Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter.

Prologue: A kit and a cub

Thunder roared in the distance. A flash of light came soon after, lighting up the clearing for the few soaked cats still running for cover.

Wolfstar stood in the clearing, seemingly immune to the water that soaked his pelt until it clung to his body and the ominous sounds of nearby lightning. He watched with narrowed eyes as a young queen padded in the camp. She was hunched over, a small red bundle hanging from her mouth.

"Fawndapple," Wolfstar tried to keep his voice soft, he knew she was still grieving over the loss of her two kits, "I hope that's not what I think it is."

The she-cat didn't try to speak, she simply raised her head to look at him, moons of grief shone in her tired green eyes.

"What's all the racket?" Flamewhisker complained, peering out of the nursery at the two. Upon laying her eyes on the wet bundle she let out a bone-chilling snarl, "that thing is not coming anywhere near my kits."

"I'll dispose of the little wretch," Brownstep offered, unsheathing his claws menacingly.

A look of fear crossed Fawndapple's eyes. She began to edge backwards towards the camp entrance.

"Hawkkit! Get back here!" Flamewhisker called out as the brown kit ran out of the nursery and into the clearing.

Wolfstar blocked the entrance, his tail flicking thoughtfully. "You would really leave? For the sake of that beast?"

The light ginger queen stared at him with the same grief stricken eyes, only stronger this time it seemed.

Wolfstar silently cursed himself for not being stronger, no cat would ever know how difficult it could be to make these decisions. That ugly creature could and would kill them all. He paced along the soaked ground, ignoring the pounding of raindrops against his skull.

"Fine. It can stay," Wolfstar finally decided.

Brownstep let out a hiss of surprise.

"But only until it becomes a threat to my clan," Wolfstar growled, silently flattening his prickling fur, thankful that it would be hard to see in the rain.

The queen gave silent nod, causing the small bundle to let out an indignant squeal. Quietly she crept into the nursery, ignoring the threatening growls from Flamewhisker.

The brown kit in the clearing let out a sneeze.

Wolfstar padded over to the young kit and gave him a gentle nudge.

"Come young one, it's time to go in."

As he spoke, a bolt of lighting struck a nearby tree, lighting it in bright orange flames. Hawkkit stared deep into the fire, mesmorized as it crashed down to the ground, lighting the grass.

"Come on, come on! Hurry!" Wolfstar urged the kit, now shoving him towards the nursery.

He didn't budge.

"Like wildfire," The brown kit whispered. The flames began to die out in the heavy downpour.

"What?" Wolfstar asked, taking a step back.

"Like wildfire, madness and death will consume all of ThunderClan."