Something Different
Smaug felt more than heard the sobbing. She had bound the little creature with enchantments that allowed it to roam the upper halls and rooms of Erebor. It could even go outside within reason but never stray too far. Neither could anyone approach it without her knowing. He was her little toy after all and no one else was allowed to play with her toys.
Thinking back:
It had been easy enough to obtain her toy; the dwarves had apparently owned him or had some type of claim. At first they had refused utterly but when she saw their leader and the gold madness that glinted behind his eyes, she knew she had him. True Erebor was her crowning treasure but Smaug had caches of gold buried deep in the hidden places of Middle-earth and she had time. She could always simply take back anything she gave away; all in good time.
The little creature had looked so cute with big brown eyes and honey colored curls. Then there was the trembling, he tried so hard to be brave but he couldn't control the slight tremors that betrayed his fear.
Those dwarves had actually sent him in alone. Warriors indeed! Instead of simply swallowing him whole while in her dragon form, she had transformed. The look in his adorable brown eyes was priceless. There she stood, seven feet tall, slender, flaming red hair, deep red and gold leathery wings that looked like flames when she flew, two dark red horns one on each side of her head that curled almost delicately as they arched towards the back, and completely without any of that ridiculous clothing that the dwarves, men and even the elves seemed so fond of wearing.
Oh, what fun she would have with this cute little creature, whatever he was. She could just imagine hunting him through the halls of Erebor. What lovely screams he would reward her with as she toyed with him. Smaug could almost feel her claws pressing slowing into the creature's skin, at just the right places, oh yes, what fun she'd have.
The negotiation with the dwarves had been boring but what could you expect from dwarves. They were stunned to see her in her human-like form, even tried to keep their eyes on her face and not her body, how amusing. She offered the leader the Arkenstone, of course that was what he lusted after as much as the gold; in exchange for the cute little honey haired creature. Then to sweeten the deal she gave them enough gold and jewels to turn their disgusting little kingdom in the Blue Mountains into the envy of Middle-earth. Of course she could always pay the Blue Mountains a little fiery visit, in the future if she wanted. The thought made her chuckle.
Once the leader had the Arkenstone in his hand and saw the amount of gold; the madness that dwelled deep in his family did the rest of the work for her. The other dwarves were reluctant but they were bound by loyalty to follow the leader and they realized just what the gold would mean for their people. The only holdouts were the younger dwarves especially the blond one and the tall dark haired one. They had to be physically restrained.
Finally the cute little creature had spoken with them. All three had cried and hugged, and then the two young dwarves turned glaring at the leader and walked slowly away, back towards the human town on the lake. So, some dwarves held living beings more important than gold, interesting. What was there about this little creature, her new toy that elicited such a response from …of all things…. a dwarf.
Her toy turned and without looking at the dwarven leader simply said he would do it. He would trade his freedom if the dwarves received the Arkenstone and the gold.
It was the wizard that had surprised her. She'd been ready for a fight, but he just stared almost as if he was looking at something no one else could see…and he looked pleased. Well, who could say about wizards, they were all mostly crazy anyway; just as long as he stayed out of her business.
Her new toy bowed his little, curly, haired head and walked slowly back inside Erebor. Smaug kept her toy safely locked behind enchantments and well out of sight while the dwarves removed a rather large amount of her gold. She even gave a few wagons of gold to the men at the town on the lake. Better than having to continually deal with them trying to steal it. While her enchantments insured their efforts would come to nothing; still she wanted better things to occupy her time and again she had more gold hidden away than dwarf or man could imagine. Truth be told, Smaug didn't care for it as much as she once had. Now she was bored and perhaps a little lonely. That was where the new toy came in; she was so excited about chasing it and hearing it scream in terror and pain. As soon as the dwarves and men were out of Erebor she doubled the enchantments that kept them out and turned to her toy.
"Little one, what are you?"
"I..I'm a h..hobbit"
So cute, she could almost feel the fear rising up in the little body.
"Do you have a name hobbit?'
