Disclaimer : I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn! KHR! belongs to its rightful owner, Akira Amano.
A/N HEY GUYS. Bet you all be like FUCKING FINALLY.
Sorry for the late update! Lack of motivation and writer's block. And I have been super busy with my studies and original novel (which you can check it out at wattpad) too. I'm just so sorry. ;-; But well this is the longest chapter I've ever written for this fic. Yay. Right? XD
Anyways credits to hotxhotguy for pm-ing me and giving me some ideas so this fic can be continued. A big shoutout to her! Thanks ^^ (So if you want spoilers go ask her hahaha)
Btw, I updated almost every fic and posted some new one shots in one go. Check it out if you haven't. Oh! Just realized this story reached 200 follows/favourites so yay! Thanks guys for the love. I love you to death. *cheers*
Okay, now you can read on.
Chapter 7!
"I said leave us alone!"
"Shut up brat! You're all injured badly!"
"We don't need your help!"
"Just shut up and let us tend to your injuries!"
Everyone watched as the silveret and the red head bickered and bickered with the identical scowl on their faces.
"Please, we'll just treat you and we'll leave you alone when we're done, okay?" Giotto stepped out and said.
"N-" Hayato was ready to yell back but he felt a tug on his shirt so he looked back. It was Lambo that tugged on his shirt. "What do you want?!"
"Ryohei-nii and Chrome-nee..." Lambo trailed off as he pointed at the said peoples. Hayato glanced at the both of them. Ryohei was unconscious and Chrome was breathing hard. The others weren't looking any better too. He was hurting all over as well. Sure, he can withstand his injuries and refuse the treatment but seeing the younger ones bleeding and in pain makes him think twice.
'Our Family comes first, Hayato.' The voice rang in his mind. 'No matter what.'
Gritting his teeth, he snarled at them. "Fine. Only if you promise to leave us alone after that!"
"Okay." Giotto agreed with a smile and led all of them to a empty room just beside the room Tsuna was in.
The children sat on chairs while the unconscious ones were put on the bed. Knuckle came over and Giotto looked at him. "I'm counting on you, Knuckle." He nodded and headed towards the girl, deciding it was the best to heal the female first. The adults were in the room too, all trying to act normal, trying to act like it isn't their child that was injured and standing in front of them now. But no matter what, they still showed signs of nervousness, anxiousness and curiosity. Some bit their lips, some furrowed their eyebrows, and some pretended to talk to each other.
Hayato's gaze was glued at the floor with a worried and angry expression. Lambo was looking at Ryohei who was unconscious; his small body frame was shaking. He looked like he was going to burst into tears. Takeshi was beside Lambo, comforting him with a tiny smile on his face. Kyoya was already fully healed and was lying on a bed quietly. Chrome who was getting healed, decided to close her eyes, trying to ignore the glares her brother was sending her. Mukuro leaned against the wall and all he did was glare at his sister.
Silence dawned before them all. No one talked, no move moved. It was so quiet it was getting a little bit uncomfortable. Deciding to break the silence and help his guardians as well as easing his own curiosity, Giotto parted his lips to speak. "Did you all come from the future like Tsuna?"
Hayato flinched when he heard the brunet's name. "Are you Tsuna-sama's father?" He asked.
"Yes, I am." Giotto answered his question. "Why did you ask?"
"Because Tsuna-sama always mentions you..." He frowned. He doesn't want to believe this guy but since Tsuna-sama described him as such a wonderful person...
"So you really are from the future?" Giotto repeated his question again.
Hayato nodded hesitantly.
"I thought you are not going to talk to them, Haya-chan?" Mukuro said. "Deciding to talk just because he's Tsunayoshi-kun's father? What a loyal puppy. Kufufufu." He smirked.
Angered by his words, Hayato glared at him. "Shut up you pineapple!"
"Did you just call me-" He tried to summon his trident but coughed out blood instead.
"N-Nii-san..." Chrome glanced at his brother worriedly.
"Heh! Don't force yourself if you're too weak, pineapple!" Hayato smirked.
"You-!" Mukuro's face reddened from anger.
"Maa, maa, we shouldn't fight! Did you forget what Tsuna said?" Yamamoto said with a smile.
They both looked away from each other and huffed in annoyance.
Dumbfounded by the sight in front of them, the adults stood motionless; looking at all the children bicker like how they always did.
At this time, Knuckle was done healing Chrome and move on to the next one. He didn't know who to choose but when he got near Hayato and Mukuro, they both glared at him and told him to heal others first. Knuckle smiled, thinking even though they were both acting like that, they still cared for others. And so, he went to heal Ryohei, seeing he was the only one who was unconscious now.
