I don't claim any rights to Free! or Kuroko no Basuke! They belong to their respective owners. Anyways, this drabble was born off the Free Eternal Summer ending with Rin as a policeman, and the fanbook where they announced that Aomine's future job was a policeman.

Well, he was here, it was almost like that one dream he'd had as a child. While Rin may not be the Olympic swimmer he'd so desperately wanted to be, he was still fulfilling one of those childish ambitions - the one where he wanted to become a policeman. Strange how such things worked out.

The redhead looked around the room he was situated in, waiting for a senior officer to come in and brief him about his new post. He was in Tokyo, a fair distance from Iwatobi, much to both his relief and dismay at not being able to see his old friends. He'd heard from Makoto that Haru had become a chef and gotten a job in Iwatobi at a small, but rather classy restaurant, which had prompted Makoto to pack up his bags and get transferred to the Iwatobi Fire Department to live alongside Haru. Rin let a small smirk cross his face, along with a roll of his eyes. When would those two finally come clean about how they felt about each other? It was obvious to everybody but each other. Still, they were living together and already acting like a married couple - actually getting together wouldn't change their relationship with each other much as it was.

Rin was brought out of his thoughts when the door in front of him abruptly slammed open, and a man came in, grumbling about why he was the one who had to do this stupid job of introducing the newbie to the works. Rin took a quick moment to observe his senior officer, and startled at the height of the other. While Rin may have been told that his fairly reasonable height of 5'10 was tall, this guy had to stand at 6'4, with dark blue eyes, dark skin, and what seemed like a permanent frown on his face. Rin had to groan at the sight. This guy seemed like he'd even more a problem to get along with than Haru, who rarely seemed to show anything but stoicness.

The muttering seemed to be getting even louder, and to Rin, it didn't seem like the man would be bothering with anything anytime soon. In fact, it seemed as if he hadn't even noticed him in the five minutes since he'd entered the room. Rin's red eyes narrowed, and he stomped over to the other, standing almost nose to… well, chin, he thought angrily, and tilted his head up to glare at other's dark blue eyes, much to the amusement of the other upon noticing him.

"There is absolutely no reason for you to be grumbling. If anything, I should be for having to put up with up with you for these first few days!" he growled angrily, baring sharp teeth at the taller man.

A lazy smirk crossed the other's face at his declaration, and he let out a small, dark chuckle, "Matsuoka Rin, right?" he asked. Rin nodded reluctantly, and the other continued, "My name is Aomine Daiki, and I'm your new partner for the next year." he drawled, smirk widening at the growing looking of horror on Rin's face. "Well, this will be fun."