Sex Ed. with Killian Jones

Chapter One - Introductions

Emma Swan was late.

Really late, borderline ridiculously late for her first class.

Usually, she would blame her misfortunes with her temperamental phone alarm. She had sworn that the white piece of plastic was out to ruin her life for at least six months. However, today was the first day of her Junior year at college, being late meant fighting for a seat.

Typically in the front row.

Hitching her brown messenger bag up over her shoulder, she resumed her speed walk towards University Hall. Her first class was an upper level psychology class, one that was difficult to get into and presumably packed with students still looking to add at the last possible second.

Entering room UH304, Emma fought back the urge to groan. The hall was not surprisingly packed full of students, with more spilling out into the aisles, people desperate to add the much needed course to their schedule. She stood on tip-toe to peek over the throng of people, searching for just one open seat. With a bit of determination and a touch of elbow, she was able to maneuver through the crowd to locate a lone seat towards the front of the classroom.

Maybe you're not screwed just yet, Swan! She thought happily as she tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear and approached the open chair. The guy sitting next to it had his back to her, she hoped that he wasn't saving it for someone.

Emma tapped the guy on the shoulder, "Excuse me, are you saving this seat for someone?" She asked, praying that she would be lucky enough to score a chair to prevent a long, uncomfortable hour of sitting on the floor in the aisle. What she didn't expect was the pair of electric blue eyes that turned to capture hers. He was easily the hottest guy that she had seen in quite a long while, if ever. A worn Motorhead t-shirt was fit over his sculpted shoulders and chest, as a tanned, toned arm reached up to absentmindedly scratch behind his ear. He had dark brown hair that slightly curled at the ends under his worn baseball hat.

"No, lass. It's all yours," he responded quietly, his British accent another pleasant surprise.

Emma smiled and sat down, feeling his eyes on her as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. She stuck out her hand and grinned, "I'm Emma Swan," she mentally thanked her evil phone for finally doing something right, if it led her to this seat next to this man.

"Killian Jones," he replied with a small smile before tapping his pen to his notebook, checking his watch impatiently.

"Well, thanks for the seat. I thought maybe you were saving it for your girlfriend?" She asked, taking a quick look at his long jean-clad legs stretched out in front of her.

He looked at her again with surprise, a slight blush on his cheeks. "Ah, no girlfriend here, sadly."

"Good," Emma couldn't help the word that fell from her lips. She quickly catalogued his response, from the slight blush and widening blue eyes. It was all quite endearing. "It's okay," she winked as she reached over to gently pat him on the forearm, "I don't have a boyfriend either."

"Shame, that," he replied quietly, but could say nothing further as the professor strode into the classroom.

Every eye in the room swiveled to watch Professor Mills walk to her table in the front of the lecture hall, confident and strong on her four-inch heels. "Welcome to the Psychology of Human Sexual Behavior. I am your professor, Dr. Regina Mills." She announced as she tossed her bag down, laying both palms flat on the table to stare out into the crowd. "I am well aware that this has become quite the popular class to take. However, despite the… pleasing… subject matter, I can assure you that each and every one of you will have to work hard to pass this course."

Someone snickered at the word hard and Emma fought to not roll her eyes. Boys. She knew this class was highly recommended by a majority of the students, especially the week when the professor showed an actual porno in class, and broke it down part by part. However, it was still necessary for her to graduate, which meant while she could enjoy all the sex talk, she still had to pass.

Besides, it had been a solid year since the utter fiasco that she labeled in her mind as fucking Neal. She felt that she had earned the opportunity to flirt with the incredibly hot, yet strangely shy man sitting next to her.

Professor Mills produced two large stacks of syllabi, handing them off to the front sections and allowing the students to pass them back as she continued her speech. "This week, my expectations are that you read the syllabus, find the textbook and read the introduction. I highly recommend that you also purchase the companion textbook, The Guide to Getting It On by Paul Joannides. I would recommend purchasing the 7th edition ebook. It's quite... illuminating to say the least."

As Professor Mills continued to explain about the class, Emma finally received her syllabus and handed the stack over to Killian, her fingertips brushing against his. She couldn't help but grin a little further at the way he studiously looked down, clearly embarrassed. There was something about this handsome, yet shy boy that colored her very intrigued.