The conversation didn't end there because it was interrupted. So Giotto decided to ask another few questions. And seeing how annoyed Hayato is, he wasn't going to ask him anymore. He turned to the girl who just got healed. She seemed more...obedient and nice.
Smiling at her, he asked. "How old are all of you?"
The girl was obviously surprised by his question and flinched as the attention that was now directed to her.
"...I-I'm seven..." She replied in a meek voice. "H-Hayato-nii and Takeshi-nii is e-eight." She felt her cheeks burn due to the attention directed to her. It was hard for her to continue on and she felt like crying. Tears are already starting to form. "...And..U-Uh...L-Lam-"
"Ryohei is nine. The cow is six and the skylark and me is ten, happy now?" Mukuro answered for Chrome as he understands just how shy his sister is. Chrome threw a thankful glance at his brother at which he just closes his eyes and ignores her. Despite being angry at her, he just can't bear to leave her alone.
"Hmm...You're all so young..." Giotto mumbled to himself. And then silence filled the room once again. Giotto remained silent as well, deciding that the questioning can be done later and it was no longer the right time asking any more questions.
The silence was starting to get unbearable until,
A person came in the room. He was in an old and worn out robe and his eyes were covered by bandages. The wrinkles on his face showed how many centuries has he been living.
"My, my, what do we have here, hohoho." The old man laughed lightheartedly.
"Good evening, Talbot-san." Giotto smiled softly at him despite being really tired. "Do you need anything?"
"Good day, Primo," The man that goes by the name Talbot walked closer to the children. Though his eyes were bandaged, he was still able to make his way to the bed without stumbling or falling. The children felt curious but didn't say anything. "What a surprise to have all this children here. This must be fate!" He let out a lighthearted laugh.
"Fate?" The blond repeated.
Talbot frowned before saying, "They have suffered tremendously. Treat them well, Gotto, it is what they deserve after all."
"...What do you mean, Talbot-san?"
"Hohoho, that, you must find out by yourself."
"Can't you just say things directly, old man?" G. mumbled. Giotto frowned at him.
"For now, let us try to solve this situations shall we?" Talbot directed the question back to the children. "From the future you came, now in the past you are, do you wish to go back to where you are from? Or do you wish to stay here where you truly belong?"
"I would rather die than stay here any longer!" Hayato yelled.
"It might be the first time we agreed on the same thing, little puppy."
"I would love to leave as soon as possible!" Takeshi grinned.
Lambo and Chrome remained silent while Ryohei was still unconscious.
"Hn." Kyoya looked away, showing no signs of objections.
"As you wish then, children, as an inventor, I'll do what the people want me to." Talbot said. "I'll do what I can to create a time machine."
"But Talbot-san, how long will it take?"
"Even by these old hands, it will take at least two months." Talbot said with a smile." "Meanwhile, try and get along with them."
3 hours passed, the children are all asleep and the adults left the room and are currently in the meeting room.
"Now what?" G. asked.
"We take care of them, of course." Giotto answered.
Straightaway there are groans and frowns.
"But Primo-"
"No way I'm fu-"
"I'll arres-"
"I'm not going to listen to any of your excuses. We will each take care of one child except for Daemon. You'll have to take care of two. And I'm sure we all know who we are assigned to." Giotto cut off every single one of them. "Deal with it."
Silence filled the room as no one dared to talked. Giotto's tone was stern and they knew there was no meaning in arguing. And so, they start to think of how to take care of those children. Thoughts quickly filled their minds as their expressions were a strange mix of exhaustion, puzzled, worried and also a hint of joy.
"That's all. I'll let the maids inform us if anyone of them wakes up. You may return to your rooms or continue on your work or even better, start taking care of the children by bringing them back to your rooms. I'm sure our beds are large enough to fit even 5 children." Giotto stood up. "I'll see you all the dinner."
Dumbfounded by the sudden reality that was thrown at them, six men sat there, unmoving.
In the spacious and slightly dim room, two soft breathing echoed. The siblings were fast asleep on the bed while their father is sitting on a chair right beside them.
Daemon's gaze lingered on his new gained son for a long time.
He was in a state of ambivalence. Sure he's happy because he would have a family and children that resembles him. But as he continues to stare at the children, he couldn't help but wonder what in the world could have happened?
Daemon let out a low sigh. Only when he's sleeping did his expression reverts back to that of a child. He looks so gentle and pure unlike the anger and hatred that were surrounding him just not too long ago.
And Chrome.
She's always carrying a stressed and worried expression. But now she looks so sweet and cute.
Why did they change?
Just how and what exactly turn this pure children into what they are?
So many questions couldn't stop tugging at his inside.
But most importantly...why had he let this happen to them.
