Day 30 Challenge: Doing Something Hot
Title: "Three Strikes"
The touches were electric. Their skin felt like it was on fire. Prussia didn't give a damn about air as long as his lips could stay locked on Canada's. They'd managed to clumsily make it up the stairs, clattering quite a few picture frames to the ground, and into Canada's bedroom, one Prussia knew all too well. He pushed Canada back, onto the mattress and the nation gasped slightly into the kiss, but that didn't stop anything. Prussia quickly straddled the smaller nation, hands now moving from his head to explore the rest of his body, something else Prussia knew all too well.
Canada moved into his touches, Prussia's fingers sometimes ghosting gently, sometimes digging roughly. Canada acted quickly to remove Prussia's shirt, hardly breaking the kiss for more than a second. Prussia followed his example, not even caring that Canada had been wearing a button-up shirt as he pulled it off the nation. Next was the pants, that offending layer that, in Prussia's opinion, should always be banned. Prussia's mouth finally left Canada's to move to the nation's neck while he fumbled with the button of Canada's pants, leaving kisses and hickeys in his wake. Gilbert smirked every time Canada moaned or gasped his "problem downstairs" getting worse as time went on. Damn, he wanted those pants off now.
And then everything froze. The door of the bedroom that had been closed merely out of habit was slammed open and Prussia and Canada stopped, frozen in place.
"Aw, dude, are you fucking serious right now?" America groaned from the doorway.
"America?" Canada sat upright, his face even more red than Prussia's eyes. "How did you get into my house?"
"Not important," America shrugged. "But you may want a new front door sometime soon. Anyway, that's really not important. We're supposed to be at a meeting with our bosses in, like, 30 minutes, dude! And you say I'm the irresponsible one…"
"You broke down…" Canada mumbled and Prussia was at a loss, in all honesty. Canada's house was pretty far out of the way, which meant that if they left at that second, they would run late to the meeting, even with America's speeding.
"Fuck," Prussia fully moved off of Canada. He would have to deal with his problem alone, then. This happened way more than his liking in all honesty.
"Just…gimme a minute, okay?" Canada sighed as he fully sat up, giving an apologetic look to Prussia.
"Something tells me you need more than a minute!" America said in a sing-song voice before darting away.
"I'm so sorry," Canada shook his head, massaging his temples.
"It's cool," Prussia lied, shrugging. "You gotta deal with your nation shit, I understand. We can just…uh…pick up later?"
"I promise," Canada chuckled, giving him a quick peck. "I'm really, very sorry," Canada mumbled as he picked up his shirt and winced upon seeing his own problem. "Oh, God, I don't know what I should do about that. I don't have the time to…"
"Eh, let your boss be surprised with how big you actually are, no big issue," Prussia shrugged. In all honesty, he'd been a little surprised as well upon seeing Canada's actual size. Canada blushed at his comment, but a shout from America telling him to hurry made him quickly put his shirt back on, attempting to take wrinkles out as quickly as he could. "Bosses get it, we're all sexually frustrated after being alive for so long. Hell, Fritz even caught me a few times, that was fucking great!"
"I'm sorry, again," Canada mumbled. "I'll be back in a few hours, I swear."
"I'll be here," Prussia sighed, but plastered a fake smile on his face to make the Canadian feel better. This was a boss meeting, Canada couldn't say no, it wasn't completely his fault. "Good luck, kid."
"Thanks," Canada sighed and darted out the door. Prussia groaned and fell back on the bed, glaring at the ceiling. What a tough fucking break, huh?
Canada really hadn't come back for quite a few hours, Prussia had already fallen asleep by the time he got back. And then Canada was too tired in the morning (very similar to his brother in waking up in the mornings) and so, a few hours after lunch, while they were watching TV, they shared a single glance with each other.
