WARNING: No actual video is being featured in his chapter. This chapter probably sucks. I kid you not, I did not double check this, so it's probably really OOC and jumbled.

Also its very long…

But if you want to try surviving this mess… Here goes. The Intermission.

Note: Bold means anything shown, or heard on screen. Normal is anything else.


Every human in the room didn't exactly feel hungry after Astrid's barfin' episode, but 'cha know what? None of them had breakfast, all of them are thirsty, and the food on those tables smelled excellent.

So, everyone feasted. Albeit uncomfortably as the reason was a fuming, blond girl who had scrubbed so hard to clean Snotlout's DNA off her lips that she got bruises, and cut herself with her own nails.

Astrid would have gladly practiced using her axe or maybe go on a ride with Stormfly to blow off the steam and prevent self-harm, but alas, she could not. There was no space. So she settles for untamed muttering and murdering unsuspecting tableware. "That loki-spawned, cow-eating, despicable, troll-faced-" and so forth. You get the idea.

Hiccup, being the only one of the few who might've been able to calm her down, but being the only one willing to do it, briefly attempts to soothe the girl. Hardly a wise choice. He wasn't the one who kissed a first-class arse on his mini arse.

"So…" Hiccup starts awkwardly. "How… Are you okay?" he asks the girl.

Feel free to facepalm all you want, people. But ask yourself; how do you go about comforting a typically violent girl who was kissed by the most vile, revolting boy you know and you can't even blame him for it because it was ordered on by a mysterious force that would possibly kill you if you ticked it off?

Astrid turns slowly, and gives him a deadly look, cracking her third wooden cup in her fist. "What do you think, Hiccup?"

The boy gulps. "Uhhh…"

The female Viking drinks from her slightly leaky cup and scowls. "Be back in a sec. I can still taste Snot." She immediately drops the beverage, and then storms off to the weird box thing in the middle of the room. What was is called… an… elevator?

Hiccup tosses a sheepish "I-tried" look at Toothless. He's about to go check on Snotlout (poor guy) when…

"-SO DONE. SO DONE, WITH YOU." The unfamiliar voice booms in the air angrily, shaking the ground like an earthquake.

The dragons rustle at the sudden volume.

"Wait! Roxy! No! What are you doing?! My mic, turn it off, turn it off!" another voice screams, fainter, but clearly laced with panic.

"No!" the first voice snaps. There are bumping and squeaking noises as though the two voices were fighting over something.

"Does anybody know what's going on?" Tuffnut asks blandly.

"Give it!"

"It's my stuff!"

"Trust me, it'll be brilliant!"

"What?!" *CLANG*

Silence. "Wha-a-a-at that heck just happened…?" Fishlegs asks nervously.

"Sounds like a catfight in mah ears." Gobber chuckles.

"Catfight? Between who though?" Stoick frowns.

"Awesome! Fights!" Tuffnut cheers. "Love'm!"

"But we can't see it!" Ruffnut pouts.


"RIGHT!" the first, seemingly victorious voice squeals. The ground shakes again. "HELLO, YOU AMAZING PEEPULS!


"I AM, the one and only, amazing, awe-inspiring, Roxy Emeralds!" Roxy drawls. "Bob is… well… she's out right now, so I'll be taking over this sto- er… I mean… event, for the time being."

"Is Bob that person you just hit with a frying pan?" Hiccup inquires to the ceiling, where the voice seemed to mostly be coming from.

"Why yes, actually! Smart boy!" Roxy cheers. "Wait, how'd you know it was a-? You know what, forget it." She clears her throat. "Now then, I have getting bored with you people. I am also very much in the mood… to play a game."

Toothless growls at the stranger's devilish tone. Even as Hiccup lays a soothing hand on his forehead, he couldn't help feeling worry bubble up. Things were going to go haywire any second now.

"Consider me your new Jigsaw, your Seneca Crane, your W.I.C.K.E.D.!"

There were a few, brief, questioning mumbles until the allusions finally clicked with the modern day references.

Odin, help them.

"Now, to the arena!"

Berk's teens and their dragons suddenly disappear in a flash of light.

"Hiccup!" Stoick yells, before grabbing at thin air.

Suddenly, the front wall, the screen, glows alight with an image.

Hiccup is scrambling to his feet, untangling himself from a berry bush.

