It was a hot day in Oakland, CA. Kimberly, Jax, and Clay had on all black with a heavy sweatshirt from not being able to flash their Sons of Anarchy cuts thanks to the new sheriff in town. San Joaquin Sheriff, Eli Roosevelt looked at them as a "gang" instead of a club that made his town look bad.

Kimberly Khay is the only female member of Sons of Anarchy ever, and probably will continue to be the only female member. Twelve years ago Gemma brought her to the club house when she was beat up on the side of the road. Kimberly lived a very rough life on the streets. She hung out with the wrong crew and was a junky for seven years. After some shit went down in the crew, Kimberly was left hanging on the streets by herself when Gemma found her. Gemma was riding back from Lodi when she saw a small five foot girl laying on the "Welcome to Charming" sign. Gemma was a little out of her element when she pulled over to see the young girl. Gemma was known throughout Charming, Oakland, Ghost town, and Lodi as the Queen of Bikers. However since Gemma brought Kimberly Khay into 'the life', Kimberly's been giving her nickname a run for her money. Gemma is the mother of the clubs Vice President, Jax Teller and the old lady of the President, Clay Morrow. She doesn't take too kindly to people, expecially women, but there was something about Kimberly that she felt she needed to be there for.

Club president, Clay Morrow allowed Kimberly to be a small time prospect when Gemma took her in. She proved over a course of a year that she is one of the most loyal people you can come across. Anything Clay, Jax, Tig, Chibs, Piney, Opie, etc. needed, Kimberly had their backs all the way. After many bullets she's jumped in front of for these guys, the runs she's made, the bikes she's fixed, the dinner's she's cooked and using her manipulating abilities to get these guys out of severe trouble with Charming PD, SAMCRO had finally looked at Kimberly Khay as an official, loyal member of the Redwood Originals. For her twenty-first birthday, Clay and Jax surprised Kimberly with Sons of Anarchy patches to replace her prospect cut. It was the greatest moment of her life. She made history by being the only female. She knew that these patches meant something beyond her wildest dreams and now people were going to look at her as a whole new person. Now, Kimberly Gelina Khay was somebody in the beautiful town of Charming.

The three of them were meeting up with The Mayans own Marcus Alvarez. Because of the allegations that happened with Jax in Stockton along with the Russians, SAMCRO needed protection from them, and their ally Alvarez fixed them up a good solution. Unfortunately for SAMCRO, they had no idea the risk that was coming along with this.

Kimberly had to admit, she was a little nervous walking into this. What happened with the Russians at Opie's wedding, they knew there was going to be some heat coming off this and she had no idea if she could trust these guys. Especially at the fact that Alvarez informed them on the phone that they're a cartel. There was no doubt there was going to be some shit walking into this, but Kimberly always says: "You can't knock it til' you try it." That's a very appropriate motto to live by in this life.

"Marcus! What's going on brotha?" Clay shouts about fifteen feet away from the Mexican President. "Clay! Jax! It's good to see you's on the outside! Kimberly, it's good to see you too sweetheart." He happily replied, giving the three Redwoods a hug. Kimberly looked over to see two very built men approaching them from a big hummer with a duffelbag and two bodyguards about five feet behind them. Kimberly was immediately eyeing the man on the left. He was incredibly handsome, very masculan, cute little lips, and well…great hair. She hadn't even spoken a word to this man let alone shaken his hand and she already had this feeling in the pit of her stomach about him. Maybe it was just her craving for men getting the best of her being that she just spent fourteen months in Stockton's Women's Prison. "Clay, Jax, Kimberly, this is Romero Parada." Alvarez introduced them. "Nice to finally meet you guys." Romeo smirked, while shaking their hands tightly. Just by his voice and the grip he had on her tiny hand, Kimberly knew this mother fucker meant business. "Likewise." Clay replied. "Yeah, thank you for coming up, man." Jax added. "This is Santos, and my associate Luis." Romeo introduced the two men next to him. *Luis…Luis. Great name.* Kimberly thought to herself as she eyed the man she oddly admired so quickly. It was Kimberly's turn to shake Luis's hand and for some strange reason she felt like she was going to melt in her boots when he stuck his hand out to hers. What the hell was wrong with her?! Why was she acting like this?! Usually she was like the female Happy. She normally didn't give a shit about anything or anybody.

Hesitantly, she extended her arms and shook his hand in return. His grip was firm, his skin was so soft and warm. She had no clue why she was intentionally looking for these qualities on him. This meet was no different from any other meet SAMCRO has had with charters and organizations in the past. Kimberly finally had the balls to look up at his face. Unfortunately, she couldn't see through his highly tinted sunglasses. That was kind of upsetting, but what she didn't know, is that everything she was admiring about him, he was admiring right back at her. She was definitely, in all the years of traveling with this cartel, the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

Luis stood there as Romeo talked, watching her wavy black hair dance with the small gust of wind. She looked like she was hispanic as well, but when he heard her speak, it was an adorable Iranian accent. How badass she looked wearing an SOA cut and how clever it was that her patch said: "Woman of Mayhem" instead of: "Men of Mayhem" like the guys in the club. Something in Luis wanted to see what this girl was about. He heard about Sons of Anarchy and Alvarez filled them in on a little bit of their legacy. Therefore Luis wanted to know what it was about this woman that got her patched in as the only female ever and what kind of mayhem she could bring to the table.