"B…B..Bilbo Baggins" Then it drew itself up to its full height, if you could call it height and said "If you are going to kill me, just do it and get it over with….please just do it now."
"Oh, no little hobbit, I plan to hear your pretty screams for a long time yet." At that Smaug transformed back into her dragon form and roared a bone shattering sound that vibrated through the halls of Erebor.
Bilbo, understanding that there was no swift death awaiting him but months perhaps years of torture turned and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Death was one thing but being slowly tortured by this monster, was so much more horrible. Unaware that Smaug's enchantment kept him from running too far away from her, Bilbo desperately ran hoping for a door, a window, a hidden chamber…anything.
Smaug roared and shot flames in his direction never getting too close just close enough to keep him moving in terror. Oh, yes this was such fun. After several hours Bilbo was shivering with fear, there was no way out, no place to hide. What would Smaug do when she caught him? He couldn't begin to imagine the pain of having those sharp claws cutting into his skin. Tired, afraid, and with nowhere to go Bilbo stopped curled into a little ball with his knees tucked close to his body and his arms wrapped around his head. "Nowhere to go", he kept thinking, "nowhere to go". Tears slowly streamed down his face as he heard Smaug coming closer and closer…..
"There you are little Bilbo hobbit!" Smaug laughed. The creature had curled into a ball and was just rocking back and forth. Smaug reached out with a paw and scooped him up. The creature looked at her, it was so cute. She took a claw and poked it into the flesh; it was soft and gave way easily. The creature screamed and looked at Smaug with terror in its big brown eyes. They really were a handsome shade of brown; warm and earthy, with tears glistening in them. The hobbit's honey colored hair shook slightly as he shivered in her paw. She retracted her claws and looked at the hobbit. Those big, brown, incredibly innocent, eyes….this creature was not a warrior but he had come alone to find the Arkenstone. He had sacrificed himself for the dwarfs and even now as he trembled before her there was nobility about him.
Smaug set the hobbit down and transformed into her human-like form. At seven feet tall she still towered over him, but this form was much less frightening. Bilbo looked at her, he has holding his bleeding arm. The sight of him standing there staring at her, not pleading or begging just staring….she knew it was taking every last bit of his courage. Perhaps her toy was something more. Those two young dwarves had wanted to fight to protect him. She walked forward and touched his arm, bringing it into her mouth and licked the wound.
Bilbo stood still not out of courage but because his feet simply refused to move. What was she doing? Was she going to bite him? His arm hurt, what was she going to…she…she…. licked him. His eyes grew even larger, something neither of them thought was possible. The bleeding stopped and the wound started to heal. He stared at his arm, then at Smaug, then his arm again. He didn't know what made him do it. It was insane but somehow it was right. He threw his arms around Smaug, grateful that she was in her human form and started thanking her.
"Thank you, oh thank you, I was so afraid. I thought you were going to torture me, kill me, and maybe eat me. Oh thank you, thank you."
It had its little arms around her! Her, Smaug the magnificent! Smaug who could bring death to thousands! Smaug who was ….was feeling something she hadn't felt before…..something warm and …and… she wanted her toy to keep his arms around her, perhaps…perhaps move his hands over her body. She wondered what he would look like without those foolish clothes. Something moved deep inside her. It wasn't lust..well yes, there was that too…but this seemed to be ….something…different. Smaug didn't think she really wanted to hurt the hobbit anymore. The sight of him holding his arm had made her sad and nervous. Yes, nervous…that she had harmed something precious.
Then the hobbit stepped back and smiled at her. No one ever smiled at her….she was Smaug…she burned cities….she sent mighty warriors and kings screaming in terror….she ….she wanted to see that shy little smile again.
That was when it started. They talked, they shared dreams and secrets. He laughed and the world lite up for Smaug. He smiled and her world was perfect. She brought him presents. He told her that was how hobbits courted. So she courted her toy. She even went into the nearby town paying little attention to the stares and the few people that simply fainted. She brought him clothing because he enjoyed it although she preferred him completed naked. Preferable lying on the large bed in the room she had given him. She explored every inch of his body. Touching him, licking him, kissing him until he was breathless, then taking him completely. She reveled in bringing him to orgasm after orgasm until he could take no more.
