I hate Author's Notes on a principle, but I think one was needed for this one.
I'm so humbled by all you guys that'd followed Toast to Tomorrow so far. I'm so humbled by you guys who still follow even when this story has been on permanent hiatus for over two years... I'm so honored and humbled by that.
Thank you.
Having said that, I need to inform you that I'm going to be taking down this story sometime in the following months. My plan is to do it sooner rather than later, and I wanted you guys to be aware of that.
I'm not gonna abandon it, no, but I've grown as a writer and as a person in this years and I know that I can do better than what's here.
I also recognize that I bit more than I can chew and that some changes need to be done to make the story as smooth as possible. This changes happen mostly towards the end of the published story - I wrote little more than 46 chapters but only published 41 - so not much of what makes Toast to Tomorrow, well, Toast to Tomorrow, is gonna change.
I plan to go back and revise every chapter and make it easier to read and change what needs to be changed, once I have at least 20 chapters done I'll be taking this one down and start posting bi-weekly on a brand new story - I'll post another AN in here so you know the change has happened. I also plan on wrapping the story around 60 chapters so there's that.
Thank you guys for the read and for being around for this story that frankly deserved better than me giving up on it for two years.
Thank you guys.
Also, knowing the story, I'm open for prompts... maybe I'll be able to squeeze something you wanna see in here.
Thank you again, we'll read each other soon.