It took awhile but the last chapter is here! Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 4: The Finale/ Ain't Showbiz the Life?

After a brief 10 minute intermission, the stage curtains had been raised. Giovanni, along with the rest of the band had returned to the stage. The singer bowed gracefully as he soaked in all the attention the cheering crowd gave him. He was much relived after managing to find himself a new conductor at the last-minute, who was actually was one of the Warner's in disguise…Dot.

"What? You readers thought Yakko would be doing this? I can't let him have all the fun!" Dot said aloud as she twirled one of the curls in the puffy white wig on her head. The evening gown she wore was replaced with an all black tux. She had Giovanni and the other band members fooled.

He raised his hand, once again silencing the audience. It was time for the show's grand finale.

"Maestro if, you will, theme music" Giovanni stated without looking behind him. A discordant cacophony erupted from the band, catching him off guard. He wildly turned around at the musical pandemonium that was a collage of guitar and keyboard noodling, out of tune brass and string sections, and a rhythm less rhythm section.

"Stop!" Giovanni demanded harshly. The music halted as soon as he spoke, despite the fact that it blared over his command. Giovanni chuckled lightly as he put his hands behind his back.

"Very funny maestro, but I clearly said theme music." Giovanni said politely. As he began to turn back around, the band started back up again. Only this time however, it was funky romp, more in veins of James Brown. Giovanni actually started dancing to it until he realized that this wasn't the correct theme either.

"Stop!" He stomped towards Dot as he forced a smile on his face. Dot placed her hand on her mouth as she tried not to laugh.

"Maestro, by theme music, I mean music that introduces a certain performer" he strained through clenched teeth. This time Dot raised her hands as the band played an instrumental version of the Animaniacs theme song. Giovanni growled in frustration as he snatched the rod from Dot, stopping the music again. He could hear a few sparks of laughter in the audience behind him.

"Maestro what was that?! I don't even recognize that theme!" he whispered harshly.

"Well if you don't then you're in the wrong fan fiction pal" she muttered jokingly.

"I'm starting to wonder if I made the right choice hiring you"

"Hey you need me to finish this show for you don't you?" The singer rubbed his chin at Dot's truthful response.


"I'm just warming up , just setting the mood" Just after Dot's comment, the quiet crowd was starting to becoming more chatty and impatient. Giovanni noticed this as he looked over his head.

"The crowd is getting restless"

"Of course they are, cause you're not singing! We gotta put on a show, just go with what happens on stage and don't stop singing!"

Dot gave mischievous smile as she turned toward the band and raised her baton to give the signal to start. The band blared in an upbeat tune, louder than it had played earlier in the entire show. Giovanni glared at her as a signal to turn the music down, but Dot refused to comply, in fact the music actually got louder afterwards. He chose to ignore her defiance and decided to go on with the song.

Everyday it is show time, I'm Living it up cause I'm in my prime

He caught a glimpse of Yakko who suddenly appeared to the left of him holding up a sign that said "More like prime rib" while jutting a thumb at his gut.

Do what I please without a care, who really says life ain't fair

Giovanni, while still keeping a straight face, grabs the sign and breaks it in two on his knee.

Where the heck is security, Showbiz is the life

Two security bouncers ran up to catch Yakko; but Yakko nimbly hopped ahead of them, causing them to collide with each other, before he stage dived into the audience.

Traveling all over from sea to sea, Visiting Paris and then Sydney

Both Wakko and Yakko, who magically reappeared on stage, pass by and dump buckets of sea water at him. Afterwards, they make another pass with Wakko knocking him in the face with a long loaf of French bread, and Yakko sweeping him off his feet with a didgeridoo.

"Hangin' out in acapulco, Far from the fans that make you lo-co" Hey señorita won't you come my way

Yakko suddenly popped out of his shirt wearing a colorful Mexican dancer skirt. He grabbed a hold of Giovanni with a crazed swirls in his eyes as he dragged and spun him all over the stage, nearly causing him to stumble on his own feet. Giovanni glared at Dot who in response just shrugged and held up a sign that read "Keep Going".