"I heard Victor Putlova never made it home from SAMCRO's wedding. " Romeo stated, interrupting Luis's thoughts. Clay looked down at his shoes and scratched his eyebrow nervously. "Yeah, we had to put him down. Whole North Cali crew." He mumbled. "Must've been a wild party." Romeo chuckled. "And we'd like to avoid them throwing one for us." Jax chimed in, remembering the shiving he indured in Stockton from the Russians retaliation for Jimmy O' the year before. Romeo nodded his head in agreement. "The word has been put out. No one is to interfere with out new friendship." Clay, Jax, and Kimberly just looked at each other and smirked. Friendship? They were now comfortable where this was heading. "Thank you." Kimberly's soft voice spoke up. "Now, let's see the wares." Romeo got excited when asking about his guns from SAMCRO. That was the exchange. SAMCRO sells Galindo guns, in exchange for protection. Or so, that's what Jax and Kimberly thought.

Clay popped the trunk on their 'prop' car and flashed the Galindo's new hardware, proudly. As Kimberly watched, she noticed at the corner of her eye, Luis was standing less than a foot from her. She could smell his delicious cologne. It was as if she could feel his eyes burning through her coke bottle shaped body. However, now Kimberly felt her head was getting a little big and brushed that accusation off. Though Luis was watching her, gazing at her curvy, beautiful body. He now felt like a creep, but couldn't help himself. She was gorgeous, but he was out of his element. Luis Torres was a heartless Cartel associate that would cut your head off without batting an eyelash, but for the first time, an actual human being was making him weak at the knees.

"We got AR-15's, Sig, 5-51's, AK's, KG-9's, Glocks, FM-57's. Got two-dozen of each local. Except the 5-7's, only got fifteen of them." Jax explained to the impressed looking Galindo employees. It was quiet for a moment as Romeo gazed that the beautiful machines in the trunk. He looked over at Luis and Santos and pointed to the guns, indicating that he wants them to test them out. As Luis passed Kimberly, he looked over at her and gave her a good look into her bright blue eyes about a half a foot away from her. That definitely made her blush.

She nearly drooled watching Luis shoot the machine gun. He was so strong and masculine, and the way he handled that powerful gun was so sexy. He was all in all, sexy as hell to her. She couldn't deny it anymore. Kimberly lived out her life being a crow-eater in the clubhouse, so this was the first time she had ever really felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach from just looking at a guy. "These are excellent." Luis stated, adjusting the gun in his hands. Kimberly and Jax looked at each other with satisfaction. "We got ammo and everything already set with you guys." Jax pointed out, taking the gun from Santos. Luis handed Kimberly his gun, and of course, their eyes met again. It wasn't just some regular look to the eyes that strangers do to each other. There was something about the look they were giving each other. Like, something was there with them. It was completely unexplainable, and far too early to try and make anything out of it.

"We want three-dozen of everything except the glocks." Luis demanded in a polite but superior manor. Jax smiled at Clay and back a Luis. "We can make that work." Romeo walked over with the duffelbag and opened it up. The three were astounded to see so much money in twenties and hundreds bundled together in one bag. This was like paradise. "If I did the math correctly, seven-hundred thousand should do the trick." Romeo smirked. Kimberly and Jax's eyes bulged out. "Have the ammo and the hundred grand ready." Romeo reminded Clay. "It was nice doing business with you." Clay smiled extending his hand out. "I'll have the coke ready for you on the ride back." Romero added. Kimberly and Jax nearly lost their breath. Hell, Kimberly nearly choked on her damn cigarette. They were both replaying what Romeo just said over and over again in their heads. Jax looked back at Kimberly who was sitting on a stack of tires and they both shook their heads at each other in disgust.

"Was I sleeping in the truck when drugs were brought up?" Kimberly sarcastically asked Jax when he walked over to her. He glared at Clay with absolute disapproval. "No…You weren't." he mumbled, and walked to the truck. As Kimberly jumped down, she looked up and once again, almost choked on her cigarette when she saw Luis approaching her. He extended his hand out to her and smirked. "Nice meeting you Kimberly." Kimberly smiled weakly at his adorable smirk and softly shook his hand. "And you. Lookin forward to doing business with you guys." It was like their hands were stuck to each other. They couldn't stop shaking each other's hands. Finally he pulled away and gave her another small smirk before walking back to his silver hummer.

Kimberly snapped back into it after watching the large mexican walk away and in a hurry, made it back to the TM truck to join Jax and Clay. She jumped in the truck and gave Clay the death look among all death looks. "So when were you planning on telling the rest of that we were going to be muling blow for the Galindo Cartel?!" She flipped out, nearly making Jax jump. "We voted to sell guns to these guys!...Jesus Christ, you planned all this shit in Stockton… Kept the rest of us out of the loop on purpose!" Jax angrily chimed in. They were so pissed that they weren't even giving Clay a chance to explain. "You know your time's almost up at that gavel so you're trying to pocket as much as possible!" she continued. "ENOUGH!" Clay finally had yelled, having enough of their hounding. "No, not enough! You have no idea what hell you just did to this club!" Jax shouted back. "If I didn't then why am I holding a bag full of seven hundred grand?!" He quickly retored. "Because you're the most selfish person I've ever met in my fucking life!" she screamed, getting out of the truck. "I'll fucking walk!" She scoffed, slamming the door shut. Jax just shook his head at Clay and watched Kimberly walk down the street. "We're voting it in tonight." Clay mumbled, making Jax sigh. "…I'll get Tig to come pick her up." Jax stated, pulling his phone out, still watching Kimberly make her way down the street.