To think she almost missed out on this wonderful hobbit. Her Bilbo…what if she had actually tortured and killed him as she originally intended…the thought frightened her. No one would ever harm him, not if she could help it and she could, oh yes, she could help it very well. She would keep her cute little hobbit safe.
Bilbo had felt he had little choice when Smaug began to undress him the first time. She had hurt him but then healed him. He thought perhaps he saw loneliness in her eyes. After the dwarves had left him to his fate…..his friends. Even though he remembered Fili's and Kili's objections with gratitude, he still felt somehow betrayed by Thorin. He now understood loneliness and recognized it when he saw it in Smaug's eyes. That didn't mean he wanted to be undressed. After all he was a grown hobbit not a toy…..then she had started doing things with her tongue. It was unbelievably long, forked, moist and when she put it deep within him, he melted into waves of pleasure. Then she allowed him to take her…it was more intense…more pleasure than he'd ever imagined.
Afterwards they had talked and cuddled and little by little the fear had slipped away and something very different has grown in its place.
The sobs brought Smaug back to the present:
Finally she found him, her little one. Bilbo was in the library; books thrown on the floor, tables, and chairs. He sat in the middle of a pile of open books crying his heart out. Smaug ran to him but he put up a hand to stop her.
"Don't…I'm sick…there something wrong with me. I don't want to endanger you. I looked and looked in these books but there's nothing…NOTHING!"
"Bilbo", Smaug said softly, she knew that once he was upset yelling at him only made it worse. "Bilbo, look at me. What's wrong? You can tell me Bilbo, I'm been alive a very long time and I may have the answer you seek."
Bilbo put his hands on his head just at the tips of his ears and with a sad little voice said. " These started growing….GROWING on me."
Smaug looked where his hands were and after closely inspecting the two semi hard mounds one near each ear, she stepped back and simply looked at the hobbit.
"It's…it's something terrible isn't it. I'm going to die aren't I?" He broke up into sobs again.
Smaug knelt down and kissed Bilbo pulling him close. "Bilbo, I do know what they are. It seldom happens but if a dragon truly…..loves another being ….and the being….loves…truly loves the dragon…it can happen." Suddenly she remembered the look on that wizard's face...he had looked ...pleased.
"Bilbo stared into Smaug's golden eyes, waiting. She kissed him again and again, stroking his hair and holding him close.
"Sweet little hobbit. My cute little toy."
"I am not a toy." Bilbo managed to mumble to Smaug's delight.
"No you aren't, not anymore. We'll have to find a new title for my hobbit. When I present you to the dragon lords, I will call you my "consort" not my toy. Before all Middle-earth, I will proclaim you are my consort."
Bilbo looked confused. "But, I don't understand what does it all mean…the mounds on my head…what's happening to me?
"You are becoming a dragon-kin."
"A what…I've never heard of.."
"Few have. It is so rare. Oh, many would like to become one no doubt as it brings much longer life, special abilities and a little magic. Many would like to become dragon-kin, but it only happens when the dragon loves and is truly loved… we do." Smaug hugged Bilbo and kissed him, wiping away the tears with her hand."
"I'm becoming a dragon!"
"No sweet. A dragon-kin, you will have certain dragon-like attributes like the little horns that are growing on your head."
Smaug kissed each newly developing horn and looked deep into Bilbo's very wide eyes.
"You will have a very long life Bilbo, centuries long. There will be certain enchantments that I will teach you, now that you'll have a little magic. And then there are the wings"
"Yes dear, wings. You will look something like I do in human form. You will not however, have a true dragon form."
Bilbo couldn't find words. He was turning into a dragon or a dragon-kin. He was a hobbit not a ….wait they would have centuries together….centuries to love her….centuries to cuddle together.
Smaug was slightly worried that Biblo didn't want this, but then it happened, her world became perfect and stood wonderfully still.
Bilbo smiled.