Valka was struck with an uncontrollable urge to cry. She sat down at the edge of the docks, letting her feet dangle in the cold water. The icy chill spread from the tips of her toes to the rest of her body, soothing her. She sighed.

Stoick was always on her mind. Valka knew, as long as she was on this island, that Stoick would continue to haunt her with his memories. Their memories. As much as she wanted to leave, go back to her home, she couldn't. She had promised Hiccup. And here I'll stay, she had said. At the time, she meant it, but as time progressed she struggled to ignore the urge to leave the island, go back to her home.

The villagers had accepted her with ease, as if sensing how protective their new chief was over her position and acceptance in the tribe. ("This is my mother," his first speech had gone. "You will not ask her where she has been, and you will accept her with open arms. She is one of us, now.") Valka had taken to teaching the children about dragons—essentially taking over the academy. As she spotted a few Scauldron playing farther out in the sea, her mind flashed back to the last time she had faced the sea like this. A boat. Arrows. Fire. Stoick, floating away.

She closed her eyes tightly, unable to grant herself the relief of crying. Her heart throbbed in time with the tears behind her eyelids, her sob stuck at the back of her throat. The moon and stars twinkled above her, such vast objects in the space of such a little world, completely unaware of the immense pain of such a small being.

Valka opened her eyes, the world suddenly blurred as she forced tears back until she felt sick. For so many months she had forced herself to push the grief away; it was not important, there were busier and more important things to do.

Now, it was midnight and she had nothing to think about. Nothing to do. Nothing to distract her from the grief she had pushed away again and again and again. Her trembling hands closed tightly into fists as she rested them heavily in her lap. One single tear rolled from her eye. She missed Stoick so much she felt sick.

A hand touched her back. Jumping, she spun around. Hiccup crouched behind her, looking worried. "Hey, mum," his thumb wiped away the tear still glimmering on her cheek. "What are you doing?"

She turned back to the water, patting the space beside her. Hiccup sat, keeping his feet out of the cold water that hers dangled in. His arm roped around her shoulders, pulling her against his side.

Valka thanked the gods silently for the strong, understanding son he was. Before she could speak her emotions took hold and she began to cry.

"Hey… hey," Hiccup murmured, taking her chin in his hand. She avoided his eyes, squeezing hers shut. Stop crying, she berated herself. Stop!

"It's okay, mum," he whispered. He placed a kiss on her forehead, then wrapped her in a hug. Valka dissolved into silent cries she had been holding back since Stoick's death. Hiccup rested his chin on the top of her forehead.

"I'm sorry," he murmured. Valka closed her eyes tightly. "I'm sorry." For what, he didn't offer an explanation. He didn't need to. Valka knew, just as he knew, that some things could not be explained in words.

Hiccup hummed into her hair. Holding his crying mother whilst her heart shattered was not an experience any son could ever forget. Valka cried for a good while, pent up emotions exploding into her son's chest. Had she not been exhausted with grief, she would have almost felt embarrassed.

"Hey, come with me," Hiccup said. Valka stood, slowly, holding his hand as he led her towards the hill to the house. He stopped and gently, almost as if she would shatter into a million pieces, began to sway her around. Valka was confused and tired, she couldn't form words to ask.

Only when he began humming, Valka understood. She wrapped her arms around his chest and hugged him tightly, swaying her body in time with his easier. Hiccup hummed for a bit longer then began singing.

He sang Stoick's verse.

"I'll swim, and sail on savage seas," his voice cracked and he cleared his throat roughly. Valka felt a few more tears slip. "With ne'er… with ne'er a fear of drowning." She wrapped one arm around his waist, linking hands with his other. Hiccup span her around. "And gladly r-ride the waves of life, if you will marry me. N-no scorching sun, nor freezing cold, will stop me on my… my journey." Hiccup tilted his head up to the sky, slowly swaying with her. "If you will promise me your… heart… and l-love—," just like his father's had the last time he sang it, Hiccup's voice broke and his eyes turned too glassy to continue.

Valka took over. "And lo-love me for eternity." Hiccup grinned, beginning to dance with more vigour. Valka laughed as he took her hands and began to spin with her goofily, laughter escaping his lips.

Valka danced with him, soon forgetting her grief as they sang the song that could make her smile any time. Her verse was shaky and choked, but neither one of them cared. Hiccup hugged her tight once it was over, closing his eyes and resting his forehead on her shoulder. "Hey, mum?"

"Yes, Hiccup?" Valka ran her fingers through his soft hair. It was dark out and not a noise was heard on the island of Berk—except for the continuous snores everywhere, from every house. It was a Viking thing.

"I'm sorry."

It was perhaps the fifth time he had said it that night. Valka was still upset, but less so. Her mind was clearer and she kissed his hair, once, twice, once again. Her heart ached for her poor, young son.

"It wasn't your fault, Hiccup."

He just held her a little tighter, unable to quite form the words needed. Valka understood. The cold air bit at her so she pulled back and he began to lead her upstairs.

"Thank you, son," she murmured. He smiled at her as the door opened. Toothless and Cloudjumper raised their heads in greeting.

"It's okay," Hiccup squeezed her hand. "You're my mum, and I haven't known you for that long, but I'm not going to leave you to grieve all alone." The words touched Valka somewhere inside her, rising more tears to her eyes. She chuckled emotionally and wiped at her eyes, not letting go of Hiccup's hand.

"I-I love y…you," she whispered. Hiccup's eyes twinkled and he darted forwards, hugging her. Valka returned it quickly. It was the first time she had said that to her little boy and her stomach twisted in nervousness while delivering the words.

"I love you too," Hiccup's words came muffled from her tunic, but clear enough to decipher. Valka relaxed, holding him tighter. When she let him go her son was immediately pounced on by a flurry of black scales.

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelped as his best friend whined and purred and licked every part of him he could reach. Against his will, he chuckled. Toothless's whines grew in volume, making him hug his dragon tightly. "Yeah, I love you too, bud! I haven't forgotten you!"

Once he was pretty much drowning in slobber, Toothless abandoned him to eat the rest of his dinner.

Valka helped him up, wiped his forehead, and kissed it.

When she drew away, her face was slightly disgusted. "Tastes like… fish."

Hiccup's laughs echoed through the house, reminding her that not all of the best moments were silent. And as long as they had each other, she and Hiccup would be just fine.

This is going to be a bunch of oneshots of how Valka, Hiccup and Toothless help each other get over their grief. I'll throw in some Hiccstrid/rest of the gang occasionally.


Liv x