HICCUP: Guys? Hello?

His screen space is pushed to the left, and takes up half of the screen, divided by a white line. On the other side, Astrid is picking herself up from the sand, glancing at the ocean before her, then the tree line not too far away.

ASTRID: Hello?! Anyone there?!

"What is this…?" the villagers ask amongst themselves. "What's going on?"

The shards of screen and pushed even smaller to the side. The screen is now separated into 3 parts, and the newest side shows Fishlegs, trembling as he pokes his head out of a cave.

FISHLEGS: H-H-Hello? *to himself* Where am I?

Screen is pushed to make 4 parts. Tuffnut's face is strained as he's leaning over a cliff, attempting to not lose his one hand grip on Ruffnut, whose pale and distraught expression is obvious as she dangles hundreds of feet above ground.

The Thorston parents tense. The twins! Their children! (Annoying children, but theirs nonetheless!)


TUFFNUT: *muttering* Not cool, not cool!

Screen squashes into 5 slots. The last slot… is Snotlout. Snoring. In the high branches of a tree, chubby cheeks pressed against the trunk.

ROXY: Figures. Well, onto the dragons then!

"Wait!" Stoick yells. "But where is this?! Where is my SON?!"

Instead of an answer, the screen continues playing.

Hiccup's side of the screen is replaced with the image of Toothless, face twisted in fury as he scratches, fires, and yowls at the gray stone walls and ceiling confining him.

In the sweep of a second, the other slots follow suit, except for different dragons. Astrid's image is replaced by an angry, scowling Nadder. Fishleg's image is replaced by Meatlug, ramming into the walls with all her might, a worried frown creased on her face. The twins' spot is occupied by Barf and Belch, snapping at each other as though in an argument. Finally, Hookfang is seen, raking at the walls with his claws, but failing to produce anything but small sparks.

Words sparkle across the top of the screen. "The Insane Intermission!"

"Oooh, that don't sound good…" Gobber states, eyeing the screen nervously.

ROXY: *cheery* Welcome guests and tributes, to this year's Insane Intermission!

On the screen, the slots are pushed upwards, creating 10 squares, and the teen's faces are shown again under their respective dragons. Every single camera zooms onto the expression of their assigned target, varying with each being. Some were nervous and frightened, some put on a brave-front, and one of them was just sleeping. (You know which one.)

The one thing similar to all of them though, was the glancing around, as though listening to Roxy as well.

ROXY: I kno-o-ow you're probably all wondering, 'Roxy? What's going on? What is this weird cube I'm in?' Or in the human's case, 'What is this place I've landed in?' Well… Allow me to shine some light on the subject! *Cough* Toothless, Stormfly, Meatlug, Barf and Belch, and Hookfang have been transported to several starting points near the center of a circular maze. The circumference of the maze-

Tuffnut, who had at some point lifted Ruffnut from the cliff, panting, gives a puzzled look. "A circum-what?"

ROXY: -will have the occasional peephole to the outside, so the dragons will know if they're at the edge of the maze. Your goal, dragons, is to get to the exit of the maze as quickly as possible. There's only one, and it's a one way doorway.

ROXY: On the other hand, Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruff and Tuff and Snotlout, have been put in various spots outside the maze with no supplies but the clothes on their backs. Your goal, lovely little children, is to reunite with your dragons when they come out.

Astrid frowns, similarly to, unbeknownst to her, several others both in the theater and the arena.

"That doesn't sound too hard."

"Sounds simple enough."

"*roar* *growl* *grumble*"

"A dragon call should work."


Hiccup's face was creased in suspicion though. "There's no way it would be that easy. There has to be a-"

ROXY: Bu-u-ut there's a few catches.

Hiccup deadpans. "A-a-and, there it is."

ROXY: First of all, the dragons have each been cloned, and one set of the clones have been placed outside the maze, but a fair distance away from the riders. Another set of clones have been placed in the maze. You will be able to tell clones and originals apart by the lack of irises in their eyes, FYI.

Toothless growls. He wasn't quite sure how he felt about having another him, but the bottom line was that he didn't like it.

ROXY: Second, while the clones are relatively the same to their originals, I've taken the liberty of adding one thing to their personality… An extremely strong, untamable, and constant bloodlust for anything with a beating heart!

