SarevokDothrakiDovahkiin: I like your idea for a chapter from Sauron's POV, however, Sauron is actually dead and so cannot be heard from in this story. But thank you for the idea and I hope you enjoy this final chapter.
And to every one else, enjoy!
Eleryna and Gandalf fell to the floor, both trying to have control of the Wizard's staff. Galadriel stepped forward to grab Eleryna's arm, Nenya's power coursing between them. Eleryna turned from Gandalf long enough to swipe at her. Galadriel pulled back and Haldir pulled her back among the spectators. Legolas hadn't moved since Eleryna had let go of his hand. Aragorn was shielding Arwen with his body. Gimli, Elladan, and Elrohir moved forward to help Gandalf while Celeborn and Elrond stayed by the door to keep her from escaping and harming others. Eleryna swung at her brothers and the Dwarf and they jumped back. Eleryna turned back to Gandalf.
"I will not let you win, Sauron." She hissed. "You may have me, but you will not have the people I love." Legolas looked at her in concern, understanding the fear in her eyes and why she had jumped at Gandalf. Elrohir swooped in and grabbed his sister from behind, his arms wrapping around her waist, and pulled her up. She let go of the staff to try to pry him off and Gandalf disappeared in a burst of light. Eleryna was still struggling with Elrohir who set the two of them on the ground and turned his little sister to face him.
"Ryna, Ryna, wake up. You are safe." He said as she scratched his face, leaving three marks on the left side of his face. "Ryna!" He finally yelled and she stopped, her arms raised for another blow, her chest heaving from the fight. She looked at her brother and in her blue-gray eyes, he saw fear replaced by recognition and relief.
"Elrohir?" She breathed. He nodded and she began crying. She touched his face and panicked when her hand came away bloody. "Oh Brother, what have I done to you?"
"It's just a scratch, Gwaleth." He said and pulled her into a tight hug. "I am more worried about you. You have been asleep for several months. It is now summer." She didn't say anything and continued to cry into his shirt, her bloody hand limp between them. Elladan pulled a rag from his belt and stepped forward to clean her hand. She looked at him.
"Ada is here as well. Along with Haldir, Arwen, Grandmother, Grandfather, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas."
"Legolas?" Said Elf stepped forward and pulled her from her brothers and into an embrace of his own. She didn't say anything and just let herself be held by her husband, feeling comforted in his arms. After a few minutes, Arwen stepped out from behind Aragorn and pulled her sister from her husband and held her. Elrond came up to them and held them both, glad to know that his visions had been wrong. His children had survived the war. But if Eleryna's reaction to Gandalf was anything to go by, he wasn't sure she had come through unscathed.
After a few minutes, Eleryna was crushed by the remaining Fellowship which included Haldir, Aragorn, and Gimli. Finally, Galadriel and Celeborn came forward and embraced their youngest grandchild.
"You are safe now, my dear." Galdriel whispered in her granddaughter's ear. "Once our business here is complete, we will go home to the Golden Wood where you can heal."
"I can't heal, Grandmother. Not until Sauron is dead forever."
"He is dead, Eleryna. You destroyed his source of power. Come now. You need sleep."
Eleryna looked at her grandmother and smiled. "I think I have slept enough."
A few days later:
The people of Minas Tirith were gathered in the top circle of the city, a blooming white tree in the middle of them. Soldiers stood along the wall, ever watchful. Near the back stood a group of Elves. Near the doors of the Citadel stood the Steward of Gondor, the Shield Maiden of Rohan, and the King of Rohan. Closer to the door, on the stairs, stood the members of the Fellowship, including the two Hobbits who had been captured by Saruman. At the head of the stairs stood the Ring Bearer, looking healthier than she had in days since her waking. In her hands she held a winged crown. At her feet knelt the leader of their Fellowship and the King of Gondor.
"Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You have been chosen by these people to be their king. They have named you King Elessar for you are the heir of Elendil and Isildur. You have been chieftain of the Dúnedain of the North. You have led the Fellowship of the Ring unto its final hour against Sauron whom has been slain. Now I, Lady Eleryna, Princess of Mirkwood and Lady of Lothlórien, bear witness to your crowning as king." She placed the crown upon Aragorn's head and she looked at the crowd. "Now come the days of the king!" She announced. "May they be forever blessed by the Valar as long as thine line lasts."
