Author's Note

Sorry that this was such a slow update for a small chapter. I started back at college for my junior year and am taking 18 hours so writing is not my first priority. But seeing the favorites and follows made me want to update this. The childhood au will be next whenever I have the time to flesh it out. I hope you enjoy this! Please review!

Midousuji looked down at the plain white envelope addressed to an box number 243. Which was not the correct address as box numbered 243 was in fact his box. He had never heard of the name Onoda but never interacting with one's neighbors tended to leave one in the dark. Unnecessary actions were a pet peeve of his. And he never seemed to speak clearly to those around him.

This letter could be important though…The woman's name shared his supposed neighbors. Perhaps it was his mother's? Mothers were important things.

So with great reluctance Midousuji walked through his apartment building staring at all the name plates for an Onoda.

The door he found had several stacks of boxes in front of it. When one of the stacks began to wiggle he wondered a bit. Then the stack collapsed on itself and made a strange squeaking noise. Midousuji leaned over the pile only to see a man sprawled on the ground with glasses asquew.

"Hello!" The man quickly scrabbled over a spilled box, "Whoopsie! I guess my packing skills aren't very good."

So he was new. "Is this yours?" Midousuji shoved the letter at the shorter man.

"Yes! Looks like my mother miswrote the box number. That was my old address."

"Make sure you tell her the correct one." Midousuji walked off. He had returned the letter so he was done being neighborly.

Or at least he thought he was.

A week later another letter wound up in his mail. Bill, bill, junk, Onoda's mother. Midousuji wasn't a courier service. But he couldn't hold it against the older woman. Obviously her son was at fault.

This time no boxes greeted him. Knocking on the door wrought no response. If he went back to his apartment then he would have to come back later. Midousuji chose to wait. He crouched down right in front of the entrance with his long legs supporting his chin. It didn't look very comfortable but suited him.

Onoda on the other hand was frightened to death that a gangster was skulking on his door mat. He crept closer towards the black clad man. Midousuji glanced up and saw Onoda cowering with a plastic bag over his face. The bag had an anime girl in a maid outfit printed on it. Obviously, instead of talking to his mother his neighbor had spent the afternoons playing in the Otaku district. Midousuji's nose wrinkled. He liked Gundam but that was where his interest ended. Being around a bunch of backpack wearing zakus wasn't his idea of fun.

"Your mother sent another letter." It was shoved into Onoda's face.

"I swear I told her the correct address! She must have ignored me. Or was talking to her friends when I called her." Even though Midousuji hadn't turned out to be a gangster he was still kinda scary. Those narrowed eyes gave him the chills.

"Just try to tell her it again."

Instead of a letter the next week, Midousuji had a small curly haired woman knock on his front door.

"Are you a friend of Sakamichi's?" She asked.

Midousuji wanted to be annoyed but instead invited the small lady into his apartment where he offered her some tea and told her that he was a neighbor of Onoda's so he would bring him here to pick her up. Midousuji was never less than a gentleman in the presence of a woman.

Onoda was a worried looking when Midousuji once more appeared on his door step.

"Your mother is in my living room." With that cryptic statement he turned and looked over his shoulder to make certain Onoda was following.

Onoda's mother was a lively person and teased him a bit about imposing on Midousuji. The two didn't immediately leave since Onoda's mom was so curious about another single boy living in the apartment complex. Before they left she asked Midousuji to watch out for her son. Onoda seemed embarrassed by that even more so when Midousuji seriously replied that Onoda was too careless for his own good.

Neither young man realized that the woman had just attempted to set them up.