Chapter 1

Nevaeh POV

I walked up to the school that Haruhi is but I never would've guessed that she would be in such a high class place! "Ouran Academy... That's my Haruhi." I smiled. Alright time to find Haruhi!

(1 hour later)

I searched for her for so long that my feet started to ache. I know I should study first but I just want to find her. I tried talking to one of the students for help but they just give me the cold shoulder. After a while I stumbled upon an abandoned music room, I was about to open it when I heard a conversation thought the other side.

"So tell me what guys you're into..." a boy said "Do you like the strong silent type, the boy lalita, how about the mischievous type, or the cool type." he continued "Ah... I... Ah... I-Its not like that! I was just looking for a quiet place to study!" she said. Haruhi! I opened the door a little bit to see what is going on. I saw Haruhi dressed like a boy with a handsome boy with blond hair and purple eyes. He tilted Haruhi's hand and looked deep into her eyes. "Or maybe... you're into a guy like me? What do you say?" he asked seductively.

That's it, nobody touches Haruhi like that. Without thinking I breached into the music room and got in the middle of Haruhi and that guy. I grabbed that boys hand and started crushing it. "Ow... Ow... OW!" the boy started squealing. I looked him dead in the eyes with my fangs pointing out, but not uttering a word. The boy quivered in fear, to scared to even say a work.

I didn't realize that Haruhi was pushed back to far and knocked something over until I heard a loud crash. I let go of the boy to see what happened. It was a very expensive vase that she destroyed. The two boys with orange hair and parted slightly came over Haruhi's side. "Well isn't this just great." one of them said "On now you done it commoner! That vase was at a bidding at 8 million yen!" the other twin sighed "8 MILLION YEN! How many yen is that? How many thousands in a million?" Haruhi screeched.

I went to Haruhi side and started picking up the pieces, "I'm sorry..." I apologized without looking at Haruhi in the eye. Haruhi stayed silent for a moment looking at me like she seen a ghost. She adjusted her glasses and sighed "It's okay, its not your fault.". She turned around to look at the twins. "I'm going to have to pay you back." Haruhi sighed "With what money? You can't even afford a uniform." the twins chorused. "What is that grim outfit you're wearing?" one of the twins asked. "Well, what should we do Tamaki?" the guy with the glasses said "There is a saying you might of heard of Fujioka. When in rome you should do what Romans do. Since you have no money

you can pay with your body. As of today... you are the host clubs dog." Tamaki smiled evilly recovered from my scary face.

Haruhi went very pale and fainted. "Host Club?" I thought confused. I picked up Haruhi and set her down on the couch to rest. Soon everyone was looking at me. "Hikaru, Kaoru, I believe this young women is in your class?" the glasses guy said "Yes but we don't know much about her, she has this scary vibe about her." they chorused "Scary is right." Tamaki whispered while hiding from me. The glasses guy pull out a notebook and said "She's also an Honor student. Further more her family..." the glasses guy tried to finish but I stopped him by closing the book he was reading. I looked over at Tamaki with snake like eyes. I stayed like that for a moment until I grabbed my bag and pulled out a notepad and wrote "I'll help with the deat.". Everyone looked at me in shock, I walked over to Tamaki which made him shiver with fear. I wrote again on the same page and it said "I'm sorry that I scared you, I'm just very protective." I let out my hand in a "shake my hand" gesture and smiled, Tamaki slowly took my hand and shakes it. "I see... you're his girlfriend! I thought that he was gay!" Tamaki smiled wildly. What? He? Gay!? So I guess they don't know that Haruhi is a girl. "She will definitely work for us!" Tamaki announced. Everyone clapped in agreement with their so called king. "Now get these for us." Tamaki smiled while pass a list. I wanted so badly to bite his hand but its for Haruhi.

Haruhi POV

I can't believe it! Nevaeh's back! I missed her so much! School wasn't the same without her. And now she's here. Wait, why is she here? This is a private school?

(10 minutes later)

When I started regain conciseness Nevaeh was right by my side. "Haruhi... are you okay?" Nevaeh asked. Without a thought I hugged her very tight., "Haruhi?" Nevaeh breathed "Your... back..." I cried. Nevaeh hugged me back with a smile on her face "I'm back." she smiled. I let go of her a little bit to look at her, "What are you doing here Nevaeh?" I asked.

"I go to the school now. Unless you don't want me to be here?" Nevaeh sighed. I started to go into panic mode "N-No! I'm glad you're here! I-I just never thought you would be here! D-Don't w-worry!" I kept stuttering. Before I could say anymore Nevaeh covered my mouth so I wouldn't talk. "I get it." she laughed "Anyway I'm going to help you with your deat, and the host club wants us to get them grocery's." Nevaeh conclude while holding up a list.

Before I could protest she grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the host club.


Yay! They're back together! Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;), please review and give my your opinions and criticism. Here's some background info about her.

Name : Nevaeh

Meaning: Heaven

Age: 18

Blood Type: AB

Best Friend: Haruhi Fujioka

Hobbies: Skate boarding, singing, drawing, playing violin with a twist, archery, cooking

Favorite food: Anything meat, and chocolate

Physical appearance: Black hair, Violet eyes, Fang teeth

Clothing style: Skater

Background: A very talented girl, strong and cool on the outside but soft and kind on the inside. Been friends with Haruhi since kindergarten, but had to live in the middle of middle school to protect her country. She had a very dark past but never talks about it. She loves children and does whatever she can to protect them. It has been a year since Nevaeh has seen Haruhi, I wonder what will happen when they meet again? Do you guys know? Well lets read this book and find out.