So I got the idea of this as I was playing Tekken. Originally it was going to be a singles tournament, but then I decided to spice it up a bit by making it a tag tournament. Now be aware that this is BB/Kole, friendship or romance will be left to your imagination, as stated in the summary. This is also an "underdog" story, in case you didn't already guess that. So prepare for some "Eye of the Tiger" moments. All right, I think I said all that needed to be said. Lets get started!
January 21st. The day Beast Boy had preparing all last year for. The day he was hyped up for. The day where he would win. The day where he could finally turn to the world and scream, "In you're face!" The day where he could earn the respect of all his fellow titans. With Cyborg by his side, of course. What was so important about that day, you ask? January 21st was when the annual Titans Tag Tournament, a tournament where all the titans would form teams of two and fight one another for the top spot. Robin had said it was a great way to learn how to work as a team, but everyone knew he just wanted to prove he was the best. But to try to make it less obvious he made it into a tag tournament. And of course he and Starfire were the champions for three years running. (The number of years it has been around.)
Oh, and one more thing. Today was not January 21st. It was January 14th. Today was the day they would pick their teams. Then they would have a week to train. Beast Boy rose out of his bed, smiling brightly. He had a feeling that this year would be his to win. Of course with his buddy Cyborg by his side. Plus, someone needed to topple down Robin. And Beast Boy would love to be that someone. Beast Boy rolled off his bed, landing on all fours. He turned into a cat, and stretched. After his little cat-fest, the changeling walked out of his room, the smile never leaving his face.
Entering the kitchen, he greeted everyone, before walking to the fridge. He brought out his tofu, licking his lips. He stuck it in the microwave, and turned to Cyborg. "So Cy," he said. "Ready to whoop ass in the tournament with me?"
Cyborg shook his head. "Sorry BB," he apologized. "I promised Bumblebee I'd compete with her this year."
Beast Boy could have sworn he heard something shatter. He forced a smile onto his face. "Oh," he muttered, the smile quickly fading. "That's cool."
Cyborg smiled in a sympathetic way. He patted Beast Boy's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, BB," he told the changeling. "Maybe you can team up with Raven."
Beast Boy's head perked up. He turned around and gazed hopefully at Raven. Without looking up from her book she said, "I'm teaming up with Wondergirl this year." Beast Boy sighed in disappointment.
"I guess I won't be competing this year." He murmured sadly. Starfire placed her hands on Beast Boy's shoulders. "Do not feel sad, friend Beast Boy," she comforted. "I am certain that you will find a partner."
"Starfire's right, Beast Boy," Robin said in his usual stern voice. "Besides, the others will be arriving in just a few hours."
Beast Boy nodded. Sighing, he took his breakfast out of the microwave and sat down at the table. He stabbed his fork into the white substance, tore off a small piece, and stuck in his mouth. He chewed slowly, savoring it.
Beast Boy was sitting on the sofa, currently playing "Mega Monkeys X." It was the most critically acclaimed in the series, serving as reboot with new RPG elements. He was concentrating really hard, his fingers tapping rapidly on the buttons. The clacking noise annoyed Raven to her wits end. Using her magic, she completely destroyed the Gamestation. Beast Boy stared in shock for a few moments, before letting a few tears escape his eyes. He quietly stood up, gathered the destroyed bits and pieces of the Gamestation, and walked out of the common room. Raven allowed a smirk to appear on her face, before digging herself into her book again.
However, before she could get far, she heard Robin announce the arrival of the other titans. Sighing, Raven put her book down, and teleported to the roof.
Beast Boy heard the announcement as he was tending to his broken console. Wiping a tear from his eye, he opened his window, and jumped out. He quickly changed into a hawk, and flew up towards the roof. When he landed, he saw everyone socializing. He stood still for a moment, pondering on who he should ask to be his partner. He considered Jericho, but crossed him out as he saw the mute place a hand on Herald's shoulder. Perhaps Pantha? No, she was teaming up with Wildebeest. He saw Mas y Menos hurry towards Bobby, who had decided to enter. He didn't bother asking Thunder or Lightning. It was obvious that the brothers would team up together.
Beast Boy then searched for Terra, who had recently gotten back her memories, thus becoming an honorary titan. But he saw her approaching HIVE, who had recently defected to the good side. Sighing, Beast Boy continued to look around, and for some reason, saw Negative Man and Robotman teaming up. He then remembered that Robin let them join for reasons he did not know. Beast Boy continued to look around, noticing that everone had a partner. Everyone accept him.
Beast Boy then felt a tap on his shoulder. He jumped up, and turned around. Standing in front of him was a petite girl with pink hair. 'Wow, she's cute.' Beast Boy thought to himself. Then he snapped his fingers. "I remember you," he said. "You're name is Kole, right?" The girl nodded.
"Do you want to be my partner?" Kole asked. Beast Boy tilted his head in confusion.
"I thought you would've teamed up with that Gnarrk guy." He said slowly. Kole looked down.
"Normally, yes," she answered. "But he decided he wanted to team up with someone else this year." She looked up at him. "So do you want to be my partner?" She repeated. Beast Boy thought for a moment, before nodding his head. Kole grinned, and shook his hand. Beast Boy returned the shake.
"So Kole, welcome to the Beast's lair." Beast Boy joked. Kole giggled.
"So Beast Boy, welcome to the land of crystals." She countered. The two grinned.
And that concludes the chapter! But before you leave, let me show you the teams.
Beast Boy/Kole
Kid Flash/Jinx
Mas y Menos/Bobby (I'm counting Mas y Menos as one person)
Hot Spot/Argent
Negative Man/Robotman
Gnarrk/Red Star
Sargent HIVE/Terra
Kyd Wykkyd/Angel (Both had recently defected to the good side.
So that is our cast of characters. Don't forget to review. I'm also open to suggestions!
Happy reading! And remember, stay wykkyd! (Sorry, it's just my calling card.)