Waltzing through the night, Everything's alright, Hey who took the mike?
The singer dizzily staggered for a moment before he realized the microphone he used was missing. Immediately after this realization, Wakko shoves a drumstick in his mouth while he and Yakko toss it back and forth as they sang.

Ain't showbiz the life, Ohh Ain't this the life. Baby, baby, baby Ain't showbiz the life. . .

Giovanni picks up Yakko and tries to toss him off stage. Yakko planted his feet on the strings of a guitar, before springing back towards Giovanni and knocked him in the gut. The impact knocked the stick out of his mouth and sent him flying right into brass section. He got up and calmly walked back towards the center of the stage as he pulled off a trumpet that had gotten stuck on his head, after doing that he resumed singing.

Schmoozing with chefs and high-class clique, The fans are my friends and the lobster's free

The Warners appear at his sides with covered silver trays. Yakko uncovers a red lobster on his tray. The singer gingerly picked it up before the lobster's claw pinched his finger.

Ow! More caviar and cake please, Just Call me the head of pastries
Giovanni turned towards Wakko's tray filled with caviar and various deserts. Wakko pulled out large custard cream pie from the tray and immediately slammed it into his face.

Come here you little pest! Showbiz is the life

After Giovanni angrily wiped the pie from his face, he ran after Wakko who managed to escape by jumping off stage and hopping on a few crowd members heads.

"All the excitement's gotten to my brain, I Don't feel numb and I can feel no pain"

Yakko suddenly pulled a rope that caused a small anvil to fall right onto Giovanni's head.

To keep cool without anger, Try to never lose my composure, Calm and collected what I try to be

Both Yakko and Wakko, who came back onstage were giggling uncontrollably as Giovanni staggered towards them while holding his head. He hastily grabbed both of them by their scrawny necks as his head fumed bright red. Wakko suddenly handed out a bouquet of roses as a peace offering.

Everything's alright, Bouquet's every night

Giovanni temper immediately vanished as he gratefully received them.

Filled with dynamite , aint showbiz the life

Both brothers chimed in at this part as they revealed the bouquet had sticks of dynamite in it. The singer's eyes bugged out in a wild take fashion as he tossed the bouquet and fearfully ran off towards suspended platform which took him away from the stage.

Ain't this the life, tell me, can't get me, tell me . . .

Immediately afterwards, he went into an operatic vocalization as platform dangled above the crowd. Dot turned around to see what happened. She pulled out a remote that was a simple joystick on a gray box. Dot wildly jerked it in different directions. The high and low notes he hit complimented with how high or low he was to the audience below him. Yakko and Wakko were stunned that he wasn't screaming in terror by now.

"Gotta hand it to him, he's got stamina" said Yakko.

"Don't worry guys, I got this" she replied.

Suddenly Dot raised the platform as high as it could up towards the ceiling. Giovanni theatrically opened his arms as he bellowed out a long F note. Dot simply dropped the remote and crossed her hands with a smug smile. While her brothers were curious on how long he would hold the note until his voice gave out, they quickly found out it wasn't his voice they needed to be concerned about. They noticed the chain supports were begging to weaken due the power Giovanni's voice had on it. It was too late when the signer realized the same thing. He looked up and screamed just as the chain gave way, causing him to fall to the crowd below.

The Warners took this as an opportunity to finish up the rest of the song..

Ain't showbiz the life, Ohh, ain't this the life , baby, baby, baby. Ain't showbiz the life. . .

Meanwhile, the singer could faintly be heard singing along with them as he was severely hounded by crazy fans. Some of them even got a few souvenirs.

"I got his jacket!

"I got his pants!"

"I have a lock of his hair!

Giovanni crawled back on stage completely bruised and battered admist the crowds mixture of wolf whistles, laughter, and cheers. His hair was a strung out mess. His suit, or what was left of it was simply his tattered pink shirt and red tie, and as a bonus his red on white flower print boxers were completely exposed. While the singer was completely exhausted, he managed to breathe out the final lines to the song.

