The Ponyville ponies followed Dienestus down the stairs, to the doors at the base of the tower, beyond which EUP guards would be waiting to escort them to the train. Zecora, Rarity, and Twilight exited the tower, but Dienestus caught Applejack for a moment.
"Miss Applejack, I want to thank you. Perhaps now, Princess Celestia will finally learn how to understand her sister, and not blame her for her own social awkwardness."
"I know how it is to lose touch with a siblin'. I was just lucky enough that I got my siblin' back, as much as I could get 'em back, anyway. It'd be a real shame if after all this time, the princesses couldn't have that too. They're immortal, ain't they? They're all each other's got."
"Not immortal, just excessively long-lived. But yes, for a while, they will always have each other."
Applejack gave the pegasus a grin, reaching up and tipping her hat. "Well, I better catch up to the others."
"It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Applejack."
"Yers too." Applejack turned, cantering off to join her friends.
Twilight looked back at her. "Hey, Applejack?"
"... is there... something you want to talk about? Something going on with you and Applebloom?"
"There was never anythin' going on with me an' Applebloom. Nah, I was talkin' about somethin' else. We fixed that scrape years ago. Just thought the princess might like to know that all siblin's have rough spots that they gotta work through, an' sometimes things ain't always what they look like."