A frown adorned a handsome face as he growled with annoyance. Lying on the couch sat Grimmjow Jeagerjaques. His electric blue eyes were narrows to the point the pupils were slits.

He was merely saying what was on his mind. Ichi-berry had bitched at him for not being more expressive. Fucking hell, that boy was so confusing. Rubbing the weirdly indent on his head, pain laced through his system as he sighed yet again.

Ichigo kicked him out of the bedroom. There went his snuggle buddy. Rolling on his side, a loud purr erupted from above him. Looking up he saw Akuma starring right into his eyes. All of the kittens had followed the fuming berry as they wanted a cozy place to sleep.

Holy crap, when the hell did he get there? Lifting a hand in attempt to pet the cat, Grimmjow heard looked towards the sound. Standing on the staircase was Ichigo.

A large frown adorned his angelic face. His hands were shoved into his pockets. Grimmjow looked at him with an indifferent look.

"Come back up stairs. I can't sleep knowing you down here." Ichigo lowered his eyes to floor.

"Mm? Fine." Walking over to the teen, Grimmjow gazed at his head with a spark of rising interest.

Following the younger into the bedroom, gazing at the back of the head of Ichigo was becoming very annoying for Grimmjow. His eyes narrowed as he snatched Ichigo's shoulder and forced him to turn around to face him.

Ichigo's shocked expression only fueled Grimmjow's rage. Mocha met Sky blue. With a raised eyebrow Ichigo was about to open his mouth when arms surrounded his being.

A chin was placed on top of his head. Not wanting to break the moment, Ichigo closed his eyes and rested his head on the shoulder that's comforted him more than once. Grimmjow finally broke away as he just grabbed his berries' hand and went into the bedroom.

The room was black except for the moon coming through the window. Three pairs of eyes stared right at them. Slowly removing his t-shirt, Grimmjow sat roughly on the edge and watched as the kitten went flying into the air and land with their backs arched.

A smile slowly crept over Ichigo's mouth. He slowly walked over to stand next the bed as he watched as the kittens began to walk all over Grimmjow. Hearing ow's and curse words made him smile at how much the ex-Espada meant to him.

Every time he woke up, he couldn't help but trace the six on his lovers back. All of the fighting, blood, and death sometimes kept him from sleeping. But he was learning how to cope with his once enemy. It brought comfort, yet the words he'd wish to hear never come out of that sinful mouth.

With a sigh, Ichigo walked over to the bed and lightly ran his fingers through Grimmjow's hair while moving around him to lie in the bed. Feeling hands in his hair Grimmy followed the arm to the owner. He saw a faraway look and raised an eyebrow.

Something was preoccupying his berry and he wanted to know what. Lying next to the body; Grimmjow wrapped his arms around Ichigo. The familiar scent of coconuts drifted to his nose. Sighing softly, Grimmjow buried his head into the crook of Ichigo's neck.

A sudden urge to lick overcame the cat. Putting his tongue to the back of Ichigo's ear, he gave a rough scrape. Hearing a groan brought a feral smile to his face. Once again putting his tongue to that special place, he slowly dragged it to the earlobe.

"Grimmy, not tonight. I'm really tired, and I want to be able to sleep without jumping ant any discomfort from my ass." A deep chuckle erupted in Grimmjow's chest.

"Don't worry Ichi; I'm not going to do anything. Yet." A scoff just brought more laughter. Rolling over to gaze into blue eyes, Ichigo just merely buried his head under Grimmjow's chin.

As he let his eyes close, a hand went to his hair and lightly stroked it. Sleep pulled him deep in its clutches. The musky smell of his lover drifted gently in his nose.

The sunlight drifted into the window and hit Grimmjow right in the face. Opening his eye he scowled viciously at the sun. Stupid fucker, go away. Looking down Grimmjow saw Ichigo half sprawled over him. The teen's leg was thrown over his waist and his arm was draped on his chest.

