Do You Want to Fight the Nazis? (Do You Want to Build a Snowman?)


(Chruchil) Switzerland? (Knocking) Do you wanna fight the Nazis? Kinda in trouble here. You don't use your army any more, what is it for, you're just acting so weird. I know you have all the money, and would rather not, I just wish that you would try! Do you wanna fight the Nazis? It kinda has to be the Nazis.

(Switzerland) Go away Winston!

(Churchil) Okay, bye…


(FDR) (Knocking) Do you wanna fight the Nazis? Preferably the Japanese. I think your neutrality is overused, is this ruse, so you can save the day? (Hang in there France!) It gets a little lonely, on this ocean front, just watching the islands slip by- (Explosions)



(Hitler) (Knocking) Switzerland? Please, I know you're still here. I am hoping that you care. I say "hold the line" and I'm trying to, I need help from you, just help me win. I only have your country, everyone one hates me, so what are you gonna do? …Do you wanna fight the Nazis?

A/N: What's this, another song? Totally forgot about the second favorite song in this movie. I know it said complete but it hasn't been right till now. I sincerely hoped you enjoyed these parodies and please leave a review. I know I've basically beaten this notion like a dead horse (morbid) but I cannot stress how much this is NOT an insult to those who served and those who survived the deadliest, costliest, most destructive war in human history. If I have peeked your interest in to the subject then I encourage you to learn more about the actual event. Plus it might help you get some of the jokes. Just saying. Anyway, until I decide to rewrite more songs that you hold dear to your mouse ear hat wearing hearts (morbid), I bid you ado and wish you all luck in all future endeavors (unless it's a crime you are going to commit, in that case I wish you bad luck. Fail, fail darn you!) Till next time! –Arm Chair General