Roxy couldn't help but giggle as she watches the reactions. There were quite a few gasps, a ton of paled faces, a couple furious ones, and screaming dragons. Mildew seemed to be the only one who cracked a smile. No mystery there.

The best one though was Snotlout falling out of his tree, as he had woken just seconds before she had announced her second twist.

Oh, this would be so much fun.

ROXY: And the game begins in 3…

The screen fills up with an image of a close-eyed, unmoving Nightfury rising on a metal platform in a shadowed forest clearing.

Stoick clenches his fists in anger. She shouldn't be able to do this! This was cruel! He knew his child to be a capable one, but this 'Roxy' throws them around like toys!

Roxy was no god. Stoick could feel that in his heart, just as much as his burning aggravation that he could do nothing to save his only son. (And the other children and dragons… he worried about them too, of course…)

ROXY: 2…

Switch to Stormfly, squawking as the outline of a square appears on the wall.

ROXY: 1. Let the games begin! And may the odds be ever in your favor!

In the span of a few seconds, we see each dragon bounding out of the doorway that had magically appeared, the sound of sniffing louder than ever.

Switch to the sight of Astrid, wielding a fair sized branch like a club.

Switch to Snotlout, grabbing a large rock in his hands.

Switch to Fishlegs scampering back into his cave, wringing his hands.

Switch to Hiccup who looks around him with an anxious, but firmly determined expression.

HICCUP: Okay… okay, there are brainwashed dragons hunting me down… I can deal with that... *looks around, then takes a few slow steps, quickly turning into a sprint* *mutters* First thing, find a fish, find a fish, find a fish…

As Stoick watches his son immediately take control of the situation and act on it, he feels a swell of pride next to his worry. But it wasn't enough to quench it.

Please, be safe, son…

Switch to Toothless, who is turning left and meets a dead end. He roars in frustration, and black-fonted words appear above saying, "Dammit!" and he backtracks to turn left again. Camera follows his back as he keeps to every left turn.

Gobber's eyes widen. "Wai' jus' a second… Are you showin' us what the dragons are sayin'?"

ROXY: *perkily* Oh yeah, definitely.

Despite everything, Stoick, alongside several others, couldn't help but think how helpful that would've been if they could do that at home. Maybe then he could make reasonable comebacks when a darned dragon gives him a sardonic look.

Suddenly, the gas of a Zippleback snakes towards him. The sound of sparks past the wall of gas echo in the hallway, and Toothless jumps around a corner just as the entire hall explodes.

Pan the camera around Toothless' face, dark and growling.

TOOTHLESS: Oh I really hope that isn't Barf and Belch…

Change camera angle to see the empty-eyed Zippleback turning both its heads either way of the crossroads. They had 2 seconds of screen-time before a pitch black blob swerves forward.

The villagers of Berk watch in shock as the Nightfury they had all learned to become accustomed to as a calm, loyal friend reinforces its title as the offspring of lightning and death deftly and swiftly.

With the speed of a demon, Toothless bashes the smoke-breathing head against the sharp corner connecting the corridors. Covering its gas with his wing, he reaches over and clamps his teeth over the spark-making head's neck before it can react.

Blood splatters on the camera, and it quickly switches to another.

Toothless doesn't bother to check his work as he walks away from the motionless corpse of a ripped open neck and a cracked apart skull.

Stoick swallows, and his old feelings of disgust return from several years ago. This, was the monster that they cried out in fear from, hid from, and dreamed of killing. It was such a strange thing to think about, contrasting from knowing the creature that was so steadfast and caring about his friends now.

Toothless sniffs where the clone Zippleback had come from and bounds forward like a bloodhound, growling softly.

TOOTHLESS: If you guys see this, Barf and Belch… *sniffs, then turns left at a crossway* don't take it personally. But I don't have time for crap. I need to find Hiccup before the other me ends up killing him.

ROXY: We're all cheerin' for ya, Toothless!

Stoick feels a twinge of irritation. "You're tha one who started all this!"

ROXY: *defensively* Yeaah, but that doesn't mean I don't support you guys!


ROXY: *gasp* Ooh, looks like Astrid is in trouble!

Switch to Astrid, swerving through the forest vegetation, and narrowly avoiding a line of fire.

Switch camera to front view of Astrid. Behind her, an iris-less, red and black Nightmare is aflame, starting miniature fires to every leaf its skin touched.