"Thanks," he murmured quietly to her, handing on the stack to his right and quickly flipping through the syllabus.

"Now," Professor Mills added, grabbing another stack of papers from her briefcase, "it's time for a little pre-test to learn exactly how much you know about sex." Her eyes gleamed at the idea of her test.

Emma looked around to see that most students were smirking arrogantly at the idea of a Sex Ed pre-test. Her eyes snapped back to her own row when she heard a small groan from Killian, who was slumping down in his seat even further as he held the pre-test in his hands.

The test was only twenty questions, however the questions ranged from the very clinical to slightly personal. Emma paused slightly at question seven 'How many sexual partners (male and female) have you had?' She felt that the question was a bit personal, but maybe the professor could tailor her teaching based on the classes' experience. Emma couldn't help but look up at Dr. Mills, to see her professor looking back at her, eyebrows raised, daring her to ask a question about the pre-test.

Emma huffed slightly and wrote a five next to question seven and moved on. Her eyes glanced over at Killian's paper, suddenly very curious about his answer to question seven.

His answer - an angry circle with a slash through it, jumped out at her.

No way! She wanted to crane her neck further, maybe she mis-read it. Maybe it was really a ten. There was no way that this gorgeous man splayed out next to her was a virgin.

It had to be a ten. It must be a ten.

"Also!" Professor Mills added as the students diligently worked on their pre-tests, "I highly recommend finding a 'Study Buddy' for this class, in case you miss a class, or your life in general gets in the way. I too, understand this is a Monday class at 8am." She grinned sportingly at her students.

Recognizing the golden opportunity when she saw one, Emma quickly leaned over and jabbed Killian in the side with her pen.

"Bloody hell, woman! That hurt!" He whispered as he rubbed his side.

"Give me your hand!" She whispered, motioning him to hurry up.

He looked at her like she had lost her mind, but carefully held out his left arm for her. Emma grabbed him, mentally appreciating his firm, toned body while she wrote her cell phone number on him, finishing her name with a small heart at the end. She couldn't help but rub the tips of her fingers against his flesh for just a moment before letting go.

"Text me later with your number, study buddy," she grinned, thoroughly enjoying the way his mouth hung open, gazing at her with fuckstruck eyes.

She rose when Professor Mills announced, "When you are finished with your pre-tests, you are dismissed. Go find your textbooks and I'll see you back here on Wednesday morning."

Killian Jones tugged his baseball hat down a little further and slouched down in his chair.

Taking Human Sexuality was a colossal mistake. He had assumed that the 8am section would be fairly empty, he could sit somewhere by himself, slump down and no one would notice him.

Except when he walked in, the class was most decidedly not empty.

Buggering fuck!

The lecture hall was fairly full, students already snapping up the prime seating locations - aisle seats, back rows. He glanced at his watch incredulously, it was only 7:30! He scanned the room for a few minutes and decided his best choice was the area towards the front of the class, it would be least likely to fill up.

He felt as if there was a large neon sign above his head, shouting his virginity from the rooftops as he walked past students. It was a fool's notion that he could take this class to give him a little extra information about sex, expecting to suddenly bump him up to speed with his other college counterparts.

Killian collapsed in an aisle seat, choosing a location off towards a corner of the lecture hall and quickly tossed his backpack on the chair next to him. Possibly, no one would want to bother him to ask if that seat was taken. It was already embarrassing enough being a virgin at twenty-one years old, at college where the majority of his classmates were probably getting laid right now...

Then, a small tap on his shoulder and a voice interrupted him from his self-loathing. A blonde haired goddess stood before him, green eyes twinkling as she looked at the empty seat next to him. She asked politely if the seat next to him was available.

Killian's mouth went dry as he stared up at her.

"No, lass… it's all yours." He hastily removed all his belongings off the seat to make room for her, tucking his legs in as she scooted past. She was simply gorgeous, long blonde hair flowing down around her shoulders, dressed casually in a pair of jean shorts that featured her long tanned legs. He had to tear his eyes off of her toned legs, feeling his blood start to rush south at the scent of her perfume.

