Sora, who was sitting next to me on the bed. There was a girl with short black hair and she was wearing a odd outfit that had shorts and a tank top. The other was a man standing by the door of the room, he had medium length hair and was wearing a white shirt, with a black jacket and black pants.
"Hey Kimi," Sora said with a smile, "Glad to see your awake." Sora turned to face the man, "Now that she's awake you can start explaining what's going on."
"What? What happened?" I asked with a yawn.
"Well to start off, I'm Yuffie and that's Leon." The girl said she pointed herself and then to the man. "And first I think we should explain about the Heartless." She then sat down next to me on the bed.
"The Heartless?" Sora asked before I could.
"The ones who attacked you guys, you remember?" Yuffie asked.
"Those without hearts." Leon added.
"The darkness in people's hearts... that's what attracts them." Yuffie said.
"And there is darkness within every heart." Leon added again.
Yuffie looked at both me and Sora, "Have either of you heard of someone named Ansem?"
I shook my head, "No, never heard of the name."
"Same here." Sora added.
"He was a man who was studying the Heartless. He had made many notes about the Heartless, but those notes are now scattered through the many different worlds." Leon explained.
"Oh, I see." Sora responded.
"You guys got keyblade though," Yuffie said, "The keyblade is the key that can help."
" the key?" I asked as I summoned my keyblade and held it up Sora also summoned his and looked at it.
Yuffie nodded and smiled, "Exactly!"
"The heartless have great fear of the Keyblade." Leon said as he leaned against the door. "That's why they'll keep coming after both of you no matter what."
"Well, I didn't ask for this." Sora said as his keyblade disappeared.
"The Keyblade chooses its master. And it chose you guys." Yuffie replied.
"So though luck." Leon said.
"Um..." I said as my ear twitched. I looked at Sora and then Leon, "Why do we both have keyblades? Do you know?"
Leon shook his head, "I don't. Sorry."
"But... How did all this happen? I remember being in my room…" Sora said as he thought. Suddenly he gasped and stood up, a look of worry covered his face. "Wait a minute! What happened to my home? My island? Riku. Kairi."
"You know what? I really don't know," Leon sighed as Sora looked down at the ground.
I looked at Sora, he looked so sad. Then I remembered Markus and Emily. What had happened to them? When Sora and I looked around Traverse Town I didn't seen them anywhere. I was being to worry that I might not see them again. I frowned at the fact that I might not get to see Markus again, I really had wanted to get to know him better, but now I might now get that chance. I stood up and placed my hand on Sora's shoulder and gave him a smile, hoping to make him feel a little better.
"Hey, cheer up up!" Yuffie said, trying to brighten the mood. "I've heard the Keyblade can open all sorts of locks. Give it a try the next time either of you find a treasure chest or door lock."
"Sooner or later, the Heartless will find you guys. You both best prepare yourselves." Leon said.
"Prepare ourselves?" I asked titled my head slightly.
"To fight for your lives. Are you ready?" Leon asked.
"I'm ready!" Sora said with confidence. He then faced me, "You ready Kimi?"
I looked at Sora. Was a really ready? I never had done something like this before. I never liked fighting that much, but now I had to. I took in a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready."
"Yuffie," Leon said looking at her, "Let's go join Aerith. She should be with the other visitors."
"Other visitors?" I thought as my ears perked up. Just perhaps Emily and Markus were here, "Please. Let them be here. Or at least let them be safe."
Before any of us could head to the other room Yuffie shouted, "Leon!"
We all looked to see that Yuffie was pointing to the other side of the room where a little heatless appeared. It had on little bits of armor. It shook and clanks around as it turned to see us.
"Yuffie, go!" Leon instructed as he waved her to head towards the door. Yuffie ran off and then Leon summoned his weapon. He looked over at us, "Sora, Kimi, let's go!"
With that he charged at the heartless and slammed it into the window of the room, causing it to crash through it and fall over the balcony behind it. Leon then ran out to the window and jumped off the balcony to the ground below him.
"Whoa…" Was all I could say before Sora also ran out the window and then I soon followed. I jumped off the balcony, the drop wasn't the far so it didn't hurt as much as I thought. Now we were in a alley and heartless were appearing all around us.