Immediately, Prussia lunged at Canada, capturing those perfect lips in a kiss. At this point, Prussia was far too impatient to move up to the bedroom and Canada complied easily. The touches were even more electric than the day before and Canada gasped, arching his back when Prussia ran his hand over that one spot on his back. Prussia smirked into the sloppy, yet absolutely fucking perfect kiss. This time, Prussia didn't want to waste a second and hastily started to undo the buttons on Canada's pants while Canada did the same to him. Prussia's lips went to the hickey's he'd left the day before that he was sure Canada had a hell of a time explaining to his boss and expertly moved his tongue over them. Canada mewled and his fingers failed to grasp the button on Prussia's pants.
And then the Canadian anthem started to play, Canada's phone vibrating with it on the coffee table in front of them. Prussia stopped what he was doing as both nations turned to look at it, Prussia glaring at it in hopes that it would explode.
"I-I can just…ignore it…" Canada panted. "Can you?"
"It's an awesome anthem anyway," Prussia smirked and they continued, the anthem continuing to blare around them. As Prussia finally unbuttoned Canada's pants and began to pull them down, it finally stopped. After just another second, the anthem started playing again. Canada scoffed.
"It's probably just my brother," Canada sighed and captured Prussia's lips in a kiss once again. Prussia's focus immediately switched from the phone to admiring the fucking skill Canada held whenever he led something like this. He had been raised by France after all, so if he wasn't damn good at this sort of thing, he'd be considered a disappointment. Prussia groaned, struggling to stay focused as Canada's skilled tongue set to work. The Canadian anthem stopped and started again, but the two didn't pay it any mind. It stopped again, this time for good.
Prussia's attention switched once again back to pulling down Canada's pants, and was about to get to work when the shrill ringing of the house phone sounded out through the house.
"That's not America," Canada mumbled. "The only people that know the number to the house phone are people in the government."
"Right," Prussia sighed and sat upright to allow Canada to get up.
"I'm sorry," Canada apologized. "I'm sure it's nothing, I'll be back in a second."
"Sure, it's fine," Prussia leaned back into the couch as Canada quickly composed himself before answering the phone, apologizing to whoever it was and coming up with a lame excuse about how his cell phone was in another room. Canada tried to make the conversation quick, Prussia would give him that, but the person decided that now was a perfect time to talk about important government matters.
It was past time for dinner when Canada finally hung up with a long sigh.
"I am so, so sorry," Canada mumbled as Prussia shrugged half-heartedly, watching some game show on TV.
"Yeah, it's whatever," Prussia shrugged again, sighing as some chick lost a million and got a thousand instead.
"This is the second day in a row, I'm really sorry," Canada sighed.
"Oi, don't worry about it," Prussia said and gently pulled the Canadian onto the couch, right next to him. "You're a country, you have shit to do, I understand."
"I swear, tomorrow, I'll be completely free," Canada promised.
"Yeah, the mood's kinda ruined now anyway," Prussia shrugged with a small smirk, wrapping an arm around Canada and pulling him closer. "Won't stop me from cuddling, though."
"Oh, yes, the big, bad Prussia of everyone's nightmares loves to cuddle," Canada snickered. "Tomorrow, I swear."
The next day, Prussia was honestly feeling a little under the weather, but he wasn't about to let that stop him from finally pouncing on his Canadian. God, he wanted him so bad. But he waited patiently for Canada to be in a good mood, which meant waiting through the morning and then through lunch. And, finally, they managed to clumsily make it to Canada's bedroom again. Roving, sexually frustrated hands moved much more fervently than before. The kisses were more sloppy, shirts were off in a matter of seconds. Canada definitely wanted this just as badly as well.
Prussia smirked as his lips kissed just the right places down the Canadian's chest and even further south, where he was having problems getting through the damn pants. Canada definitely knew what was happening that day, he should have worn fucking sweats, he was just making this hard on Prussia. He swiftly moved back to Canada's face, enjoying another passionate kiss as he finally got the button. Canada easily and expertly took care of Prussia's and the Prussian growled, swiftly moving the Canadian's pants down.
And then it happened. Prussia felt it coming, but he couldn't stop it. He sneezed, right into Canada's face. They both stopped, Canada blinking, and Prussia pulled back.
"Oh, my God!" Prussia shouted.
"Yeah…it's a bit of a mood killer," Canada laughed slightly.