Discreetly, he attempted to shift restlessly under the swing out desk trying to reposition himself. His eyes flickered closed for a moment to attempt to regain control of his rampaging hormones.

Suddenly, her hand was out in front of him. "Emma Swan." The rest of the words were lost as the blood roared in his ears, not daring to believe that this girl, this Emma Swan, actually wanted to talk to him.

Awkwardly, he stuck out his hand, praying that his palms weren't sweaty. "Killian Jones." He could almost hear his brother's mocking voice in his head, asking him if he could be anymore awkward. Or pathetic.

"...saving it for your girlfriend?" He almost missed her next question.

"Ah, no girlfriend here, sadly..." he replied with a rueful grin, thinking about the long and morose road that led him to this point.

"Good," she replied and reached out to pat his arm. "It's okay, I don't have a boyfriend either." Killian was pretty sure that his mouth had fallen open, because he was almost certain she was flirting with him.

That was flirting, right? He wished Liam was next to him to punch him and confirm that she was flirting, not just being friendly. Was he supposed to respond? He supposed jumping up and down or begging her to date him was probably frowned upon. Bad form and all.

"Shame, that," he responded, hoping that his answer fell down on the side of cool, yet aloof instead of idiotic and pitiful.

Blessedly, the professor walked in a moment later, so he had a reason to silently end the conversation.

Try as he might, he could not focus on the professor's opening statements, he could only continue to steal glances at the girl sitting next him, while he tapped his notebook anxiously with his pen. She appeared to be completely in sync with the professor, smiling at everyone as she received the syllabus and passed it along to him.

He, on the other hand, was a fumbling mess.

Killian couldn't help but grab the syllabus like a lifeline to his sanity, because he had no idea what was going on, he was completely at a loss. His eyes scanned the document, feeling the anxiety in his chest abate as he finished reading it. Fourteen weeks, a different sexual topic per week. Two textbooks… final exam. The usual life of a college student.

This, he could handle. Even if it was all about sex.

Killian exhaled through his nose, because if this class didn't give him more confidence with sex… he figured he should just give up and go become a priest.

After all, he had the damned celibacy part down.

Suddenly a new paper was being thrust into his hands. His eyes widened as he read the title "Human Sexuality: Pre-Test." A small groan fell from his lips as he tried to slide down further in his seat to hide the blush on his cheeks.

The questions started off focusing on general human anatomy, which he felt he could reasonably answer. Then, starting at question seven, they took a decidedly personal turn.

7. How many sexual partners (male and female) have you had?

His jaw tightened as his fingers involuntarily clenched around his pen. Of course, it always falls down to how many partners have you had. He was a healthy twenty-one year old male, it was expected that he was knee deep in girls.

Should he lie? Would it be completely obvious if he did? After all, Mills was a bloody sex professor, shouldn't she be able to spot a virgin from a mile away? If Professor Mills wanted to judge him and his lack of experience, then so be it. Killian couldn't help the angry zero that he wrote on his paper.

As he worked, he heard the professor start to talk about study buddies and their importance. He was up every day without fail at 5:30am, for his morning run with his roommate. He wasn't going to be missing a class because he was too busy sleeping in.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp jab in his side and he couldn't stop the yelp that escaped his lips. He looked at his neighbor, the beautiful Emma, with her wide green eyes, sparkling in mischief.

"Give me your hand!" She hissed.

Killian couldn't stop arching his eyebrow in disbelief, but he stretched out his arm for her anyway. Her small, delicate hands carefully wrapped around his arm, pen drifting over his skin. Her perfume overtook his senses again, the floral scent making him lightheaded with desire. Goosebumps rose on his skin in the wake of her fingertips. He could feel the light puffs of her breath on his arm as she leaned in close, writing her… bloody phone number on his arm.

He looked into her eyes, surprise etched all over his features. "Text me later with your number, study buddy," Emma told him, a slow lazy smile gracing her face.

Then, she was gone in a whirl of perfume, blonde hair and tanned legs, leaving him confused and more aroused than he's been in a long time.

Bloody hell.