The male frowned. Could he do anything to change all this? Is there still a chance...to mend their hearts?
Just then, an idea flashed through his mind. He stood up abruptly but made no choice that could have woken them up.
If he needed to mend them, to understand them, he first needed to know.
And there's only one way to do so if they refuse to tell me.
He took a few steps closer and leaned down. Daemon closed his eyes before placing his hand on Mukuro's forehead.
Taking peek...probably won't hurt.
Daemon closed his eyes as he can start to see countless images and scenes unfolding in front of his eyes. His subconscious has entered his mind, where he could venture into his memories. He carefully looked Into the first scene.
It was dark. And there were bars. It only took a split second for the male to realize it is a prison. He knew this place far too well. But why here?
Light hardly shone upon the cell but as Daemon concentrated hard to see; finally he picked up something around the corner.
There's a child, hugging his knees to his chest. His hands and legs were chained with shackles. He looked so petite and thin, and aged around four. But the illusionist couldn't make out his face when his long dark blue hair was covering it. Daemon noticed his body was full of scars and his clothes are all stained red.
Daemon's eyes widen.
But this means-
Daemon snaps his head towards the prison door.
Two buff men entered and walked over to the child. The child was pulled up by his arm and his face was shown. Daemon definitely saw.
Daemon's face paled when he saw the look in his eyes. His eyes were dead. How lifeless his eyes were. But he's only a child!
Daemon clenched his teeth. Guilt gnawed at him, knowing the future him had caused this.
So that's why he despised me so much.
When he had snapped out of his thoughts, Daemon finds the scene had change.
The place was now bright. And white. But that didn't mattered anymore when the illusionist saw what was in the middle of the room.
Bounded and crying, Mukuro and Chrome were there on the surgery table. And there were two men in lab coats standing beside them.
Knifes, scalpels, syringes, antiseptic, and some many other stuff that would make you cringe and keep away were right there beside the - his children. Daemon could feel his heart squeezed tight and he couldn't breathe.
What were they trying to do? He silently wondered. But the answer was clear to him. He wasn't ignorant but he couldn't believe in it.
An ear defeating scream pulled Daemon's attention back to the children and proved his suspicion right.
It was Chrome who screamed. Her left eye was gouged out and that scene made Daemon's heart stop. He had seen countless people's death and he himself have killed. He even find torturing sometimes an interesting thing to do. He's twisted and sick. And blood was normal to him.
But seeing his daughter bleed and in tremendous pain wasn't okay. It wasn't okay at all.
Chrome stopped screaming. She went silent but tears were still flowing. Mukuro yelled and struggled to stop them. But he could only watch and do nothing more. His eyes - both the same colour - were red and teary. They were filled with rage and he kept on shouting until his voice was croaked.
Daemon rushed towards their sides. If only he could stop this moment, and make all of them pay for what they have done to his precious children.
His hand went through Chrome's like it never existed. He's only a consciousness...Chrome screamed in agony and pain. Every scream hurts. It felt hundred times worse than the injuries he had when he was at the brink of death throughout his life.
Harsh reality dawned onto him. He couldn't do a thing to stop this.
Daemon shook when another scream resonated across the room. He quickly turned around to see Mukuro's eyes bleeding and changing colour. Mutiple syringes were stabbed into his eyes. And Mukuro's wrists were bleeding from the friction as he tried to free himself.
Daemon felt tears pricking at his eyes. He closed his eyes and gripped his fist so tight it's going numb. He didn't expect to see this. He was already heartless but why does his heart feel so broken and pained?
Something clicked inside of him. The illusionist hurriedly looked around. He found what he was searching for and engraved the name in his memories.
His eyes narrowed at the word. He had seen that family before. A famiglia that's opposing Vongola. He will crush them when he returns. But for now...
Daemon slowly looked back towards Chrome. She was out cold already but they were still cutting open her stomach. He looked away and turns towards Mukuro.
He's still conscious. But his eyes were glazed. But Daemon was sure he saw pure hatred, despair and anger despite how monotone he looked.
Mukuro's lips moved. He was talking but he had lost his voice from screaming.
Daemon tried to make out the words.
Hate...I'll... kill...that...bastard...
As if a thousand arrows pierced his heart, Daemon dragged in a shaky breath.
And before he knew it, the scene changed.
A different memory.
It's a field of flowers this time. And Daemon could see a woman with the children playing around.
Come to think of it. Who's their mother? He wondered. There's only one woman he loved.
Elena? Where is she? That woman wouldn't let all of this happen to our children.
"Mom, mom!" The high-pitched voice laced with happiness called out. Daemon looked over and took a closer look at the woman.
