Hello there, my name is SunMoon Kunoichi, but I'm mostly known as SunMoon. I love Fairy Tail, but I can't stand the fandom! Either everyone here is ten, or they write like it. It's really hard to find a story in this fandom that isn't written poorly, an AU, or…A cliché!

Why am I writing this then you may ask. Simple; pure anger.

Lucy is NOT just a cry baby who can't defend herself! She would NEVER leave the guild she strived so hard to get to just because of some harsh words. SHE ESPECIALLY WOULD NEVER FALL IN LOVE WITH AN OC, STING OR ROUGE! IT'S NALU!


I'll show you how it should be done. No running. No Lisanna being a bitch. No kicking people off teams. AND CERTAINLY NO LUCY BEING A FUCKING DRAGON SLAYER! WHAT THE HECK?!

This story concept is simple. It all starts with a conversation full of heated words and regretted words.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Fairy Tail, but if I did, Lucy wouldn't be a cheerleader! She would be fighting with every inch of her magic ALL THE TIME!

Warning: Swear words (If you haven't read my other stories then you would know.) And you're younger than…Eleven? Ten? Probably don't read. OH! IF YOU HATE LISANNA. WANT A CRUEL (and unrealistic) FAIRYTAIL. AND YOU WANT ANY BULLSHIT LIKE STICY, DON'T READ!

3RD Person P.O.V.

Lucy fumed under her breath as she looked for clothes that weren't absolutely burnt to a crisp due to her teammates stupid flames. It seemed like she would never find any clothes that weren't burnt in places or reeking of smoke. The blonde rummaged in her bottom draws some more, a black piece of cloth grabbing her attention. She tugged at the article of clothing and stumbled back a few paces when it suddenly came free.

Holding the article up in front of her face, Lucy let out a small sigh of remembrance. "Mama bought me this when I was younger, for me to wear when I could fit them. I wonder if I still have the shirt to go with it…"

The blonde quickly stuck her hands back into the chest of draws and pulled all the clothing out, frantic to find the matching top. After a while of searching and several scattered clothing later, Lucy held up the midnight blue top triumphantly. "Suck on that draw! I have beaten you again!"

The chest-of-draws didn't answer her.

Scrambling up from the kneeling position she had adopted in order to look through the defeated draw, Lucy grabbed the black article of clothing and made her way into the bathroom in order to get changed. She didn't want any of her teammates to walk in on her again. Especially not her pink-haired partner.

Barely a minute later, the blonde emerged in her new outfit, posing in a cute way to show it off more. "I look good! As usual!"

The Celestial mage had donned ankle-length jeans that flared at the ends and a long-sleeved top whose ends also flared out. The top had holes where Lucy's ivory shoulders could show through and a decent neckline that exposed her sharp collarbone. She pulled on a pair of black, lace-up, ankle-length boots that went under her pants and fastened her belt through the belt loops on them. Checking that her keys and her newly acquired whip, Fleuve d'étoiles, were secure on it, Lucy decided to head to the guild in order to show her new outfit off.

"Yo, Lucy!"

The girl paused and vibrated with instant anger as – yet again – someone broke into her house. Namely that pink-haired partner who she didn't want to come barging in on her changing.

"Natsu…" Lucy hissed as she turned to the grinning boy sitting in the window frame. "How many times do I have to tell you?! Don't break into my apartment!" She was so tempted to plant a Lucy kick into his grinning face and to knock him onto the street below, but the bandages on his chest and arms stopped her. A familiar feeling of guilt crawled its way up her throat and froze her voice, making her unable to answer the Dragon Slayer's reply.

"I don't know, Lucy…" Natsu tapped his chin in a mocking way. "Maybe a few times." He waited for his partner to yell something in answer, or to 'Lucy kick' his face into the street below, but the blonde simply stood there staring at him.

Following her gaze, he looked down at his bandaged chest under his ever-present open vest. He looked back up to her face and noted the look of guilt in her eyes. "Luce…"

Her brow furrowed in answer and Natsu found himself jumping off the windowsill and gathering her up in his arms, wanting to comfort her in any way he could. "Luce, its fine. I've been in worse situations, remember! Just recently we versed those assholes who turned good in Edolas, and in the end I beat their asses just like I did to that chick yesterday. So what's wrong?"

"…It's my fault." For the first time, Lucy pulled away from Natsu's grip. She wasn't crying like he expected, just a blank look crossing her face when she moved a few steps back and away from him.

Hurt washed over him momentarily, but he pushed that aside in order to make his weirdo teammate see that she wasn't to blame for the mission that went awry yesterday.

"It's not your fault, Luce. That chick just got the jump on you and I came to rescue you as usual. It's just the same old mission stuff that always happens. Okay?"