Hearing a light snore brought a soft smile on his face. The sudden urge to pee ruined the whole scene. Grunting lightly, Grimmjow moved Ichigo over to the other side of the bed.

Just as he thought he had victory, an arm shot up and wrapped around his stomach. A fierce tug on his abdomen, a slight strangled cry escaped his mouth as he flailed his arms and legs comically. A light mumble of incoherent words drifted to his ears.

Grimmjow froze and turned his head lightly so watch Ichigo. The red head was fast asleep, yet he still had grabbed Grimmjow. What the Hell?! A slight growl came from his throat as he struggled even more. Damn his gigai and the stupid clogs and hat…

Ichigo's arm slackened slightly. The former Espada just shot up and ran from the room. His struggles made him both tired and have to pee even more. Now standing in the bathroom in front of the toilet, a knock on the door brought him from his thoughts.

"What?" He was not in a good mood right now.

"It's me dumb shit, what do you want for breakfast?" Ichigo yawned quietly and stretched his back. The door opened to a slightly miffed Grimmjow.

"Whatever you want to make, I don't care." An orange eyebrow went up in a silent question.

"Alrighty then. Dad took Yuzu and Karin to the giant convention for the day, so it's you and me… and the cats…" Ichigo got a grumble as he followed the taller man into the bedroom.

Grimmjow went over to the closet and pulled out his jeans, the light blue stood out against his tan and black t-shirt. Ichigo leaned against the doorway and watched his lover with confused eyes. What was with his today?

"Grimm, you ok?" a sigh and a rub on the back of his head Grimmjow looked at Ichigo. A small nod just made the teens frown worsen.

A light meow from behind Grimmjow brought a smile to Ichigo's face. The normally stoic Espada jumped and glared at the thing that was winding itself around his legs. The kitten lifted its head and gave a long meow. Scoffing lightly Grimmjow picked it up and held it at arm's length.

Yukimaru meowed loudly again and began to purr. Yuya and Haru just began to wrap around his ankles. A deep chuckle from Ichigo just further annoyed him. With a sigh, Grimmjow just put down the loud kitten and tripped to the doorway.

Ichigo smiled before giving a light peck to welcomed lips. Walking down the steps with three kittens twining down your legs was a bitch. A deep mrrow forced the Ichigo to raise an eyebrow. His fat cat Akuma was sitting on the counter watching them like a hawk.

Little meows of encouragement drew the redhead to the cabinet of cat food. Grimmjow turned to the fridge and grabbed the batter. A sudden idea for chocolate waffles brought a smile to his handsome face.

Arms wrapped around his waist as Grimmjow looked over his shoulder. Ichigo just lightly watched as the whisk stirred the contents together. The waffle maker was already on and was slowly cooking.

Slowly the scent of waffles filled the house. The kittens were all grooming themselves. Ichigo and Grimmjow sat at the table eating. Maple syrup globbed heavily on already sweet waffles.

The exotic taste of chocolate danced pleasurably on Ichigo's tongue as he licked his fork clean. A pale flush over came Grimmjow's face. Just seeing this little innocent act just shot straight to his loins.

Opening an eye, Ichigo nearly jumped out of his seat. Grimmjow had such a deep lusty look on his face that it only promised one thing… and it was that one thing he knew what was coming as soon as he got up from the table.

Upon nervously getting up Ichigo gathered all the dishes and silverware and put them into the sink. Grimmjow followed him with his eyes. Finally seeing his chance, he forced Ichigo against the island.

Looking down, blue met brown. Two different personalities crashed as hands gripped each other. The feeling of passion echoed not only in their souls but their spirits as well. Tongues clashed heatedly.

Grimmjow picked Ichigo up and threw him over his shoulder. A loud hey followed by a smack to the ass shut the boy up while he moaned softly. The four cats sat and watched their masters go by.

Akuma led the three to the living room as he pulled out a toy mouse and began to bat it around. Yukimaru being the most bold tackled the mouse. Yuya just sat next to Haru and lightly began to bat at his tail.

