Me: "Well. My internet is being an idiot. I blame AT&T. Anyways, here's the next chapter of Pink Slime. I hope you enjoy."

"Now, as you all most likely know, I have school. Well, I might not have time to get to these fanfics as much as before. Mainly because, well… you get the picture. School stinks, hands down."

"Anyways, I'll get to this. I do not own Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures or its characters."

"By the way, if I put 'just my OCs' in any of these chapters, it's because I'm used to putting 'just my OCs' in fanfics, because I do that. Ignore that if you see it in any of these chapters. Also, I'm a klutz so I might put the wrong document in any of these stories. Give me a heads-up if I screw up. Thank you. And I had just found out I screwed up in Chapter 8 instead of putting 'move' where 'more' should be at 'Bad more for Blinky.' Oops. Fixed it."


Chapter 9: The Plan, Act I

Pacopolis (Flooded), 5:04 P.M.

"Betrayus seriously needs to get a hobby. He's all happy about Pacopolis getting flooded from all the snow." Blinky said.

"Yeah, he was even doing a conga line outside his castle with all the ghosts in the Netherworld. I say that's over-reacting." Inky said.

"Well, at least none of the water got into the Netherworld. He'd be steamed and attack PacWorld again." Clyde said.

"And blame Pacopolis for it." Blinky said.

"So, what do we do again? I forgot the plan." Inky said.

"I edited my plan. You two distract Pinky and I'll go set up, preferably somewhere where it isn't flooded. This'll take some time, so… good luck." Blinky said, quickly flying off.

"The worst part of the plan is us having to TALK with PINKY and distracting her for who knows how long." Inky said, groaning.

"Hopefully she doesn't have a blowtorch or anything…" Clyde said.

"Why would she have a blowtorch?" Inky asked.

"You know her. Crazy psycho who sounds like a pony from—" Clyde started, but got slapped with tape on the mouth.

"Don't say that!" Inky yelled.

Clyde got the tape off, and did a little 'yelp'. "Why?" Clyde asked.

"If you do that, you'll break something!" Inky said.

"What will I break?" Clyde said.

"I don't know, the fourth wall?" Inky said.

Inky got smacked by a golf club and landed in a building.

Pinky was holding the golf club. She chuckled.

Clyde's POV.

I watched as Inky got thrown towards the building from the golf club. To be honest, that was kind of funny. However, I knew Pinky was there, and she could smack me with the golf club at any minute. I turned to her.

"Uhh… hi Pinky…" I said, hoping that she doesn't hit me.

"Hi Clyde." Pinky said.

I looked at where Inky went, and saw him flying back over, screaming. I suppose he got kicked by somebody that was in Paccer or Pacball. And then I saw him hit the ground face-first.

"Owwwww." Inky said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Apparently someone else had a tennis ball cannon and shot me since I landed inside the barrel of the cannon. Also, I landed in tar, so…" Inky said.

I looked all over him. He was covered in tar.

"You know, with how hot the sun is today, I sure hope that—"

Inky started to get burned from the tar and heat combination.

"AAAHHHH! IT BURNS, I'M BURNING!" Inky yelled, flying around in circles.

"Dive into the water!" Pinky yelled.

Inky dived into the water.

"THE WATER BURNS TOO!" Inky yelled, while he was under the surface of the water.

I pull a towel from out of nowhere and threw it at Inky. He quickly dried himself off, getting the tar off as well.

"Oh… phew, thanks." Inky said.

Nobody's POV.

Pac Park. 6:43 P.M.

Blinky had finished setting up, and flew up to the top of a building. Pac Park wasn't flooded, surprisingly. He pulled out a walkie-talkie and turned it on.

He said 'tell Pinky to go to Pac Park' backwards and in another language that Pinky doesn't know, yet Clyde and Inky know it.

Pacopolis (Flooded). 6:45 P.M.

Clyde heard the walkie-talkie talking, and looked at Pinky.

"Hey, Pinky, how about you head over to Pac Park? Pac is there waiting for you…" Clyde said.

Pinky's eyes literally exploded. "REALLY?!" she yelled.

"Yeah, really. Go over there. He said he wants to talk to you." Inky said.

