The Mind of a Pokémon

Chapter 1: The Birth

The female Lucario screamed in pain. Her mate watched from a few feet away. She was giving birth. "Sir!" said one of the researchers. "It's happening!" "Well finally!" said the head researcher. "She was delayed for a month!" They both ran over to where the two Lucarios were. But by the time they got there, their Riolu had already been born. He was playing with a leaf. "He seems healthy." said the head researcher. That's when it happened. The Riolu began to build a structure out of leaves and twigs. "We might need to keep a close eye on him." The head researcher suspected something. A rarity. "He might be another one."

The Riolu kept getting smarter at an extraordinary rate. He began building bigger structures out of materials like steel and logs. This also increased his strength. This just confirmed what the head researcher thought. "Mike?" he said. "Yes sir?" Mike, the assistant to the head researcher, replied. "We need to put that Riolu into the lab with the others." "When?" "Tomorrow."