It wasn't before long that she found Jemma and May. Jemma already briefed the senior agent about what they did and what needed to be done to get the boys out of there unharmed. May only nodded. The two young women were surprised when Coulson joined their quest to get Ward and Fitz out of harm's way, but were thankful altogether.
They weren't far away from Ward's and Fitz's location when Coulson informed his team the S.H.I.E.L.D. had started it's attack on the rebel compound. May immediately left the common area and took her place in the cockpit, while Coulson returned to his office to monitor everything.
"Come on. Let's go down stairs and prepare for anything" Jemma said. Skye nodded and followed her. The two girls prepared all kinds of medical supplies and equipment in case one or both of their boys were hurt. Hopefully they wouldn't need it. But better be prepared.
They could hear the gun fire and explosions below and wondered if the guys were alright. Sure Ward was a specialist, used to the danger. But that didn't mean that he couldn't get hurt. As for Fitz, he was inexperienced in the field and would trip over his own legs more than one time a day.
When the two men finally boarded the plane both girls let out a breath that none knew she was holding. Simmons immediately went outside the lab to greed Fitz, while Skye stayed behind watching her friends. Only after Fitz and Simmons entered the lab, everyone else temporarily forgotten, did Skye decide to greed Ward. He looked tired, but at least fine. There were no visible cuts or bruises, but who could really tell?
"For a moment I thought I would need to find another Supervising Officer" Skye said playfully.
"Sorry to disappoint" he simply answered. "Truth is, I was in good hands" he finished looking over to Fitz.
Ward left her there and went to probably take a shower. Skye decided to get Jemma and make something for the boys.
By the time Ward was done with his shower Fitz already waited for his turn to get in. Although there were several showers he wanted to give the specialist some privacy, since they spend the last 24 hours together.
"Showers all yours" Ward stated and left for his bunk.
When lunch time came both men entered the common area and smelled the food. Both Jemma and Skye tried their best to finish in time.
"You cooked?" Ward asked incredulous pointing at Skye.
"Yeah, you have a problem with that, Robot?" Skye asked mockingly.
"Last time you tried to cook you almost burned down the plane".
"I did not!"
"Did to."
"Did not!"
"Did to."
"Uhm, guys… As you can see the kitchen is still intact. Could you boys be so kind and set the table and call Coulson and May, while Skye and I finish here?" Jemma asked, trying to finish the argument between her team mates.
"Of course, Jemma" Fitz answered, motioning Ward to come and help him.
Skye returned to what she was doing earlier and muttered under her breath "and that's the thanks for saving his life".
"What did you say?" Jemma asked.
"Uhm, nothing."
"I thought I heard you say something."
"No. You are mistaken." Skye smiled and tried to change the subject. "So, how long until we take the pie out?"
"Another 15 minutes, at least."
After the table was set and the two senior agents joined the four young ones in the common area the team sat down and had one of the best meals. Not because of the food, although Jemma did most of the heavy lifting, Skye only helped, but because they were all together, safe and sound.
After they all finished Jemma and Skye wanted to clean up, but both Fitz and Ward offered to do that. The girls thanked them and Jemma prepared to go back to the lab for some experiments only she knew about, when Coulson told Skye "My office, now". The others could only hear Skye say "Here we go" before she followed him.
"What was that all about?" Fitz asked.
"I'm guessing the lecture" Jemma answered not really realizing that the two men had no clue about what happened at the Hub during their absence.
"What lecture?" Fitz wanted to know.
"Uhm…" Jemma started stuttering.
"What did she do?" Ward asked seriously.
"Uhm…" Jemma didn't know what to say.
"She hacked a Level 8 server" May answered instead.
"She did what?" both Fitz and Ward yelled out in disbelief.
"Is she crazy? Why would she do this? She could be kicked out of S.H.I.E.L.D." Fitz continued.
"She did for you" Jemma explained.
"For me?" Fitz asked confused.
"Not just you. You and Ward" she continued.
"What do you mean?"
"After you guys left for your mission no one wanted to give us an update. So far that was expected. But then more and more troops were dispatched and a lot of weapons were shipped over to the conflict zone. Skye wanted to make sure you guys are alright. And good thing that she did. She found out that there was no extraction. I know that what she did… what we did was wrong. But you are our team mates, our friends. We take care of our own. You should consider this before you go and punish her for her actions" Jemma finished, almost out of breath.
"Why would I punish her, when she probably saved my life" Fitz asked.
"I think she meant me" Ward said. Before someone could react however he left the common area heading down stairs to gym.
So his rookie went against all rules, hacked the company and saved their lives. He should have been upset, pissed and angry at her, but somehow he felt proud of her. She was no longer an asset. She was turning into a real S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that could have his back. He had to smile. Yes, she would make a good agent someday.