"Don't bother with the small fry. Find the leader! Let's go!" Leon shouted as he ran through the doors in the alleyway leading back to the Second District.
"Let's do this Kimi." Sora said as he summoned his keyblade.
"Yeah!" I replied as I summoned mine.
We began to smack the heartless around us, making our way into the Second District. When we looked around Heartless were crawling around all over.
"They're everywhere!" I shouted as I hit several heartless back.
"Leon said we need to find the leader. We have to look around probably!" Sora shouted back at me.
I nodded as we made our way through the district. Through fighting the heartless I did find these creatures of darkness to be a little scary. I had some dark-type pokemon friends, but these things were different. These were just created from the darkness. Though fighting them with this keyblade made things easier. I still had no idea how or why I had gotten the keyblade. Yuffie said that the keyblade chooses its master, but I still had no idea what made it choose me. I shook off these thoughts as Sora and I made our way down a section of the district. At the end of the area there was a door with a sign above it that read 'Third District.' Sora and I looked at each, nodded, and then headed through the door.
The Third District looked much more fancy than the other districts, but it was smaller. But of course there was still heartless everywhere. We attacked the heartless as we made our way down the staircase, and down to ground level.
We ran around the small area clearing out the heartless. Soon they all had disappeared, and I took this moment to look around a little more. I walked over and looked at the pretty fountain that was in the corner of the area. Suddenly we heard some kind of crash and explosion. We turned up to see that two figures were falling from a balcony area above us. The fell down into the direction of Sora, who tried to run out of the way, but the two crashed down on top of him. I quickly ran over to see if Sora was okay, keyblade in hand just in case.
The two creatures were strange. There was a smaller one and a tall one. I hadn't seen anything like they. They looked like some type of animals, but not like a Pokemon. They looked a little dazed, but they quickly came to and looked down at Sora, who was still holding his Keyblade out.
"The key," They said at the same time.
The taller one then looked up and saw me and pointed to my keyblade, "Uh two keys."
Before another word could be said the ground beneath us started to rumble. A bunch of heartless appeared around us.
"They just never they?" I thought to myself with a sigh.
The two creatures got off of Sora and then all stood up. The smaller creature held out a wand and the other had a shield.
Without a word we all went and attack the heartless around the area. Once they heartless were gone we heard a strange clunking noise coming from somewhere. I looked up and saw something large falling down from the sky. Large piece of armour fell from the sky, and once they hit the ground they bounced back into the air. Seconds later a metal head topped off the amor, finish the whole armor creature's look.
I gasped, this was the largest heartless I had ever scene. It swung its arms around and sent me flying back onto the ground. I quickly regained my balance and stood up.
"This has to be the leader!" I shouted at Sora, who was already hitting the spinning hands of the giant heartless.
He gave me a quick nod and went back to attacking it. The other two were also attack the heartless, though they were smacking the feet of the giant armored heartless. I decided to joined Sora in attacking the arms of the heartless, since it would spin them around every so often, nearly knocking us back.
Soon after hitting the arms enough times, they broke and actually disappeared. The two creatures still were attacking the feet. I guess that the keyblade really was strong against the heartless. Sora and I helped attack the feet until they too broke and were gone.
Now all that was left was the head and torso. All four of us gave it all we got and attacked the torso, while also trying to dodge when ever it swung at us. Soon the the head and torso began to wobble and shake. We backed up as we watched the remaining piece of the armor crash to the ground and the head fell off. Then a bright light came from the torso and a huge glowing heart rose out of it and into the sky. The rest of the armor then disappeared.
My legs started to feel tired and I fell back and sat the ground. I let out a sigh as I took in several deep breaths. I had just fought a giant heartless and beat it. I never had done something like this, but it was amazing. This seemed to be just the kind of adventure I had wished for, and I couldn't wait to see what happened next.
Well that was chapter 3. I am so happy I finally got one of my older stories worked on. Well I hope to be writing the next one soon, but I also wanna work on all my other stories...I'll get there one day.
Thanks for reading.