Thank you to all those that showed their support for this story. It makes me so happy to see that people are actually enjoying my story.

As you can see, I've kind of figured out how to work FF. So hopefully this looks better. If you find any spelling mistakes or any errors, feel free to send me a message and let me know, or even send some suggestions that you would like to see happen. I'll try to fix it as soon as I can.

So I decided to kind of mess with the time line to give me more room to write before the whole movie would start. So let's just pretend the last chapter was just a random family meeting and not the beginning of the movie. Haha Sorry. I just wasn't sure if I could fit my idea in that time space. Anyways, again, thank you so much for your support, and I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

I don't own any of the actual characters from the movie "Little Nicky". All rights belong to their rightful owners.

Nicky sighed as he stood in the doorway, watching Zena work through some files. That was a job everyone in Hell hated. The secret filing system that the demons wouldn't even wish on the souls of the damned.

(Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it was still a job that nobody wanted to do.)

"Zena. Are you-" Nicky started to say, only to be cut off.

"I'm fine. Everything is fine Nicky. I just need to finish this work that Jimmy asked me to do." She said without taking her eyes off the papers in front of her.

"What happened in the hall? That isn't like you. He won't say it, but I know it worried Adrian. Cassius just didn't give him the option to follow you." Nicky said while he actually entered the room and set on a stool in the corner of the room.

"Well, for once, I might have to thank Cassius for something." Zena said with a sigh as she tried to continue working. Eventually though, Nicky staring at her in silence finally got her to stop. "Jimmy feels like what's going on with Adrian and I is getting in the way of my work. He thinks that I'm focusing too much on Adrian and not enough on my work."

"But how? You're one of the hardest workers here." Nicky said, trying to hopefully cheer her up, but it was only met with a displease stare. "Sorry. But it is true that you work really hard."

"I wish Jimmy would see it that way." Zena replied with another sigh as she leaned against the table.

"What's the worst that they can do anyways? My father thinks you're a good worker, and he knows you keep an eye on my brothers." Nicky said with a shrug.

"But keeping an eye on them isn't my job. I have other things that I should be doing rather than just sitting around with them, and I'm sure Jimmy could convince your father of that." She said as she frowned and looked at her feet. "And as for the worst they can do, they can send my off to the other side of Hell. I'm sure there's somewhere else they ca-"

"But Adrian wouldn't let that happen." Nicky said quickly and seriously, "And I would try to stop them too. I know you try to help when Cassius just wants to beat the crap out of me."

A small smile crossed Zena's lips as she looked over at Nicky, "Thank you." She said before she turned around to look back at the papers, "I really wasn't joking when I said I need to do this work though. This paper work has kind of fallen behind."

"Well maybe I can help out." Nicky said with a smile as he got up and walked over to help. "Just show me where this stuff goes."

A little while later, Nicky and Zena were walked outside the palace and towards where Adrian was watching Cassius beat up some poor guard. Zena looked over her shoulder and laughed when she noticed Nicky start to stand more behind her before he just ended up saying 'Good bye.' and leaving, not wanting to become Cassius' next play toy.

The demoness made her way over to Adrian, but she frowned when she noticed that the amused look disappered from his face when he noticed her. They both just stared blankly at each other for a few seconds before Zena ended up turning and walking off away from the palace.

Adrian quickly stood and went to follow her but stopped when Cassius grabbed his shoulder.

"Just forget about her, Adrian. Something's up with that demoness. Just find some other chick." Cassius said with a smirk, but the only reply he got was a death glare from Adrian before the blonde pushed his arm away and continued to follow his demoness.