Settling down Akuma watched his charges play. He was content, here were little rascals, and even his owners were rascals all in all he was a happy fat cat. And a happy fat cat is what he'll always be.

Grimmjow placed Ichigo lightly down onto the bed. His half hooded eyes raked down the body below him. His heart was beating faster than ever. His head was swimming. All he knew that he was just as addicted as Ichigo.

Sitting up on his arms, Ichigo beckoned the cat to him. Said man crawled over on top. A light hand dragged a finger from his cheek to his lips.

As the gravitation force around them increased the two brushed lips. The sheer tingly sensation exploded and forced them to hungrily latch on another. Ichigo's shirt was ripped right down the front.

A wet mouth latched onto his strong neck as it bit down drawing blood. Ichigo's eyes rolled back into his skull as he moaned loudly. A strong tongue licked its way down to an already hard nipple.

There it bit and suckled before going to the other. Back and forth until a hand grabbed onto blue locks, looking up into lusty mocha orbs, Grimmjow pulled up for another hot kiss. Ichigo not wanting to out done flipped them over.

As he pulled from the kiss Ichigo looked down and saw the shirt had ridden up his lover's stomach to rest at his abs. Another moan brought from his lips as he pulled the shirt up and over Grimmjow's frame. Just gazing down at the bronze body just made him harder than ever.

Ichigo lowered his head to Grimmjow's belly button. There he swirled around it with his tongue before going lower. Stopping just before the beginning of the pants, Grimmjow flipped them over once again. Looking into his berries eyes, he ripped off the sweatpants and boxers in one go.

Finally getting what he wanted Ichigo wrapped on leg around the back of Grimmjow's thigh. There he grounded their hips together. A deep groan escaped Grimmjow's mouth as he pushed back. There was no time for foreplay now.

Looking over the edge of the bed for the lube that was always there he found the cherry scented one. It was a gag gift from Renji when he walked in on them by accident a few weeks ago. Upon opening the bottle and spreading it around his cock, Grimmjow thrusted his way in Ichigo's unprepared hole.

A ragged moan escaped Ichigo as he bucked to feel the pleasure increase. Grimmjow leaned down to kiss Ichigo softly as a mild apology. As he opened his mouth to let his tongue to play Ichigo bucked harshly against Grimmjow to make the cat move.

Moaned deeply in his throat Grimmjow complied as he pulled back and slammed in. Ichigo grabbed the headboard as leverage and met thrust for thrust. His member hurt so bad that a light cry escaped his throat as Grimmjow hit his prostate.

Not needing to know what was wrong; Grimmjow grabbed the hard organ and began to pump with his thrusts. Ichigo bucked once again and moaned loudly as he knew that he was close to his orgasm. Another ruthlessly hard thrust and Ichigo was pushed over board.

He clamped down hard around Grimmjow's cock. Giving it a few hard thrusts to ride out his own hard orgasm Grimmjow clasped on top of Ichigo. Harsh pants echoed in the small room.

Lightly brushing strands from his face, Ichigo lightly traced where his kitty's mask would have been. Scratching at the door alerted the two of the kittens that no doubt wanted in. groaning at the feeling of having to leave the warm embrace Grimmjow got up.

As he opened the door for pairs of eyes gazed at him with a mischievous glints. Glaring at the felines (even though he was part cat) he closed the door after them. Walking back over to the bed he curled himself around Ichigo.

Feeling the bed dip Ichigo opened his eyes and smiled lightly. Taking his hand to lightly stroke Grimmjow's cheek Ichigo opened his mouth to say the words he's been dying to say.

"I love you Grimmjow." Shocked blue eyes gazed down at him before taking the teen into his arms.

Akuma could feel the air change to one of love. His tail swept over his paws as he licked Haru's head passionately. Yuya and Yukimaru were fighting over a random bouncy ball.

"I love you too, berry. You and those damned cats." Four yowls brought a smirk to both the boys' faces as they shared a sweet kiss. Their little family was weird but all together good.

Due to me being lazy I didnt edit it d:3