Astrid has reached a small clearing when she suddenly turns around and yowls.


Gobber is hit with a sudden nostalgia of when she would shout a battle cry before attacking a dragon, back in the days when they used the Kill Ring was for… well… killing. Oh, the days… Not that he missed them at all!

She jumps at the Clone Hookfang's snout, who responds by shooting another long stream of fire. Astrid pulls her leg up just before it gets torched, then throws her weight at his horn, dragging the Nightmare's face to the dirt.

Surprisingly, it seems to calm down, a relaxed, slightly dazed expression on his face and its flames go out.

The onlookers stare, bewildered. What was that trick she had just done?

Gustav nods in recognition of the detail. He had seen Snotlout do it before, so he himself had used it plenty of times. It was a good way of cooling Fanghook down when he was agitated. Though how Astrid, a Nadder-rider, knew about Nightmare tricks were beyond him.

There is a rustling behind her, and she swivels around, preparing a battle stance while keeping a foot on the Nightmare's horn.

But instead of a dragon, out tumbles…

ASTRID: *surprised* Snotlout?

SNOTLOUT: *spinning around* *relieved* Astrid!

Snotlout begins running towards her, but then catches himself and clears his throat, trying to look indifferent.

SNOTLOUT: Oh, hey, Astrid. So uh… how ya doing?

ASTRID: *scowls* shut up, Snotty. *gestures to Nightmare clone* Do you know the tickling spot for Nightmares?

SNOTLOUT: *smirks* Of course, M'lady.

Spitelout, Stoick and Gobber's eyes all widen, then deadpan at the raven-haired boy. *Siiiiiigh….*

The boy with his puffed out chest takes a step forward, only to suddenly be punched in the face by Astrid.


ASTRID: *seething* Only one person is allowed to call me "m'lady," and it's not you. Got it?

SNOTLOUT: okay, okay! *winces as he touches nose* My beautiful nose!

ASTRID: Is it broken?



She looks down the path where Snotlout had come from while he tickles the special spot under the Nightmare's chin to make him fall asleep. The camera switches from her point of view to her squinting features as she peers into the distance.

ASTRID: So, what were you running from?

SNOTLOUT: *looks up* It was a clone of Stormfly. I think I lost her though.

ASTRID: *eyes widen* *backs away* What?! Nadders are tracking dragons, you idiot! Which means that-!

She is rudely cut off as 3 poisonous Nadder spikes pierce the ground in front of her. Not taking a second to hesitate, she grabs Snotlout by the scuff, and drags him away.


Just as they exit the screen, the Clone Nadder enters. In a blue font, its squawking is displayed.

CLONE STORMFLY: You can run little humans… but yah can't hide! *insert maniacal laughter here*

Gobber laughs when he reads the "insert maniacal laughter part," though when he catches the glares of the Hofferson parents, he's quick to shut up.

ROXY: Have fun, Astrid!

Astrid glares at the camera following them.

ASTRID: Go to Hel!

ROXY: *unperturbed* Now then, enough with you, Hofferson. Let's see how our little walking Dragon Wikipedia doing!

Switch to Fishlegs, who's running back and forth across the screen, arms flailing in the air, screaming his head off. A Gronkle is fluttering after him with an exasperated look. Its eyes are normal, pupils dilated.


MEATLUG: No! Fishlegs! Hold still! It's me, Meatlug! Please calm down! Fishlegs!

The villagers blink. Wait, the Gronkle was the first one to get out of the maze? That's… unexpected.

Roxy seemed to be just as surprised.

ROXY: What? How did she get out so fast?! Hold on a sec, I gotta check something.

Sounds of clicking are heard, just underneath the sound of Fishleg's continued screaming and Meatlug's coos.

ROXY: Oooh, I see. I placed her starting entrance at the end of the diameter hall… Yeah… That's too easy… My bad…

"So they've found each other… what happens to them now?" Stoick questions.

Roxy doesn't answer for a few seconds, but then snorts.

ROXY: SCREW IT. Congrats, Fishlegs and Meatlug! You get first place!

The two disappear from the screen.

A squeal is heard in the back of the room, and then a crash. Turning around, the villagers see Fishlegs headfirst in a pile of fish. Meatlug was currently attempting to pull him out by the foot.