Aint this the life, aint showbiz the life…

Bouquets and flowers flew onto the stage as the audience wildly cheered. Giovanni got up and dizzily bowed as the Warners appeared at his side. Dot took this as an opportunity to take off the wig. Giovanni simply stood dumbfounded as he realized his conductor's true identity.

"Now, about this…" Dot began to explain as she took the autographed picture from earlier. Without hesitation, Giovanni took the picture and tore it up. He then took out another picture from underneath his shirt and signed it before handing it to Dot. It was the same glamour shot but with a signature and a new note: To my #1 cutest and talented fan; Dot.

"That's more like it!" she exclaimed in a satisfied tone.

"Here, you dropped this." Said Wakko as he handed him his bouquet from earlier, who remembered that there were still sticks of dynamite in it. Giovanni had not, as he willingly took it from him before it exploded with a loud boom. His eyes swirled dizzily against his soot covered face.

"Good evening friends…" he slurred before falling on his back with a thud.

"Uh… why don't we get out of here before security remembers to do their job?" Yakko commented just before the trio zipped off stage.

After a few minutes of evading security and any other fans, the Warner's managed to quietly but quickly exit the Go-Go A Do-Do, leave the Moonrise Comic Strip, and were soon back on the Warner movie lot. Their fits of giggling and laughter at what happened dwindled to chuckles by the time they got back.

"Sorry your idol didn't turn out to be like you expected" Wakko spoke placing his hand on Dot's shoulder. She was staring at the autographed picture with a solemn frown. It quickly changed into a small smile.

"Ah I'm alright, you guys were right about him all along" she answered contentedly before rolling the picture back up and placing it in her hammer space. "I guess not all dream hunks are great guys, but I'm glad to know my brothers are. Thanks" She added while bringing her brothers together in a group hug. Yakko let out a warm smile while Wakko puffed up his cheeks in his gookie face.

"You're Welcome sis, now let's go inside before this turns into a mushy Full House ending" said Yakko.

"Besides, Giovanni was starting to become old news anyway; Boy bands are back in style now!" Dot added cheerfully as she took out a poster of One Direction. "Hello Liam Payne!"

Both Warner brothers looked at each other and shrieked in terror as they zoomed up the ladder and inside the water tower. Dot seemed totally confused to their reactions as she ran up after them.

"Hey! What's with you guys? Quit trying to lock me out Wakko…!"

Hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing this! Now I feel it's time to do something I haven't done before.

Authors Notes:

The title is parody on the Marx Brothers movie title "Night At The Opera"

As I probably mentioned earlier in the story, Moonrise Comic Strip is a parody on the Hollywood Sunset Strip. Those that know lot about that place probably don't need me to say what nightclub "Do-Do A Go Go is parodying.

I plan on doing another story centering around the Warner's misadventures in Moonrise Comic Strip as feel that this location I created is just asking to be expanded on.

There actually are two roads in real life called Warner Boulevard and Hollywood Way. right near the Warner Brothers Studios.

The original song that Giovanni's song is based is an early song by Oingo Boingo, Ain't this the Life. Here's a link to hear what original song sounded like in order to get an idea what the story's song sounds like, watch?v=vLkAo0Kbfl8

Oddly enough, this was one of the things that inspired me to create this story to begin with.

When I wrote this story, I imagined that Giovanni music would have the musical styling's of Danny Elfman, with the showmanship of Freddie Mercury, but none of the likability from either of them combined. Operatic but energetic at the same time.

I changed the lyrics of the song so I could be a little more creative and have it fit with the situation of the story. Doing this and working on the final chapter took up the most time. Of course if the Warners were giving out this detail it would probably sound like this.

Yakko: Our story's final song is a tweaked cover of a song whose title we need not utter from a band whose name we will not mention,

Wakko: We changed the song solely for the hilarity, I mean dignity of this performance, plus we also want to avoid copyrights issues.

Dot: That didn't stop "Two Tone Tower" from being made.

Well, hope you guys continue to have a great summer! Feel free to post all comments and or criticisms in the comment. If your new to one of my stories, feel free to check out my other ones such as "Test Dummy for Gizmo #13 and "Animated Pursuit" Hope to post a new story soon, have a good day! :)