Pinky's eyes popped back and she instantly flew off for Pac Park.

"Well. That was easy." Inky said.

Pac, Cyli, and Spiral hoverboarded over to Inky and Clyde.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Pac asked.

"We just sent Pinky on a little trip to get her obsession over you down to rock bottom." Inky said.

"Really? And this is gonna work?" Pac asked.

Clyde and Inky nodded.

Cyli did a little 'yes' motion.

"Well, it better work. Nobody likes Pinky's obsession for Pac. At all." Spiral said.

"Heck, she even almost KISSED Pac numerous times. So, we decided to stop it." Inky said.

"We're all hoping this works. Pinky is pretty much blind when it comes to cardboard cutouts, so…" Clyde said.

"If this works, Pac will no longer have to worry about Pinky attempting to kiss him in his sleep." Inky said.

"Wait… if Pinky falls for it, won't she hate Pac for a long time?" Spiral asked.

"That's the plan." Clyde said.

Pac, Cylindria, and Spiral looked at each other.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Spiral said. He had a 'this-will-not-end-well' face.

Inky had his eyes closed, but shot them up when he realized what Spiral was saying His eyes were also dots.

Clyde was already reaching for the walkie-talkie.

Inky snatched the walkie-talkie and turned it on.

Pac Park. 7:04 P.M.

Blinky heard the walkie-talkie turn on and grabbed it. "What is it?" he asked.

"Blinky! Abort the plan! ABORT IT!" Inky yelled over the walkie-talkie.

"Why? This plan is brilliant, and it will keep Pinky away from Pac, and she'll hate him forever!" Blinky declared.

"That's what Spiral is afraid of! If Pinky hates Pac from the prank, then…" Inky said.

Pinky floated over to the cardboard cutout, and actually fell for it.

Blinky looked at everything taking hold down at Pac Park.

Pinky rushed, grabbed and hugged the cardboard cutout, however the two floated over the hidden hole.

Blinky didn't hear Inky say the rest, so he clicked the button on the device while aiming at Pinky.

Her floating powers were disabled, and she fell into the hole, which was surprisingly very well dug out and deep into the ground. When Pinky landed, she turned into a splatter in the ground. She regenerated her form, and attempted to float out. She couldn't. She looked at the cardboard cutout and grabbed it.

"Why did you do this to me, Pac?! WHY?!" Pinky screamed at the cardboard cutout, and threw it out of the hole. Pinky fell on the floor, face first, and started to roll around while crying.

"Success!" Blinky said.

Pacopolis (Flooded). 7:34 P.M.

Inky stared at the walkie-talkie with his eyes like tiny little dots.

Everyone else looked at each other while Inky slowly turned to the group.

"Well, looks like we're gonna have to find Pac a hiding place. Forever." Inky said, gulping.

Pac Park. 7:36 P.M.

Blinky looked around, especially at the hole. He could still hear Pinky crying. He floated down, grabbed the supplies, and floated off before Pinky would really unleash her rage, which, to the knowledge of Blinky, would be in about 5 seconds. He quickly flew off back to the group.

Pacopolis. 7:40 P.M.

Blinky met up with the group and looked around. Everyone was staring at him in 'you-just-really-messed-up-big-time' face.

"What?" Blinky asked.

"You do realize, you set off Pinky's anger from doing that prank, right?" Spiral said.

"Wait, you mean…" Blinky started.

"Yup. Pinky is gonna start hunting down Pac until he's either dead or apologizes." Cylindria said.

Blinky got dot eyes.

"Congratulations, Blinky; you set off a time bomb that is more deadlier than Betrayus himself." Inky said, smacking Blinky over the head.

"Okay, and here's the second act of the Plan…" Blinky started.

"And what's that?" Clyde asked.

"RUNNING FOR OUR LIVES!" Blinky yelled, and he started flying off as Pinky finally snapped and her rage yelling in the distance. Everyone else started running for their lives.

Me: "Well, this didn't go well. The name of the next chapter is The Plan, Act II as now the group (except Pinky) have to find some place to hide before the wrath of Pinky takes hold upon them. It's like hide'n'seek… except, you get mauled if you're found. See you on the next chapter!" -SuperNoobGalaxy