It's almost been a year and I still don't own TMI. But even if I did I would still approve of all the choices for the TMI tv show because damn that cast is glorious and don't fight me on this pls

One last thank you to Mrs. Jace Wayland-Herondale! Love you and thank you for helping me out with this story!

Once, there was a time when Clary would have described pillars of smoke as beautiful. Not anymore. Instead, she felt nothing but emptiness as she watched Emma and Julian's bodies burn together. Emma, who Clary first met when she had been 12 years old. Fearless, powerful Emma. Emma, who had reminded Clary so much of Jace with her smart mouth and cunning moves. Gone because of petty demons. It made her sick to her stomach.

And Julian, laying besides her. Julian, the kindest and most selfless soul to walk the earth. Julian, who was almost as passionate about painting as she was; Julian, the sweet, patient boy that had spent so much time with Clary, painting and laughing, and living. Devastatingly loyal and kind-hearted Julian. Clary couldn't handle it anymore. She turned away, blinking back tears and took a deep, steadying breath. Jace started rubbing her back in an attempt to comfort her, but she just pushed away and headed back to their home.
She had faced enough death to last her twenty lifetimes.

"Do you miss living like a mundane, sometimes?" Simon asked. Clary looked up from her seat and looked into her parabatai's eyes.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't."

Simon nodded with downcast eyes. "I would be too."

"That year I was with Azalea, alone, as a single mom... It was miserable without Jace or you or anyone else, but it was also relaxing. Never did I have to fear demons, or look over my shoulder to see who was after me. I was just... Normal. I sometimes wish I still was," Clary sniffled and swatted away a stray tear. "Emma and Julian were so young. They had such a bright future. And now they are just piles of ashes."

The baby monitor picked up a wail, breaking the miserable silence. Clary sighed. She stood and climbed up the stairs, scooping her baby up in her arms. Azalea was getting really big, and reaching all her milestones. First words and steps were achieved, and she was already beginning to learn to run, much to Clary's complete horror.

"Please don't ever grow up," Clary whispered and kissed her daughter's forehead. She carried the child down the steps and set her in her high chair, ready to feed Azalea her daily mashed peas and carrots. When she returned to the kitchen, she found that Simon was gone and Jace was in his place. He grinned widely at his daughter, smothering her in kisses as she giggled and smiled up at him.

"Can I feed her?" He asked.

"Please," Clary begged, handing over the nasty yellow jar of food. Jace wordlessly opened the container of food and slowly led it to Azalea's mouth, bite after bite.

"Jace," Clary started weakly, her voice shaking slightly. Her husband looked up. "I don't know if I can do this anymore."

"Do what?" He asked suspiciously.

"This," she gestured to Jace and hers white mourning clothes. "This isn't normal. Being constantly surrounded by death, having the grim reaper constantly breathing down our backs. I don't want Azalea growing up in this kind of environment, Jace!"

"What are you saying?" He asked slowly.

Clary sighed. "Jace, I want to go back to my mundane life. Get off the grid. Raise our daughter in a life where her biggest worry is whether she has a date to homecoming or not. Not that she may die in battle."

Jace sighed and placed his face in his hands, shaking his head slowly. "Clary, you don't mean this. We've been through a lot today. You won't be saying these things in a few hours."

"To hell with a few hours!" She raised her voice. "I'm not doing this anymore!"

"Clary, please," he begged her. Clary was startled when she saw that he had tears glistening in his eyes. "Don't do this. They need our help.

"Don't give me that hero bullshit," Clary grumbled, her resolve slowly breaking.

"Hear me out!" Jace's voice raised to a shout. Clary quickly went silent and Jace's face softened. "Darling, that rune you invented is groundbreaking. It prevents us from getting hurt. God, it practically makes us unstoppable."

"Then why is there a reason for Shadowhunters if we can't be hurt," Clary argued, not wanting to be reasoned with.

"Just because we can't be hurt, doesn't mean mundanes cannot be hurt. We can begin to protect mundanes more and pay more attention to them, like we should have been from the beginning."

Clary felt herself falter. "My rune is incredibly strong. I honestly think that the only way we were even able to withstand it was because of our blood."

"Then we can give the stele to the Clave and have a restriction placed on it to make sure those who use it, do so responsibly," Jace argued. Clary snorted. "I know you don't trust the Clave, and I honestly don't either. But we need to look out for this silver lining. Yes, in this life, death is a constant occurrence. But if you went back to that mundane house in Kansas, think of all the lives that will be forfeited. Think of all the white and the smoke."

Clary started sobbing and hugged her husband. She clutched him, never wanting to let go, and never planning to let go.
How could I have been so selfish?

"I'm sorry," she said in between tears. "I don't know what's the matter with me."

"There's nothing the matter. You panicked. We all do that sometimes," Jace murmured.

6 months later

The louder Izzy's screams got, the more anxious Simon and Jace grew.

"Simon, she needs you," Magnus called to him, peeking through the doorway, into the hall. He looked up, gulped, and followed Magnus out of the room.

Of course Isabelle had to go into labor while they were visiting the New York Institute, of all places. A panicked Simon and Jocelyn had led Isabelle to the Infirmary, and Magnus had happily and willingly taken the role of midwife.

