A/N: Hello, people! Thank you for the good feedback for the last three chapters.
I don't own Inuyasha.
I have no beta.
ENJOY!*NOTE* As I said last chapter, this is definitely a Kag/Sessh, but she will have many suitors.*NOTE*
Kagome was not ready for the next few weeks. It seemed that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were arguing more than ever and the growling! All the damn time!
Her beast had told her that Sesshomaru was working on a way to ask if she would accept his suit, but Sesshomaru a very personal being and did not like doing things and showing feelings in front of people. So, he was probably waiting for the best moment to ask. Since he was warning Inuyasha to keep his distance at every possible turn, she could only guess that-that was the reason.
And then Koga showed up.
Bowling over Inuyasha like he wasn't even there, Kagome stopped right in the center of their group and looked around. He then became irate and demanded for Inuyasha to tell him where 'his woman' was.
That was enough for Inuyasha to begin a screaming match with the wolf.
AS the two proceeded to beat the ever-loving shit out of one another, Sesshomaru took that moment to approach her, which had literally made everyone freeze in shock.
"Miko Kagome, would you be opposed to accepting this Sesshomaru's suit?"
In his hands was a bundle. She carefully removed it from his hands and pulled the wrapping away. A kimono that was white like his, but with blue butterflies in a decorative pattern moving down the right shoulder and across the midsection.
She looked up at him to see honest sincerity in his gaze.
"Why would you want me?" she found herself asking.
There was a snort and she looked over to see Inuyasha kicking Koga off him. "The bastard has liked you for a while, but he hasn't said anything because his duty to his land is to sire a pureblood child. He wouldn't have been able to be with you until he did as his advisors commanded. But now that you're a Youkai, he won't have to wait any longer and can just try to take you away. I'll beat his ass anyway!"
The look that came over Sesshomaru's face, was one of silent rage. The only difference in his expression was that his citrine orbs were suddenly pink-tinted and getting darker by the second.
She hadn't been expecting that. Sesshomaru had been interested in her when she was human?!
She thought back to the last few weeks of his joining the group. After him getting his arm back and then getting his Bakusaiga. He had been a lot kinder to the humans of their group. He had already been kind to Rin, but now he was treating Sango and Miroku with respect and considering their comfort by making the group stop every few hours for a little rest.
And Kagome had been allowed to ride A-Un with Rin whenever she wanted. She got to bathe every day, because he would have the group stop near a hot spring or a small pond or lake.
She had also been allowed to go home three times within the last two months! That was a lot considering how much Inuyasha would bitch, she snorted, bitch about the jewel shards.
Wow! The Sesshomaru, Lord of the West, wanted to mate her?! What a compliment!
She gave him a smile and nodded. "I will gladly accept your suit…..Lord Sesshomaru."
A small smile came over the Daiyoukai's face and he leaned forward, brushing her hair away from her right shoulder.
Next came customary bite, where he would give her his mark during their courtship.
His fangs were a lot sharper than Inuyasha's and the bite itself wasn't as painful.
The great Inu pulled back and smirked at the blue crescent on her flesh. The hanyou wouldn't stand a chance now that he was a part of the game.
With a wince at the extremely loud decibel Koga's voice had taken, she turned to him with a sheepish grin. "Hi Koga."
He was like a fish with its' mouth gaping for water. Looking her over and over, he just stood there and she had to wonder if he was feeling well.
"So…..as you can see, I'm a Youkai. I've always been one, but my mother asked me to pretend to be a human for a few years."
More gaping and a slight wheezing noise was coming from the Ookami. Inuyasha was standing not too far away, grinning like a fool. He knew that once Koga snapped out of it, he would proposition Kagome for courtship and Kagome would shoot him down.
It wasn't because he was an Ookami either.
"So, you're a pure Youkai? A female Inu? Truly?" the Ookami asked, looking shocked.
He received a nod from nearly everyone in the group and suddenly, he had Kagome's hands clasped within his own.
"My dear Kagome, how could you accept the suit of others when you are my woman?"
She pulled her hands away and stepped back. "Koga, you promised Ayame years ago, that you would marry her. That's a very important promise. And not only that but a union between your packs would bring more strength and power. Besides, you originally wanted me because I can see jewel shards. Well, I am going to tell you that the jewel is mine. I was born with it inside my body and I am the Shikon no Miko. I will be collecting all shards and piecing the thing back together. Once that is done, I will get rid of it, some way or another. I am not interested in you in that way and I never will be."
It took a few moments for her words to catch up with im, but when they did, he frowned. And then backed away a few feet. "So, you really won't even consider me as mate material?"
"Koga, you made a promise! And there is nothing wrong with Ayame! She's a very nice girl and the way you feel about her hounding you, is how I feel about your bothering me! You are not my type and I don't fancy the idea of you trying to get out of your promise."
Koga winced and sighed. "Sorry I bothered you."
He was gone before she could reply.
Inuyasha let out a whoop of joy. "He's finally gone! Yes!"
"That's not something to celebrate. He may never speak to me again, because of this!" she hissed at him.
"Who cares? It's what he gets for thinking he could completely ignore the ways of courtship just because you were human. You never gave him your consent and he had no business trying to take advantage of your 'humanity' just to get what he wanted."
Kagome looked at Inuyasha in a new light. "Are you saying that you were just protecting my rights and not acting like a jerk because you were jealous?"
"Oh no, I was jealous. However, he was going against the laws of mating and it pissed me off. Don't get me wrong, I'm still selfish and brash and rude and all those things, but I'm also exceedingly loyal to my friends and unafraid of speaking my mind. The mangy Ookami was messing with the wrong person and I kept his flea ridden ass in line."
Kagome couldn't help but smile. "Aw, you're so sweet!"
Inuyasha gladly welcome the hug she gave him and took the chance to childishly stick his tongue out at his brother.
Said Daiyoukai was glaring at him fiercely.
He was so going to win this. He had known Kagome a lot longer and had the upper hand.
Sticking out his tongue, he snickered. the bastard wasn't winning.
A/N: Another one is done!
How was it? Please let me know in a respectful, constructive manner?
Check out my other Inuyasha stories. They are all doing very well!
Ja ne! :D