Chapter 14

Emma arrived to her home and walked in. Immediately she was overwhelmed by the delightful smell flooding from the kitchen.

"Why are you out of bed?"

Regina turned around quickly and met Emma's stare.

"Well because my horrible girlfriend, left me sleeping without any food or water."

A smile brushed her lips briefly as she turned around to continue the task at hand.

"I'm so sorry I didn't even think about that, I am horrible. ..I forgot to feed you...I..."

Regina turned quickly and grabbed Emma by her jacked pulling her in for a deep passionate kiss.

"No, that's what you forgot this morning, I can go all day without food, but those lips, those I cannot live without for more then an hour or so."

Regina's grin splayed across Emma's lips still holding her close.

"Are you almost done here because I need to talk to you, and I think it's better if we do it before you eat. You'll be weak from lack of nutrition which will make it harder for you to kill me."

Regina pulled her head back staring attentively at Emma's face.

"Why would I want to kill you Sherriff?"

"Come into the library. "

Emma pulled Regina behind her at motioned for her to sit on the couch. Silence was only momentary since Emma could see Regina's rising anxiety.

"I found a solution to your... well your memory issue. Like to the issue on your back..The problem on your back... The scars ok... The scars.. i found a solution to the scars on your back."

Regina stared attentively at Emma as she subconsciously ran a finger over a scar that ran across her shoulder blade.

"Your not taking them Emma."

A pause was brief but Regina continued.

"Well now that we've established that I'm going back to cooking."

"Wait no. I'm not taking them... well I'm not taking all of them...ok don't hate me please. Just listen. Me and Snow went to talk to Rumple about finding a solution. Belle was with him and even though I didn't want to tell her your secret I thought it'd be ok if she was able to help.

Regina scrunched her nose and crossed her arms tightly on her chest, yet allowed Emma to continue.

"Well turns out she was very helpful. She said that the scars didn't have to all transfer to one person that they could all be spread out. She proceeded to say that she had forgiven you and that she was more then willing to take some of them. Rumple also said he'd take some without any issues. Actually he said he'd always been ugly and that few scars wouldn't change anything.

Emma took a break to breath. She looked at Regina who still sat in silence.

"Well anyway Snow was there like I said and she said she was definitely taking some, and we'll me of course just a few. We also thought David would take a few, Snow isn't going to tell him why, he just needs to know Snow says to do it so he will. You haven't killed me yet, but I'm not sure if your breathing cause your turning white."

Emma leaned back a little a bit afraid of what Regina would say.

"Emma, I guess I'm not mad I'm just mortified. I don't need all these people walking around town with my memories.

"That's just it. We won't have your memories. Well have new memories. Those scars for us will be the memory of being able to help someone else of being good friends. Of being the weirdest most messed up family."

Regina's tears were falling with constancy by this point. Yet a smile curled her lips. Emma had a point.

"Thank god you smiled because I have one last piece to tell you. While we were talking we didn't realize we were under the camera. And Ruby and Granny well and Kathryn heard. And they want to take some too... I'm sorry it was stupid to be talking so nonchalantly. We just weren't thinking."

Regina wasn't sure if she was mad at Emma for being so oblivious with her feelings or if she was just confused. Why the other 3 women and Belle were willing to do this for her was something she couldn't wrap her head around. She was after all the evil queen, the one who had cursed them. Emma looked petrified, Regina thought as she looked at the blonde. Was Emma waiting for her to throw a fireball or something.

"Regina please say something."

"I...i don't know what to say. I could yell and scream and call you names, like inconsiderate, oblivious, naive, yet that would solve nothing. What's done is done they all already know."

"Not really, since if this is actually such a terrible idea then Rumple can just erase that memory from everyone's mind."

Emma was right she thought. It wasn't hard to get them to forget.

"Why do they want to help me? I cursed them Emma I ruined their lives."

"Because you are no longer that person and because the new you is amazing, and they want you to have the chance to be a complete new you, without the past lingering on your back forever."

Regina sobbed uncontrollably as Emma pulled her in to her lap.

"It will be a new memory, I need you to be as a happy about this as everyone else."

They sat in silence for over an hour, the oven was on a timer it would die down on its own, Regina thought. For now she just needed to be held, she just needed to breathe.

Emma rolled over in bed to find a beautiful naked women beside her. Regina slept peacefully on he back as Emma stared at the majestic form rested in front of her. Regina opened her eyes and immediately caught Emma's.

"Good morning Emma. "

Emma didn't answer instead she leaned down and melted her lips to the ones of her lover. Tangling her fingers in Emma's hair, Regina pulled her closer. Gasping in between to breath both women remained conjoined for what seemed like an eternity. A smile on Emma's lips brought them to a staring contest. Both women taking in the beauty of the other. Rubbing circles around Regina's clavicle Emma seemed to resonate light. Yes it was a white light, she was definitely proud.

"How do you feel?"

Regina sat up in her bed and stood slowly. She walked over to the wooden mirror in her bedroom and took a breath. She turned her back to stare at it, and shook her head while shutting her eyes softly.

"it's going to take me a while before I realize they are no longer there, before I realize I dont have to wear a blazer over everything, before going to the beach in a bathing suit is a norm not a struggle."

She turned to face Emma who looked like a kid who had just gotten a puppy. She ran over to the bed and jumped into Emma's arms.

"Yea well I'm not to happy that I didn't get any, they just all decided it would defeat the purpose of taking them from you, since you'd still have to stare at them on me. I also forgot to tell you, Rumple said not to be mad at him but he may have given you a little something at the hospital to help you with the nightmares.

"Wish he would have told me, since I've been afraid to sleep, and yesterday I fell into like a coma with Henry, I figured be had. I don't know when those people stopped being my enemies and became people that actually cared about me..."

Emma pressed an amazing smile on her lips.

"Leopold is also gone, he will not be bothering you ever again I promise you."

Regina didn't even want to know what had happened to him, she trusted Emma if she said he was gone she believed her.

"Thank you Emma. . Thank you for changing me.. Thank you for. ...for giving me my best shot...Thank you for giving me and our son our best shot."

Emma opened her mouth in surprise. Even when she thought Regina never listened she realized she always had. She hugged her close at placed a kiss on her Regina's cheek.

"Now I need you to give me my best shot ok?"

Regina looked up and smiled.

"And how would I give you that dear?"

"Marry me?"

Regina huffed in surprise a smile threatening to take over her entire face.

"Yes, Ms. Swan I'll marry you

The End.

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