Author's note

So this is my first time ever writing fanfic. I've thought about it before a lot but never really had the guts to put anything out there. This starts off the morning after Coulson gives Skye the bracelet at the end of 'Girl in the Flower Dress'. Then it will diverge from there, while following the general progression and occurrences of the season. The main focus is going to be on Ward and how he deals with choosing SHIELD.


"Sir, there's something… You need to… I have to tell you something," stuttered Grant Ward, knowing he was making the right choice but not being able to get the words out.

"What is it agent Ward?" Coulson asked, knowing it must be something serious to have the stoic specialist stammering over his words like that. "If it's about Skye-"

"It's not," Ward interrupted. "Well, not directly," he amended. The truth was it did have to do with Skye, in a way. After what had happened the day before with Scorch and Miles, he had spent the whole night up thinking about Coulson's words.

"You can't save someone from themselves, sir"

"You can if you get to them early enough"

He had been rethinking things for a while, even before joining Coulson's team. But it was those words that echoed in his head, and helped him make the decision to tell Coulson. He just hoped that the team leader would hear him out and at least give him a chance to make things better.

"What I have to tell you, you aren't going to like. But I hope that you can give me a chance to explain, and to make things right. I want to help."

"Help with what Ward? Just tell me, and then if I can help you I will," Coulson replied, feeling concerned about the lack of confidence in the normally over confident younger agent.

"Can I ask that you hear me out before you say anything sir? It's just that, if I have to stop half way through I don't know if I will be able to get through the whole story," Ward said, while looking at the ground.

"Sure. I will hear you out without reacting until you are done," Coulson assured him.

Finally having the courage to look up and meet his superior's eyes, Grant lifted his head and uttered the words that would change his path and alter his loyalties.

"Hydra still exists, and I know this because Garrett recruited me to be a part of it before I even joined SHIELD."