Azalea was playing with her blocks on the floor and Clary coaxed her into her lap. Azalea grew everyday, and Clary refused to believe that she was no longer a baby. She also refused to believe that Azalea was nearing her terrible two's.

"Is it really that bad?" Jace muttered, clasping Clary's hand.

Clary slowly nodded. "I don't understand why Magnus hasn't done anything to ease Izzy's pain. I'm sure there is something he could use.

"I'm sorry," Jace muttered. Clary looked up.

"For what?"

"Knocking you up and making you go through that," Jace grinned slowly.

Clary rolled her eyes. "I forgive you. That was nearly two years ago. I'm not bitter about it anymore." She paused, and then smiled. "Besides, Azalea is worth it." Almost as if to respond, Azalea covered her eyes with her hands. Clary grinned and did the same. Peek-a-boo had become one of Azalea's favorite games.

Just then, Simon burst into the room. Jace stood up. "Is she okay?"

Simon grinned. "Fantastic! It's a boy." Jace cheered and Simon and Clary laughed.

"Yes! A nephew!" He cheered happily.

"Can we see him?" Clary asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah," Simon nodded. "Come with me." He led the small family into the Infirmary, and toward Isabelle. The raven haired girl was covered in sweat and looked exhausted, but she was still grinning and looking down at the tiny bundle in her arms as if seeing the sun for the first time. The baby already appeared to have a full head of dark hair, which made Clary smile.

"Isn't he handsome?" Izzy beamed.

"He kind of looks like a wrinkly potato," Jace argued with a small grin.

"Oh hush, you," Izzy hissed. "He's perfect."

"Has he opened his eyes?" Clary asked, just to make sure the baby was perfectly healthy and not anything like her brother had been.

"Yes, and they are brown, like Simon's. They weren't completely black like your mother warned." Clary thought about all the panic and prevention that went into protecting Simon and Izzy's son after learning that Asmodeous and Lilith had manipulated Clary into feeding her demon blood. They looked up every possible remedy, every possible cure. It had been Simon's suggestion to place Clary's newly invented heavenly fire rune onto the mother. Clary had drawn the rune onto Isabelle's collarbone, and they prayed to the Angel that it would work. And it had. Clary felt her eyes water with relief and joy.

"Now, Clary," Izzy started. "Simon and I have been talking. And we have decided to make you and Jace the Godparents."

"Really?" Jace wondered.

"Yes, really. We know that you two will be there for Max."

"You named him Max?" Alec spoke up, having silently been leaning against the wall and witnessing the scene.

"Yes," Isabelle smiled slowly.

"What is his middle name?" Clary wondered out loud.


"Max Christopher. I like it," Clary beamed.

The next few hours flew by. Maryse, the proud grandmother, came by as soon as she got word. Everyone passed around the baby and cooed at it, until he had had quite enough and needed to be handed back to his mother.

"I have to take him now for his protection spells. Tessa and Jem will be here any minute. In the meantime, I think all of us need some rest. Especially you," Magnus said, turning to Isabelle and patting her on the head. Everyone slowly filed out. Jace and Clary left together, Clary's hand in his, leaning against his shoulder as they walked.

They decided to portal home, and once Azalea was put to bed, Jace and Clary settled down in their living room to play a good-natured game of chess.

"Checkmate," Jace beamed. Clary groaned.

"I swear, you cheat at this game. You win every time."

"I'm just lucky."

"Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is." As Clary began to set up a new game, determined to win, Jace appeared to get lost in thought.

"You alright?" she asked.

"Well, I was just thinking. Seeing Izzy and Simon today with little Max... It reminded me of the future I had always wanted for the two of us."

"What do you mean?" His wife asked.

"I think it's time we had another baby," he blurted out. Clary's eyes widened.

"Is this only coming from Isabelle having hers? Or have you been thinking about this while?"

"A while," Jace admitted. "It's just that I missed Azalea being born. I was not there to buy strange foods due to pregnancy cravings. I couldn't give you massages when your back hurt. I didn't even get to hold your hand when she came into the world. I want to be able experience all that. Besides, I was an only child until I moved in with the Lightwood's. It was awfully lonely."

"Are you really sure you want another Herondale? Or are you just thinking about the baby making part?" Clary teased. Jace laughed. "While the baby making part will be fun, I do want to be a proper father and husband. So far, I feel like I have cheated my way through it, which is not fair to you."

Clary didn't say anything for the longest time, just to torture her husband. Finally, she said, "It's a good thing I want another child too."

Jace pulled his wife into a tight hug and kissed her face repeatedly. Clary laughed happily and smothered her face into his shoulder.

We're going to start trying for another baby, she thought happily.

For the first time in forever, it seemed, their crazy family had finally achieved peace. There was no guarantee if it would last, or how long. But that didn't matter, because for the first time in what felt like years, everything was good and alright with the world.

The End.

And that is that! Hard to believe I spent almost an entire year writing this :p

I would just like to thank all the rad people who enjoyed this and continuously reviewed and who didn't give up on this story. (I know that some did. :/)

I hope you all enjoyed this ending and enjoyed this fic! This may be my last multi chapter fic. It's too much work, yo. I might start writing more one shots or something. Idk. We'll see.

For one last time, please review! Reviews are MUCH better than stick shift. (I'm currently learning to drive and stick is hella stupid and kinda useless but my dad it making me learn it anyway ugh.)

Till next time,
