He knows something's up when he manages to sneak up on Natasha.
In all the time he's known her, she's been the one to sneak up on people. It's part of her job, to catch their targets off guard. Plus it entertains them all to no end when Tony screams like a girl. No one has ever managed to catch her by surprise, not even Clint, and Lord knows he's tried more times than the rest of them put together. He likes to think of it as her superpower. He's a super soldier, Stark's got the suit, everyone's got their own thing; hers just happens to be eyes in the back of her head.
So when she actually jumps at the sound of his voice, it startles him. After all, it wasn't like he was trying to sneak up on her on purpose. He wasn't even trying to be quiet.
She presses a hand to her chest. "Steve. I didn't realize you were there."
"I noticed," he quips as he wraps his arms around her and rests his chin on top of her head. "Something wrong?"
"No. Nothing. I'm fine," she answers far too quickly and innocently. He smiles, knowing she won't see it.
"You're a terrible liar."
"I'm just out of practice. And wipe that smirk off your face."
"Tell me what you're thinking about?" She shakes her head and rolls her eyes at the command thinly veiled as a request. She's about to snark back when he interrupts her. "Don't even think about saying 'nothing'. You know I know you better than that."
Again she has to smile. "Who said I was going to say nothing?" He arches an eyebrow. She rolls her eyes. "Do you know what your son did this morning?"
"Oh, suddenly he's my son?" he laughs. "What did he do now? Spit cereal milk at Tony again? Glue Barton's arrows together? Please don't tell me you found him climbing around in the vents."
"He got dressed for school all by himself," she says, tweaking her mouth to one side and pressing her lips together. "He put his shirt on backwards and his pants were inside out, but he did it all on his own.
"And then when we got to school he wouldn't let me kiss him or hold his hand. He said he was too old to do that anymore and that big boys didn't need to hold their mommy's hand walking into school."
"We knew this day would come eventually."
"It doesn't make it any easier," she grumbles. "He's not my little baby anymore. Remember how little he used to be? And how he'd scream as soon as we put him down?"
"He'll always be our baby, Tash." He squeezer her a little tighter. "He just won't need us to do everything for him anymore."
"But what if I like doing everything for him?" Steve laughs and she's tempted to jab him in the collarbone.
"You say that now, but just wait until he's sixteen and going through his rebellious phase. I'm pretty sure you're not going to want to brush his teeth for him or give him baths then."
"Yes I will," she insists, stubborn to the last. He laughs again and kisses her forehead.
"We both know you won't. And even if you do still want to, James would never stand for it."
"How come you're so okay with this?" she demands as she pokes him in the chest. He smiles that dazzling smile, grinning like he knows something she doesn't, and she rolls her eyes at him.
"He's only six years old," he says. "He may not need you to dress him or tie his shoes, but he's still a little boy. He still needs us to check for monitors under his bed and kiss his boo boos all better. He still needs his mom, don't let him fool you."
And later that day when James gets home babbling about his day and insisting she swing him up into her arms, Steve flashes her his famous I-Told-You-So look and she childishly sticks her tongue out.
Hey guys! I'm thinking of making this like a series of one shots about James growing up. Tell me what you think I should do and feel free to send requests of one shots you want to see! It can be any age and any situation, and I will do my best.