Sorry for the wait everybody! I also would like to apologize for this chapter being ALL OVER THE PLACE

It had been almost a year since she had been undercover and despite sometimes skipping over protocol, she found nothing to persecute them. Nevertheless they wanted her to stay undercover and so she did. She had recently discovered that Elle was to resign from the FBI for good and it tugged at her heartstrings a little bit. She was starting to see them as family rather than coworkers and she wondered who would replace Elle. It would be almost 6 months until she found out… and when she did she was shocked!

Agent Alexa had been on assignment with Agent Prentiss once before. It was when Alexa ran the operations on Doyle and Prentiss was his type persay and as soon as they saw each other Prentiss gave her that 'don't tell anyone look' and she accepted it. She was setting up a desk and so she walked over and introduced herself. "I'm Agent Jareau, the media liaison for the team. If you need anything then please just see me. My door is open but mostly because I'm almost never in my office so it would be better to reach me on my cell." It was the standard greeting as she shook hands with the woman who gave her a confused look. The woman was no longer CIA and therefore had no right to know why a CIA agent was undercover in the FBI.

She sighed as she returned to her desk and she called the Director. "There is a former CIA being transferred to the team. An agent Prentiss?" She questioned and the director sighed through the phone. "Yes, but she is former CIA and not to know of the mission. Please tell me you have never worked with her."

"Sorry sir, I ran the Doyle operations and she was the woman on the task force that was… close… to Doyle."

"Just let her know 'what you are doing in the FBI' but do not give her to true nature of your work. This is something I did not expect."

"Yes sir, I'll do that right after this case briefing."

"Goodbye Agent."

"Goodbye sir."

With that the phone call ended and Prentiss was closing her door. "Alexandria? What are you doing undercover in the FBI?"

"It's a long story but the CIA asked me to keep a close eye on certain areas of the FBI to make sure agents don't crack under pressure. It's an internal affairs thing. I was surprised to find you here Prentiss. I thought after Doyle that you'd be done."

"Yes, well here I am. I've been trying to get into the unit since my return. How the hell did you beat me here?"

"Some strings were pulled and I'm technically on assignment."

"Ahh, well I did have a question. What is with the really young guy out there who blurts out random facts?"

"Ahh, that's Spence. He's a genius, literally. An IQ of 187 with 3 doctorates and 2 master's degrees. He graduated high school when he was 12 and he tends to use facts to hide his emotions. He's had it rough but he always endures."

"That explains a lot."

"Anything else I can do for you Em?"

"Nope, although when we are in private can I call you by your real name Alex or do I still have to call you Agent Jareau?"

"The team calls me JJ and when we are behind closed doors I see no reason why you can't."

"Alrighty, I'm gonna set up my desk before we get another case…"

"Too late, we've got a briefing in 5."

"Fantastic, well thanks anyway."

Emily hugged Alex before leaving to rush and set up her desk with Alex following behind her.

"Briefing in 5 guys."

"Okay." They all called out in unison to each other.

They all met in the conference room and they started by introducing Emily. "This is Agent Emily Prentiss. She is filling Elle's old position." Hotch introduced Emily before handing it off to JJ.

"This next case is a threat to national security. There is a note here, though it has not been transcribed yet, and a prisoner in Guantanamo that is believed to be tied to a terrorist cell within the states."

Prentiss took the letter and started to read it in English despite it being in Arabic and the team just looked at her with confused expressions in their eyes.

"I… I lived in several Middle Eastern countries as a child. My mother had ambassador assignments there." She explained and they all bought her explanation which JJ knew to be true. "Nevertheless these guys sound like they are tied to Al-Qaeda or something."

"We believe they are and the DEA was hunting down what they thought to be a meth lab to discover something that looked more like a bomb and it's close to home. We're taking the jet to save time because we have until the next crescent moon to find them."

"Wheels up in 10."

They all rushed off to grab their bags and everything they needed as JJ started to push away from the table.

"JJ, what do you know about Prentiss?"

"What do you mean sir?"

"I didn't even know she was FBI until someone transferred her to the unit. I think it was Strauss who did it but I cannot be sure. Have you heard of her before, being in the FBI that is?"

"I've heard her name, did some good work I hear."

"Okay, I'm just not sure I can trust her because of the circumstances of her being in the unit without my approval for the transfer. I still can't get through to Strauss."