She removed her hands from the crown and bowed as Aragorn stood and turned, singing a song of Númenor from ages past. As he finished the song, he walked among his people. They bowed to him as he passed. Eleryna watched in silence as he took Arwen from the company of Elves and brought her forward, showing the people their queen. They looked happier than she had ever seen them. With the War of the Ring over for the time being, they could enjoy a life together, something she wished she could enjoy with Legolas. But she was damaged from the journey. She bore a scar from her right hip to her left shoulder. Legolas had seen it and promised not to speak of it until she was ready. Aragorn alone knew the fate of Boromir, but had agreed to let her tell Faramir. The Steward of Gondor had the right to hear about the fate of the Captain of Gondor from the one who led him to his death. But, according to both her father and grandmother, Eleryna's mind was also damaged. They had told her several times that she had been fighting with Gandalf when she had woken and that she had been in Minas Tirith for months as opposed to being rescued from Mordor.
Aragorn and Arwen walked up the steps to her, both of them beaming. Eleryna bowed low, showing her respect. Aragorn stopped her mid-bow and made her stand straight.
"My friend and sister, you, the bravest of us all, bow to no one." The couple both knelt and in the next breath, Eleryna was the only one standing. Everyone was bowing to her, even her grandparents who bowed to no one. She didn't deserve this homage. She had failed. Sauron was alive, she knew it, even if everyone else was blind to it.
The next breath, everyone was standing again and Eleryna moved aside to stand beside her husband, suddenly weary. She leaned against him and smiled. At least she had kept her promise to him. She had come back to him when all hoped seemed lost. They had agreed to stay in Lórien for a while and then they would move to Ithilien as Legolas had promised Aragorn. Eleryna herself was loath to be that close to Minas Morgul again, vaguely remembering walking towards it. That was something that she refused to tell anyone. Her weakness would be her own to bear.
Eleryna sat in the gardens and watched the sun set. She had refused to be around people since the coronation and wedding. Aragorn was now her brother. The men of Rohan had left shortly after that. Théoden had fallen in the fight for Minas Tirith. His niece and nephew had returned to Rohan to prepare his resting place, Éomer now king of Rohan. Aragorn would be leaving soon, taking the body with him. Arwen would go along as well, but would return to Gondor afterwards. Eleryna would be leaving as well with the Fellowship. After the funeral, Aragorn would go with them unto Fangorn where the host from Lórien would return home and the host from Rivendell would return to Imladris. Eleryna would be returning to Lórien to begin her duties as Lady of the Wood. But first, she had something to do.
"Lady Eleryna," a voice called from the entrance of the gardens.
"I am here, Faramir." She answered and waited until he was standing next to her. She was tired, but she had to tell him before she left.
"I understand that you want to speak to me about something. I assume it is about my brother." She nodded and picked up the horn of Gondor from the bench, giving Faramir a place to sit.
"Your brother died honorably. He got me to Mordor. We went past Minas Morgul where he saved me from the power of the Ring. Together, we got through the horrors of the cave in the mountains. But one of those horrors followed us. It paralyzed your brother. I drove it away and then hid Boromir, planning on going back for him when I had finished." She took a deep breath and clutched the horn in her hands. "I thought he would be safe where I left him."
"But he wasn't." Faramir pressed.
"No. He was taken from his hiding place. Whether he had woken and moved on his own or was found by Orcs, I am not sure. But the next time I saw him, he was being controlled by Sauron. The horn alone, was untouched by the darkness." Eleryna didn't look at him, she couldn't. She had failed to save Boromir. He had died while with her. She put the horn in Faramir's hand. "This belongs with your family, Faramir. It has seen the fall of a Dark Lord and the beginning of a new age. Let it be a symbol of hope in your house that not even darkness can darken the loyalty and honor of your blood and spirit."
She stood quickly and hurried out of the gardens before Faramir could say anything. The next day, she left with the funeral procession to Rohan. She had no plans to return to Gondor until she moved to Ithilian with Legolas and after that, they would sail to Valinor where they would both be at peace.
Do not be fooled. This is not the end of Eleryna's tale though it is the end of this fic. I am planning a sequel to this fic that will follow Eleryna and Legolas after their return to Lorien. Not sure what it is to be called yet, but be on the lookout for it. Thank you for reading this fic and I hope you read the next one once I start writing it. Until next time...