"Are you serious?" Prussia growled and sneezed once again and this time a cough followed shortly after. "I'm the fucking…" another cough "Kingdom of Prussia and I get a fucking cold during fucking sex? Verdammt!"
"It's fine," Canada smiled as they both sat upright. "Really."
"No, it's fucking not fine!" Prussia groaned. "I sneezed into your fucking face." Another sneeze and Prussia cursed at himself again.
"Well, you have been overexerting yourself the last few days," Canada mumbled. "Anyone can get a cold. Maybe you should rest."
"You know what would help me rest pretty well?" Prussia smirked, but growled as he let out a string of coughs.
"No," Canada shook his head. "You shouldn't exert yourself while you have a cold." Prussia groaned and fell backwards onto the bed. "We can pick up as soon as you feel better."
"I feel fine!" Prussia assured him, and sneezed again. Canada sighed, shaking his head as he got up. "Okay, if I'm not supposed to exert myself, what the hell should I do about my awesome five meters?!"
Canada snorted. "Five meters my ass…"
"That's exactly what I want to do!" Prussia complained.
"I'll be back," Canada sighed, "in a little bit. I'm really sorry, but you should focus more on getting better and less about sex."
"I wouldn't be focusing on it so much if we hadn't been interrupted three times now…" Prussia grumbled. "Your brother's an ass, your boss is an ass, this fucking cold is an ass."
"Relax," Canada sighed. Prussia sneezed again and coughed several times after that. "I'll go get you some meds."
"I hate my life," Prussia groaned.
Three long days. Three excruciating days. Three days where all Prussia wanted to do was pounce on Canada, but the Canadian finally showed his true strength as a nation and kept him down. Finally, on the third day, at night, Canada was taking Prussia's temperature again.
"Really, I feel fine, I swear," Prussia tried, standing in front of the Canadian in the bedroom, staring at the Canadian intently as he read the temperature. "Well? What the hell is it?"
"Trust me," Canada chuckled, shaking his head, "this has been hard on me, too." And then Canada jumped on him, almost literally, too. He pulled Prussia into a forcefully, needy kiss and they both toppled onto the bed, Canada on top of Prussia, a position they didn't try often, but Prussia didn't care. The kiss alone was more than enough to turn Prussia on as the two ignored their need for air a lot more than they should have, both getting extremely light headed.
"What was it?" Prussia asked curiously through the kiss. He didn't fucking care about Canada's shirt anymore, ripping it open. Canada followed his example, shaking nails scraping against skin, but Prussia didn't care, in fact he arched into it slightly. He'd been craving this skin contact for days and every little touch felt like enough to send him over the edge.
"37.7 C," Canada panted, his hot breath on Prussia's face.
Prussia gripped onto Canada's shoulders triumphantly and turned them over so he was on top of Canada, straddling him as fingers and lips roved around him freely and needy, desperately wanting more. Prussia paused as he reached Canada's pants, the Canadian bucking slightly with impatience.
"In another country, I checked," Canada groaned impatiently and Prussia smirked, letting his fingers and breath ghost in that area for a while.
"Cell phone's off, and I disconnected the landline."
"How you feeling?"
"Fit as a fiddle," Canada bucked again, this time letting his hardened length get touched by Prussia's hands.
"Never say that again," Prussia shook his head and all but tore of Canada's pants, quickly going to his own and wasting no time. It was well worth the wait.
Remember, I said no lemon. But I got hella close, huh? Originally, I wanted to do a pun, like they were feeling horrible in a hot day together, but I decided to be nice instead. And torture Prussia and Canada. I got this idea and loved it from the start, just thinking about it for these past 30 days and I finally got it out. It was hilarious, eh? Don't worry, those two lived happily ever after, fucking until they puked rainbows. This is definitely not their only time to do it.
Anyway, I did it! I'm awesome and I successfully finished the 30 Day Challenge! Now I'm off to do something with plot, a story titled "Newsworthy" that is a PruCan with a side of RusAme, if that interests you at all. I will see you there, whenever I happen to start publishing it.
Anyway, please review! It's very kind!
I do not and never will own Hetalia.