WOW, this has been one wild ride. First of all, I think some thanks are in order.
I love all of you jerk-faces with all of my evil heart...
To Atomicredboots: THANK YOU FOR YOUR ART! If not for your AU Frozen art, this never would have happened. Ever. I hope you never stop drawing and inspiring people.
To CobaltDusk: YOU, my friend, were my biggest fan, and I can't even put into words how much you constantly reviewing meant to me. I am so glad that you fell in love with this fic and were with me through it all. You, my dear, are pure awesome sauce.
And, to all my readers: Seriously. Without you all reading, favoriting, and following, this would have stalled out back at chapter three. I love all of you, and you all rock my socks off to the hamper and back.
The ship-
Row, row, row your boat...
ElsAnna: Okay, honestly? Something I kinda ship, but never would have written this on just my feelings alone. Frozen had been done to hell and back in such a short period of time, and almost always from only a few angles. They either stuck close to the Disney movie, high school AU, or college AU. I fell in love with the artwork from Boots, and this just happened.
About the other AU version characters and various sexuality-
In the jungle, the mighty jungle...
Tarzan and Jane: I had zero intent to bring them in at first, but then chapter seven happened and I have no regrets. I loved the Disney urban legend of Tarzan being their long lost brother, but how to make it relevant... Make him magical too! No human could talk to ALL of those animals flawlessly. So, he could turn into animals and talk to them! BRILLIANT! Jane kinda became his translator, wife, and a jungle fighter. Because why not? She could kick some ass if needed, I bet!
I'm kinda turned on by reindeer...
Sven and Kristoff: These two had to make it in. Kristoff was so asexual, it hurt. Well, he may or may not have had interest in his companion, but that is neither here nor there! I liked the idea of troll/magical Kristoff and Sven, giving them more earthen of looks. Wise Kristoff who cared about his friends, but was too jaded about humans until a simple gesture fostered a friendship between he and Oaken.
Oaken: Straight. So, so, so straight. A hulking armorer with a kindness for those who are kind to him. Protective of his friends, he gave his life for Kristoff, and I liked him a lot more than I thought I would.
The bonds of brotherhood...
Ames and Alejandro: Ames is gay. So gay. Married, and gay. He and Alejandro had been friends since childhood, and had been near each other almost all of their lives. However, there is a reason Alejandro's death hit Ames so hard; in university, they had been lovers. That's right! The Spaniard is bisexual with a preference for women. You better believe Alejandro had interrogated Jacques to hell and back before approving of him. Also, Château de La Bête is a reference to one of my favorite old Disney films set in France. You probably know what it is, but you may not actually KNOW you know it.
Her hair glows! WHY DOES HER HAIR GLOW?!
Rapunzel and Eugene: Coming in from Germany, I totally ran with the old 'cousins' theory. Hey, Disney studios loves doing that whole cameo thing, so I took it one step further. I like the idea of Eugene using his old name for his own cavalry name, and the death touch I still have no idea where I pulled that from. But, it was awesome, huh?
Disney princes are always so easy to love. And then there's this asshole...
Hans: I wanted to make him more of a revenge driven psychopath. He was closer to his brothers, and yeah, is a bit better, but damn did I still love killing that fucker.
No mythica is permitted!
The Duke: Okay, this guy was both fun and terrifying for me to write for. I kinda had to admit that he formed a grudging warriors respect for Anna during their battle because... Well, a girl much younger than him was successfully holding him off. He had to admit it was kinda impressive, but he could never let go of his distrust of Elsa for her 'witchcraft'. Sorry, Duke. You steampunked bastard.
And now, on to my note of my Easter eggs!
Get it out, get it out! Get these songs out of my head~!
Okay, fun fact: I used lines from EVERY SINGLE SONG from the theatrical version of Frozen. No, none of the deleted songs were used, but all of the others were. From the opening credits song, to the reprise of For the First Time In Forever, every single song was honored. Be it in dialogue between characters, or even descriptions of scenes, you can find every song in this fic.
Pick a line, any line...
Why I used lines from the film: Because I like honoring the source material, which is a really fluffed up version of a much darker story. I didn't use too many, and one I consciously picked was in chapter two. The rest kinda happened on their own.
On to the possible outcomes-
Shot through the heart, and you're to blame...
Remember that poll only two people voted in? If they had picked Ames, Anna would have become a frost soldier. Now, for them to have picked Alejandro, Anna would have died and stayed dead, but Alejandro and Kristoff would have lived. So, congrats!
So, now for that ending part:
I am known for enjoying the suffering of my readers. That's right. Your tears of heartache are my Gatorade. That also happened to show you what COULD have happened as well as honoring the comic made by atomicredboots. But, mostly to make you cry.
I love you all so much for reading Frozen Hearts. I am so lucky to have had the honor of creating something that so many squealed, raged, sobbed, and table-flipped over. You guys are the best readers anyone could have asked for. Much love, many doodles, happy fappings, and lots of rainbows to you all.
- Korrupted.