This is LittlebitFluffy. Here is a little sonadow story I thought up. I do NOT own the sonic characters. I hope you enjoy it.

It was a normal day for Sonic the hedgehog, the blue male hero of Earth that had unusual feminine shaped body. She had spent the day fighting Eggman, escaping Amy, a quick tumble with Shadow, and now she was seeing what her little buddie Tails was up to. Yes, she, Sonic the world renoun hero was really a heron, and she had been hiding it for years. Sonic was now entering Tails' workshop.

Sonic : "Hey Tails."

Tails, a young two tailed fox, looked up from a blueprint and said, "Oh, hi Sonic."

Sonic : "What'ch doing?"

Tails : "Oh, nothing... You?" He had actual been finishing up a plan to prank Sonic, and assembled everyone over at his house, even Shadow, to help.

Sonic : "Just running around, like usual."

Tails : "Oh! I just remembered I had something I wanted to show you."

Sonic : "So, where is it?"

Tails : "Follow me."

He lead sonic to the basement where everyone was ready with buckets of water to splash Sonic with, "You first."

Sonic : "Ok?"

As soon as Sonic was in the middle of the basement Tails yelled, "NOW," and everyone came out and splashed Sonic. Sonic yelped as the water short curcited her perfect disguise, it was a machine that she made to make her look and sound like a male, and it had just finished shorting out. Now she was dripping wet and was wearing dark blue jeans and a white shirt and her quills were much longer. Shadow had the most surprised look of all, while Amy was horrified, Knuckles was disgusted, Rouge the bat looked very happy, and tails was just speachless. Amy quickly turned angry, and she took out her hammer.

Amy : "Who are you?! And what have you done with my Sonic!?"

Sonic : "It's still me." Said a slightly frightened hedgehog.

Shadow : "WHAT!"

Knuckles : "You were a girl and you didn't tell us!?"

Sonic : "Yeah..."

Tails : "How did you keep this very important information from us?"

Rouge : "Yes, please explain."

Sonic : *sigh* "I'll explain just let me dry off and change my clothes. Ok?"

Knuckles : "Fine, but you've got a lot of explaning to do."

Sonic : "I know."