"Italy did not clean my house the way that he did your's!" Spain exclaimed in his irritation.

Romano sighed, and tried to blend in to the background.

"He didn't?" Hungary asked as she stared at the small boy before a grin came on her face.

"Romano!" Hissed Austria in a quieter voice, so that Spain would not notice the difference of name.

"I can't do anything of use in this body!" Romano wailed quietly.

He glared at them, and Romano stalked towards the house.

Once Spain was out of sight, Feliciano took over again.

He skipped around in search of his lost love until he found him out back, trying to improve his painting skills.

Feli had taught him to paint a little while back, but Holy Rome seemed to not like his own artwork though he loved Feliciano's.

"What are you painting Holy Rome?" North Italy asked the other child nation.

He blushed, and tried to hide the painting.

Romano guessed that it was a painting of Feliciano, and that the other boy was still nervous about his very obvious crush on the Northern part of Italy.

He let Feli control the shared body, because he had simply been worn out for the past few days as he had had full control of the body.

Romano never expected to miss the Spainard that had taken him in, but the next few days were full of him longing for Spain.

It made him feel sick mentally when he saw how 'cute' his brother acted around the blond boy.

Romano longed for Spanish lessons and siestas, not this annoying moment of time when he had to watch Feliciano flirt with another male.

He sighed; the body was shared, so he had to endure watching these moments.

Lovino figured that if they hadn't had to share a body that he could have all of those moments with Spain and then some.

He imagined himself much better at cleaning; maybe he would have been as good as his younger brother was at that particular chore.

He found that while the countries that knew about them preferred Feli, they still tried to make sure that Romano was content with such a life.

Sure, he didn't particularly enjoy this life, but he appreciated the acknowledgement that he had never entirely recieved before.

He hated the gourmet German food that Austria served, but if he complained, he would more likely than not be starved.

Maybe they would stop asking him about it, if he told the truth.

He preferred being noticed over not, so he kept that truth hidden from all but Feli, who kind of had to know his thoughts.

Feliciano and Lovino found that the time to go to Spain's house was coming up soon, so Feli had to say goodbye to Holy Rome.

Feli cried at the fact that not only were he and his brother leaving, but The Holy Roman Empire was going to war; he probably wouldn't even return when they did.

Feliciano had had to stay strong, and not wander off with his love to fight against France.

He hated the idea of Holy Rome getting hurt and possibly dying, but he also had to think of his brother; Feli even thought of their grandfather, who had gotten hurt, and died during wartime.

Feli hated the idea of that happening to Holy Rome, but he couldn't convince him to stay.

Feliciano did gift Holy Rome with a push broom; he had almost given his underwear to him, but Romano refused that suggestion.

For 'North Italy' the stay at Spain's house was difficult, and constantly seemed to leave him anxious.

For 'South Italy' it was great other than his inability to do chores right; it wasn't as blissful as Lovino would have liked it, but he was worried about his brother, who was worried about Holy Rome, who had went off to war.

Romano did, however, struggle with keeping his and his brother's secret from Spain; it was a nagging, tempting thought to tell him, but also a very scary one for Romano.

He hated the idea of Spain liking his brother more like everyone else, so he kept quiet.

Soon the letters from Holy Rome ceased, and they were left to wonder what had happened to him until Austria sent to them the news of Holy Rome's death; France had won against the child nation to the point that Holy Rome could not exist as a country any longer.

Feliciano took over to beg to go back home to Austria and Hungary; Spain relunctantly agreed.

It had nearly killed Feli or at least felt like it as the funeral went on; there was no body left to bury, so an empty coffin rested there during the service.

Feliciano wasn't the same for a while after that, and Romano was almost always in control of their shared body.

It took many years, for Feli to smile again, and control the body for longer periods of time as he had mostly let Romano control it.

Before he knew it, he and Feliciano had grown up, and were ready to be their own country.

Romano now stood before Spain to ask for his independence.

"Tomato Bastard, I have something to tell you." He had thought about this as well as consulted Feli, and now it was time for him to confess their secret.

"What is it?" The thought of Italy leaving him hurt Antonio more than he could have ever imagined when he had taken the country in to his care for the first time.

"You already know that I can't clean right, and I always seem to be nicer to Austria and Hungary than I am to you." Romano nearly just stopped there.

"I know that." Spain attempted to smile at the younger nation.

"There is a reason for that. I share my body with my younger brother, Feliciano, or North Italy." Lovino had felt relieved to have finally gotten that off of his chest which surprised him.

"Who have you been with me?" It broke the Spanish nation's heart to hear that the boy that he had come to love as a son, and even in Romano's later years as more could have been fake or possibly two different people.

"I have been Romano. Feli only seems to come out when you're not around." Romano of course knew why his younger brother did that, but saw no reason to explain it to the older nation.

"So I have been calling you by the wrong name since I met you?" It hurt Spain that he could have been causing the two of them harm when he used that name.

"Yes." Lovino sighed.

"Lo siento!" Spain apologized not just to Romano, but also to Veneziano.

"It's alright." Romano grumbled.

"We are now old enough to be our own nation." There was a demand in Romano's voice that refused to be ignored.

"Go, then." Spain had been left reeling at the news of the shared body and still felt guilty, so he didn't attempt to stop them.