The curse had been lifted, peace restored, and two engagements made-it had been an eventful night for all. Maria let out a breath she felt she'd been holding in for far too long. Her uncle was reunited with his love and had eyes only for her, but Robin could see her eyes lowering.
"Tired, Princess?" he grinned at her, bumping his shoulder into hers.
"Well, you just tell me how well-rested you feel after saving the entirety of Moonacre Valley, Robin, and then you can make fun," she shot back immediately, keeping her expression of stone for only a few seconds before it dissolved into a hint of a smile.
Robin chuckled under his breath and lifted his head, clearing his throat. "Loveday, Sir Benjamin, I think our Moon Princess might be ready to head home." Loveday smiled at Maria, taking her hands at once and promising they would leave straight away.
"Yes, I believe we should be...heading back as well," Couer spoke softly, eyeing Robin and Maria in turn.
Benjamin coughed into his hand and approached the Couer, attempting a smile. He glanced between Maria, Loveday, and the man before him. "It would be...logical...I should think, for you to limit your traveling by…" His face almost contorted at the thought, but he strove on after an encouraging smile from Loveday. "By...staying with us for the night."
"Uncle!" Maria exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise. Such generosity so close to the breaking of the curse was something she did not expect, least of all from Sir Benjamin.
Loveday took Benjamin's hand, a soft smile on her lips. "Benjamin, I'm certain my father, brother, and I would be delighted at such a prospect," she spoke quietly, cutting a quick look to the Couer.
Catching her hint, the Couer nodded and offered his hand to Benjamin's free one, a grimace on his face. "I...appreciate the gesture. If Robin wishes to, I'm sure we'd all do with a good night's rest." The two shook hands firmly as everyone looked on. Robin's eyes sought Maria out and locked to her gaze, half of a smile forming as he nodded as well.
Loveday held back a squeal of delight as she tugged on Benjamin's hand. "Then let us go at once! There is no time like the present."
With that, they were off: Loveday, Benjaman, and Couer de Noir walking ahead to discuss the engagement, Miss Heliotrope and Digweed behind them, sharing glances, and lastly, Robin and Maria, seemingly alone for the first time since they'd come to the cliff.
Robin cleared his throat, cutting his eyes at Maria for a moment before speaking. "I...I'm glad you're okay," he murmured, perhaps hoping she would not hear him.
"Oh?" she whispered, grinning up at him as she lifted an eyebrow. "You mean you were worried?"
"Ah, I wouldn't exactly say I was worried," Robin shot back. He kept her gaze for a moment before lowering his eyes as well as his voice. "I'd call that an understatement."
Maria felt her face grow a little warmer at his words. She suddenly could not form a proper retort to the boy's teasing words as the mood of their conversation seemed to be shifting. "Thank you," she spewed out in a burst, "for helping me, I mean, I couldn't have done this without you and I… I do appreciate it. I appreciate you."
The two shared a smile and Maria slipped her arm through his, resting her head on his shoulder as they continued to stroll along. Her gesture may have appeared casual but her heart was continually increasing the speed of its beating, her cheeks heating up at the close contact. But she forced her hands not to shake as she clung to the leather of Robin's jacket sleeve.
The feeling of her arm in his and her head against his shoulder inspired a similar fire to erupt in Robin, filling his head with thoughts he had attempted to subdue because it was wrong-she was wrong, wrong for him, for his family. But now the curse was lifted and the feud was slowly fading. Their friendship over the past day had proven to him that change was possible. Perhaps if he could change in such a way, his feelings were not-
A soft yawn interrupted his thoughts, pulling him back to the reality of the girl on his arm, the girl whose steps were becoming slow with the weight of exhaustion. He truly did admire her for her strength, for what else could it be to allow her to accomplish all that she had in such a short time?
"Well, Princess, luckily for you, we're nearing our stop. I've a feeling you're about to fall over." Robin let a smile turn his lips and laid his hand over hers. And it was true, the party in front of Robin and Maria soon quickened their pace to retreat inside the welcoming doors. Robin tugged Maria along, finally pulling her through the doors with him.
Opening her eyes more widely to the sudden light, Maria searched the room until her sights were set on her uncle. "Uncle, where will Robin sleep?" she asked him, bringing Sir Benjamin out of his previous conversation.
"Why don't you show him a room in the upstairs hall, Maria," he quickly replied, dismissing her to turn his attention back to his fiancée.
Maria huffed but took Robin's hand and pulled him up the stairs, his protestations going completely unnoticed until they reached the hall in which Sir Benjamin described. "This is where you'll be sleeping, I suppose…" she began. "But, would you like to see something first?"