From The Ashes

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or storyline; I'm just bringing to life the musings in my head

(My story is set after Clarke was captured by the grounders, the 100 thought she was dead, but she's not, they let her go. Main questions are why? I am a Bellarker, so it will happen, but not for a while, I think you'll be pretty surprised. Also, my story may get a bit dark; Clarke went through a pretty traumatic experience and my story is going to show her journey to find herself again.)


She felt someone grab her roughly by the hair and jerk her head up. She couldn't even bring herself to grimace because

for some reason she didn't remember, she was used to this. The grounder turned her head to the right and said,

"Your camp is that way, just keep walking straight and don't get lost." he said menacingly.

"Don't get lost," mumbled Clarke her eyes cloudy.

"That's right," said the grounder with a smirk.

"Our little pet will do anything we tell her too," he say's to his comrade, and then they're gone and Clarke is left to start

her long trek back to camp.


"Don't get lost," mumbled Clarke incoherently to herself as she stumbled through the forest. She knew she wasn't being

quiet, but in her weakened state she couldn't exactly be stealthy; besides she was free from the grounders the only

thing left to fear was an animal attack or the fog. Everything seemed brighter, sharper. The tree's swayed, bird's

chirped, how long had it been since she had felt the grass beneath her hands instead of the cold dirt ground. Before she

realized it, Clarke had found herself sitting on the ground holding in her hand a single yellow wildflower. How did this

happen? She thought to herself. I don't remember sitting down. She looked at her hands only to see the once beautiful

flower now a wilted, crushed mass lying limply in her palm. She knew exactly how it felt. Suddenly she was filled with a

sense of urgency. What had Stjephen said? Oh, she remembered now, "Your camp is that way, just keep walking

straight don't get lost." She began to run, stumble was more like it. The camp, she would see her camp again. She

vaguely remembered the faces of the 100, could see herself tending to their wounds, but after what she had survived,

her life at the camp felt like someone else's. She saw a dark shadow cross the forest floor then, heard the snap of a twig

breaking under someone's feet, and knew that she was in danger. In her haste to find a hiding spot, she fell to her

knees and began crawling on all fours, her hands scraping against the ground roughly in a clumsy attempt to save

herself. She ensconced herself in some nearby bushes holding her hands over her mouth, trying not to make a sound.

She heard the footsteps nearing her hiding spot and saw a man, his face shadowed, his weapon gleaming in the harsh

sunlight. Clarke pulled her body into herself and waited for death to reach her.