When Mandarin returned to consciousness the first thing that he noticed was that his whole body was in a dull pain. Groaning, he opened his eyes and could only stare in shock at what surrounded him Instead of the jungle and formless that he had grown use to seeing he saw medical machines. Slowly he pushed himself into a sitting position, letting out a small hiss of pain as his wounds were aggravated slightly. He looked down at his side and shoulder to see that they were both wrapped in bandages.
"It is good to see that you are awake Mandarin."
Mandarin quickly looked to the side of the room to see a silver monkey, a small smile on his face, meditating not far from the bed that he was lying on. Confusion ran through his mind before he remembered something that Chiro had shown him in his memories.
The monkey closed his eyes before giving a small nod.
"How are you feeling?" Antauri asked. "We were worried when Nova and Sparks brought you back unconscious."
"I'm fine, a little sore though." Mandarin answered, looking around the area. "I never thought I would get out of that jungle."
"You most likely wouldn't have if Skeleton King hadn't sent Chiro there." Antauri said. "It is a huge relief for me and the others to discover that you had never betrayed us like we were fooled to believe."
Mandarin let out a chuckle as he gave Antauri a smile.
"Yah, that was a shock to discover when I ran into Chiro."
The door opened, drawing the attention of the two. All the two could see though was a green blur that rammed into Mandarin, causing him to fall off of the bed. Mandarin let out a small groan as he looked at Otto who was clinging to his front in a death grip of a hug.
"Otto, will you let him go. I already bandaged those injuries of his and I don't want them to worsen because you refuse to let him go."
The three turned to look back at the entrance to see Gibson with a small smirk on his face as he looked at the money pile on the ground. Otto gave a nervous chuckle as he let go of Mandarin and helped him back onto the bed. Gibson just shook his head and walked over to Mandarin and began to check over his injuries.
"How do your injuries feel?" he asked.
"A little sore, but what about Nova and Sparks? And is Chiro okay?" Mandarin asked.
"Nova and Sparks are okay. Their injuries were mostly scratches and bruises. Chiro on the other hand, well."
Mandarin began to worry when Gibson wouldn't answer about Chiro's welfare, when some chuckling caused him to look to Antauri.
"Why don't you see for yourself." he said as he moved more to the side where Mandarin saw another bed with Chiro curled up in a small ball, fast asleep.
"He has fully recovered from being forced to consume liquid bone." Gibson said. "But he has refused to leave your side until you've woken. Antauri was only recently able to get him to at least rest."
Mandarin let out a sigh of relief at this information.
"At least he is no longer in danger." Mandarin said.
"It's also good to have you back as well."
Everyone turned to see Sparks and Nova enter, Jinmay following close behind as she ran towards Chiro's bed as she gave Mandarin a smile as she passed him.
"You had us worried when we got you back." Nova said as she stood next to Antauri.
"Vallina, what about her?" Mandarin asked.
"She's still trapped in that dimension." Sparks answered. "As long as Skeleton King doesn't send anyone else there she won't be hurting anyone for a long time."
Chiro began to squirm in his sleep, catching the attention of the other occupants in the room. Slowly Chiro opened his eyes before widening them in shock when he saw that Mandarin was awake.
"Mandarin!" he cried as he jumped off of the bed and over to Mandarin. "Are you alright?"
Mandarin let out a chuckle as he placed a hand on Chiro's shoulder to calm down the younger monkey.
"I'm fine, compared to what I've gotten back in that jungle these are more like scratches. Glad to see that you've also recovered."
Chiro gave the older monkey a grin as Sparks moved closer.
"It's good to have the real you back." he said, holding out his hand to the orange monkey.
"It's good to be back." Mandarin said as he took a hold of the offered hand. "It's just going to take me a while to get use to technology again after being surrounded by nothing by jungle."
The others laughed as they all stepped forward to welcome Mandarin back to the team, all hoping that everything will be alright in the road ahead.