The hat she's wearing obstructed his view but he could see his long flowing...black hair...?
The raven haired lady smiled at Mukuro and patted his head gently.
Huh...Elena...wasn't their mom?
The siblings...aren't Elena and my children?
How could this be?
I'm already engaged to her. We're going to marry anyhow but how did it turn out to be like this? My wife isn't Elena? Or...
...Are they my illegitima—no. That can't be. That mustn't be —
"Enough peeking, you bastard." A sharp voice cut in.
The scene was cut off as darkness returned. Daemon snaps open his eyes and immediately sees Mukuro glaring daggers at him.
"Stop snooping around like a pervert. And. Don't. Touch. Me." He said the words through gritted teeth.
Daemon took back his hand and Mukuro growled at him. The child looked away and mumbled words Daemon suspected to be curses.
Awkward silence surrounded them. Even Daemon couldn't find words to say right now after seeing all that.
"I don't need you to sympathize me."
"How coul-"
"Leave me alone and don't even start trying to act like a father you had failed to be."
Daemon frowned. If he had let all this happen, he really is a failed father.
But...to the him now...he didn't do it yet. And he had a chance to make everything right again.
"I'm sorry."
Something inside of Mukuro snapped. He sat up and glared right into Daemon's eyes. "Sorry?! What can a sorry do now?!"
"You have every right to be angry at me. But in this era, I'm not the same person that had let you suffer." Daemon said. "It's fine. I'll let you lash out on me. But...Can I ask a question?"
Mukuro was definitely startled by his reply. What he said was true. He's indeed still not guilty of what he's done in this era, yet. But still, it's him alright. His father. Alive and here, with him.
Seeing no objection from him, Daemon proceeds with his question. "Can I know...who's your mother?"
That was the last straw. Mukuro summoned his trident and tried to stab the adult but he easily dodged his weak attack.
"H-How dare you mention mother?!" He yelled with his eyes red from anger.
"Calm down!" Daemon grabbed his trident and took it away from his grip. Did I say something wrong? "I just needed to confirm."
"I can't bring myself to tell you anything. You don't deserve to know."
"Why's that?" Daemon questioned.
Mukuro lowered his head as his bangs shadowed his eyes. He went silent as Daemon waited patiently. He could see his small frame shaking hard.
Daemon leaned closer to hear but was suddenly grabbed by his collars. He was pulled down and the next thing he knows, Mukuro's face is right in front of him. Their eyes met. He was out of breath, his eyes watery and he looked so...bitter.
"You used her!" Mukuro yelled on top of his lungs." A-And you never loved her! I-It's you who killed her!"
Certainly surprised by the sudden outburst, Daemon didn't talk or pull away.
"Y-you-" Mukuro's right eye changed. Daemon saw the number six changing to number one. "I HATE YOU! DIE YOU BASTARD!"
In a split second, Chrome tore her brother away from Daemon and came in between them.
Mukuro was pulled back and he landed on his back, hard. He closed his eyes from the impact and when he opened it, it was the number six again.
"Stop it nii-sama! It's... It's...not his fault mom died..." Chrome said with sadness pooled in her eyes as she anxiously stole a few glance at Daemon.
"It is!" Mukuro sat back up and retorted.
"If it weren't for the stupid revenge he sought! If only he listened to mom! If only he had looked at us properly and- and- " Mukuro shut his eyes tightly.
Loved us.
Tears silently streamed down his face as he turned around and tried to hide. His shoulders were trembling hard as he let out some choked sobbing.
Chrome hugged him from behind and silently started crying too.
Daemon, who is stricken with shock didn't know what to do. His thoughts are all jumbled up and he couldn't think straight anymore. What should he do now?
He suddenly processed the situation again.
They were crying, suffering and they had no one. But he's standing here now, as their father.
It may be his fault. It may be too late. It may be wrong. But...
He reached out his arms and embraced them both tightly.
But, this is something he wanted to do now.
Soooo how was it? Please leave a reviewww~ did my writing improve? Did it, did it? *excited* Please leave constructive criticism if you want to!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It took me two nights (like seriously, I wrote till almost 4am) to finish this as well as ODAC and the other fanfics. I hope this will be a Christmas gift you are satisfied with! (And something to compensate for the one year hiatus….)
Merry Christmas once again! May you be filled with joy and happiness for the year to come, continue to be blessed by the people around you and be a blessing to others which I'm sure you already are :D
See you next time! I'll try to update soon. Latest is next Christmas (/slapped. W-Wait I-I was just joking! OwO Don't hit me please! Or maybe not? Hahaha. *awkward laughing*)
Thanks for support guys! It's seriously the thing keeping me writing till 4am. Love ya all~~