It was exceptionally cold this morning. The kind of cold that made the floors feel like polar ice caps and the air around you chilled you to the bone. You stared out the window, not wanting to get up. You knew that you have to battle with the cold floors beneath you. But your day had to start somewhere...

You sat up, covers still wrapped around your had already gotten up and battled the cold ground. You envied him for that.

You were only wearing a spaghetti strap tank top and panties. Goosebumps trailed up your arms as you sat up. You skimmed the room with your eyes looking for something that could keep you warm. Your sweater lay on the floor... but it was halfway across the room. Your baggy pajama pants hung out of the dresser drawer. It was also too far away. You saw something red hanging on the end of the headboard of the bed frame. One of Sam's plaid flannel shirts.

You quickly throw it on and wrapped it around you. You cuddled up in it. It was still warm. You instantly felt warmer. You almost fell asleep again. It smelled just like him. Like fabric softener, coffee and musk. It was one of your favorite smells in the whole world. You reach over the end of your bed, and grabbed the pants that hung from your dresser and a pair of socks. You finally crawl out of bed and head to the kitchen.

You were hungry, but you knew that if Dean found you wearing the shirt, you would never hear the end of it. And you knew if Sam saw you, it would be a never ending blush fest. You hurry and open the fridge. There sat some muffins, leftover diner food, milk, juice, beer, beer, beer, pie, more beer, eggs, carrots, and oh look, more beer. You pull out a couple muffins and the milk. You open the cupboards and look for the coffee, the coffee filters, and a mug. Coffee, coffee... where the fu-

"(name)... is that my shirt?" You whipped your head around, only to find your boyfriend Sam.

"Umm, well, ugh... H-hi Sammy!" You stammer and awkwardly smile.

"Hi." He smirked. He walked closer to you.

"Um... yeah, it is your shirt..." You avert your eyes and blush.

"Aw, you're blushing... do you know how fucking adorable it is when you do that?" He backed you up against the counter and put his hand on your cheek. You had no idea what to say.

"Speechless are we?" He continued to smirk.

"Not anymore..."

"A ha! She can talk." He held you by your hips and swayed you side to side.

"Haha Sammy." you cupped his cheeks.

"So... what exactly are you doing in my shirt?"

"Do you not want me to wear it?" Your smile disappeared.

"No, no! I like you in it. I love you in it. I just wanna know."

"Oh, I just got cold and it was the closest thing to me." You chuckle. He laughs as well.

"Now you just gotta wear my shirt!" You giggle at the thought of Sam wearing one of your graphic tees. Sam laughed even harder.

"I love it when you make me laugh." Sam said, leaning in to kiss you. His lips press against yours. The kiss was soft and quick but just as nice as any others.