
Kirino. I didn't know what to expect when I walked into the church but I was pleased with it. There standing just a short distance away from me was Kirino. She was standing near the front of the rows her hands nervously interlocked and wearing a beautiful wedding dress that seemed to make her an angel. Her long orange brown hair was tied back but made her seem even more beautiful. She was blushing and her blue eyes were full of worry.

"Kirino" I say softly.

She turns at the sound of my voice and her eyes light up when she see's me.

Walking up to her felt like the longest walk of my life and my white suite seemed to be weighing me down. When I finally reach her she wants to jump at me but I stop her pulling out the small ring in my pocket and holding it out to her. Willingly she holds out her finger and I gently slide it onto her finger where a tear starts to build in her eye.

She holds the ring up and stares at it. Next thing I knew she starts crying.

"Kirino are you ok" I ask stepping to her to help.

She takes a step back and nods "don't worry I'm just happy. So so happy."

I sigh in relief and try to smile. I pull her into a hug and she rests her head on my chest.

Gently I step back and wrap my arm around hers and we finish our walk up the few small steps. Looking behind us I don't see anyone in the aisles. I knew it would be this way but deep down I hoped someone would be down there smiling encouraging us. A friend, or our parents, anyone but when I look next to me I know the only person I need is Kirino.

She looks at me and smiles as we slowly step apart. We both accepted the fact that society will look down on us but we have come to accept it.

"So what are we supposed to now," Kirino asks playfully.

"Well um, you know what that is."

"And what would that be."

"You know what it is." She smiles playfully.

"I guess I do."

For one brief moment the world seems to be in a totally different space from us. Slowly I take a step forward and lean in. She does the same. Looking into her eyes I see that her eyes are sparkling like she is happy. Knowing that I see her close her eyes and I do the same.

Her lips gently touch mine sending a shock through my body but I ignore it and continue. My right hand slides behind her head and gently brushes her hair. I can feel her body shiver but after a moment she relaxes. I feel a tear on my face and realize its from her. Wishing this moment didn't have to stop so soon she steps back.

At first she looks at the ground but slowly starts to look at me. "I love you Kyousuke." Her eyes are full of sincerity.

"Me to."

With that she turns and starts walking away.

I remember back to Christmas eve where we were staying at a hotel. The words she whispered. "Until we graduate, we can enjoy our time be lovers fully but once we do graduate we go back to being normal siblings."

As she walks away I know I have to try something desperate. Grabbing her arm I cry out "kirino."

She looks at me eyes full of tears.

"Kirino I know what we promised that day but I cant stand the idea of never being with you. To have to wake up every day and not have you by my side."

"We cant Kyousuke."

"Do you love me."


"Do you love me."

"Yes" she whispers .

"Then why are you trying to leave."

A tear falls down her face she tries to pull away as she looks at the ground.

"Kirino, Why"?

She falls to the ground and she starts to cry and I hear as her tears splat on the ground. Trying to help I reach out my hand but she slaps it away.

"We will never be accepted for loving each other. You won't be able to be happy if your with me."

Kneeling down I wrap her in my arms.

"I will always love you Kirino even if you didn't love me I would love you. No matter what society says If we are accepted or not I will still love you."

She looks at me hopeful but sad.

"Kirino" I say brushing some of her hair to the side.

"You still promised to do any one thing I asked."

Her eyes were now filling with amusement. "What could you possibly want."

Smiling I take her hand.

She looks into my eyes full of shock not being able to find words to say what she wanted.

"Marry me for real this time."

Her eyes build with tears. She jumps at me knocking me back and embraces me.

"Yes I'll marry you. For real this time."