ROXY: *coughs* So… yeah, you guys are exempt of the game. You can watch the others now though!

ROXY: Now let's get back to the dragons!

Toothless is sprinting down a corridor, Stormfly in front.

TOOTHLESS: Are you sure you smell Meatlug?

STORMFLY: Hey. I trust your plan, you trust my nose. Deal with it.

TOOTHLESS: Okay, okay.

Stormfly stops and steps into another corridor. They seem to be at the end of a hall, as there's only a room in front of them, and a turn to the left.

Stormfly gestures to the room with her head.

STORMFLY: This was Meatlug's starting point.

TOOTHLESS: *looks left, then starts walking down the hall* Time to follow Meatlug then.

Toothless begins going into a full-out run down the straight corridor, Stormfly following close behind.

The humans arch their eyebrows a bit as the Nightfury shows a human-like intelligence. What's next, he'll be repairing his own prosthetic in the forge?

ROXY: ….*gulp* Mistakes have been made. Mistakes, have been made… Oh, why do I still keep the intercom on…

ROXY: Uh… Let's go to Hiccup!

Stoick and Gobber unconsciously sit up in their seats. Hiccup… Is he okay?!

Hiccup is rubbing his hands on wall of smooth, rounded stone that goes endlessly in either directions.

HICCUP: *muttering* This must be the outside wall of the maze. So the exit must be around here somewhere!

The camera follows Hiccup as he runs along the infinite, curving length of the wall, keeping a hand drifting across it as though to make sure it was still there.

ROXY: Okay. I've clearly made this arena a smidgen too small…

Hiccup seems to smile coyly.

ROXY: Oh haha, laugh all you want, Hiccup. But if you plan on waiting by the exit for Toothless, I promise, you won't.

HICCUP: *smirk* Oh yeah?

ROXY: *mockingly* O-O-O-Oh yeah. Remember? I said the exit only went one-way? That means it can only be seen and used by one side, and it ain't yours.

Hiccup falters in his step.

So much for that brilliant idea. Hiccup thinks ruefully. But she might be lying … But there's not much point in that.

Hiccup decides that he'll circle the place once, just to get his scent at the edges so Toothless will know he was close, and won't bound into the randomness of the forest.

Hiccup continues on his way, as though he hadn't heard the girl.

ROXY: *huff* Fine, ignore me. I was tryin' to-

The roar of a Nightfury rips through the air.

Cold dread immediately overcomes several Vikings in the theater. Oh no…

Hiccup jolts to a stop, and a hopeful smile graces his face.

HICCUP: Toothless?

ROXY: Uh… my friend, that's not Toothless. In fact, you're heading in the direction of the Clone Nightfury's spawn point. …You might want to run.

Hiccup takes a step back. Another roar, louder this time.

ROXY: Actually, I take that back. You should run. Run! Run like Astrid just found out you destroyed her favorite axe!

Hiccup promptly spins on his prosthetic and practically flies off in the opposite direction of whence he came.

The camera follows Hiccup for a while, as he dashes away, surprisingly nimble on his fake foot. The camera begins to slow, and after Hiccup had exited the screen for 5 seconds, the camera turns to the wall…

And Toothless jumps into existence! He sniffs once, and his ears shoot up along with a gummy smile as Stormfly makes her appearance after him.

TOOTHLESS: I found Hiccup's trail! You go ahead and find Astrid.

STORMFLY: Got it. *flies off*

Back in the theater, Stoick's heart seems to be wavering between relaxing or clenching even tighter. Toothless was of course, a dependable dragon. But where did that Clone Nightfury just go?!

Toothless begins to take a step, when something crashes into him!



The two Nightfuries claw at each other, and roll across the ground. They are a flurry of motion, kicking and smacking each other, occasionally with a plasma blast to be seen thrown. It's hard to decide who has the upper hand, until…

HICCUP: Toothless?

Camera swerves to the wide-eyed boy who stands in the shadows, watching the fight with horrified curiosity.

The empty-eyed dragon suddenly bounces away from its former adversary, and instead pounces on Hiccup, maw wide as gas builds up in the back of its throat.





A/N Bad? Decent? I'd love a review. :)

A/N 2: And I am deeply sorry for making you guys wait so long… ;_; Can you forgive me?

A/N 3: Videos will continue to be seen next chapter.