What Natsu didn't notice was the hurt that crossed Lucy's face, hidden by her long bangs and currently loose hair. Her hands clenched so hard that the knuckles turned white and her nails bit deeply into her soft skin, causing small trickles of blood to creep through her fingers. "...So that's what you think of me?"

"Huh?" Natsu did a double take at her dead voice. "What do you mean, Luce? What are you on about? You're acting weirder than usual, you weirdo."

"…All I am to you," the breathless voice was hard to pick up, even by Natsu's enhanced ears. "All I am to you…is some damsel in distress that needs to be saved?!" Lucy's voice picked up by the end, coming in a near scream of anger. "I'm just some damn princess who needs a bloody prince to come in and save her?!" She stomped forward angrily and jabbed bloody fingers into his chest. "Is that all I am to you, Natsu?! Huh? It's such a task to make sure poor, little Lucy doesn't get killed! Well, news flash, buster!" Lucy pushed her angry face against Natsu's surprised one. "I'm a Celestial mage and a proud member of Fairy Tail. I don't need your protection."

Now, it's not to say that Natsu wasn't shocked or angered by Lucy's sudden burst of rage at his careless comment, because he was. What he didn't realise was that hurt was more prominent in his emotional system at that moment. Hurt that his blonde partner was being so angry, so cruel in his presence. Hurt that she didn't want him near her, to watch over her and make sure that she was safe. Hurt because he wanted to be the one to save her and be her protective dragon. That was his job with Lucy. She was so powerful, but she was so frail at the same time. He had to protect that innocence she held, it was the best part about her. He thought she liked that. She did say she liked assertive men.

So in his confusion at his hurt, Natsu focused on the familiar feelings of rage that were simmering in his stomach, bringing them up to boil over his other confusing emotions.

"Don't need my protection? Don't need my protection?!" It was now Natsu turn to jab accusing fingers at the blonde, searing her exposed collarbone slightly in his rage. "You always need protecting, Lucy Heartifilia! Every time we are in a fight you hide behind your spirits or I have to save you! You need protecting because you're not strong enough to protect yourself! So don't you dare go pointing fingers at me because I'm the only reason you're at this guild. OR EVEN ALIVE!"

Lucy's eyes became glazed with tears. Of anger or shame she did not know, all she knew was that she wanted this pink-haired bastard out of her place and far away from her!

"…Get out."

Natsu's eyes widened involuntarily at her cold voice, something he had never heard from her.


Natsu scrambled back from the furious – no. Words couldn't describe how angry she looked – blonde who began throwing anything around her at the Dragon Slayer in hopes of hitting him. He had never heard the mage swear like that before. Heck, he didn't even know if she had ever swore. So he did the smart thing and made his escape out of the window.

"That bastard." Lucy gripped tightly onto her lamp that she going to throw next at Natsu. Her anger mounted again and she gripped the lamp even tighter, so tightly that cracks began to form in its metal casing. The cracks grew bigger and bigger until it finally shattered, the shards cutting her already bleeding hands to ribbons.

"Fuck him!" She threw the last pieces of the lamp at wall, not caring that it caused a massive dent in the plaster or that the landlady was sure to kill her. "I'll show him! I'll show all of the people who ever doubted me!"

Flinging herself onto the pink comforter that covered her bed, memories came unbidden to the angry Celestial mage.

The cannon fodder of Erigor's men leered at her, taunting her to attack.

'I'll show them!'

But all she did was break their weapons and cut off their hair. It wasn't even her who did it! Cancer did it for her!

Lucy's hands clenched onto the comforter, the pink slowly being overcome with red.

Taurus's hands were planted either side of her, not even touching her, but still keeping her confined. Sherry laughed mockingly as she controlled her own spirit.

'If only I could do something!'

But…she did.

She learnt how to force close a gate and she managed to clothesline that girl, effectively knocking her out. And where was Natsu? How was he going to save her when he wasn't anywhere near her?

The guitar creep who introduced himself as Vidaldus was laughing and screaming about hell. Juvia had been taken over by him and was currently shredding me to pieces with her whirlpool created by her own body. My breath was running out, I was drowning in water!

"Juvia doesn't want to hurt her new friends…"

She didn't. Lucy broke the curse on Juvia and they did a freaking Unison Raid! Priests spent years trying to be able to perform such a feat in magic, and Lucy and Juvia managed to do it without any experience and had defeated Vidaldus.

"I'm strong…"

Bixslow laughed crazily at me as his 'babies' drifted around him, occasionally throwing beams of pure magic energy at mer.

"They all said I was a weak girl. That I should quit being a mage."

Angel held a cannon up at my face and it glowed eerily with magic.

"So many people said I couldn't defeat them…"

Fleuve d'étoiles snapped and coiled around Byro, taking him down with my own strength as I pulled at the handle of the whip.

"But I did!" Lucy pushed herself up off her bed and stared down at the scarlet comforter beneath her. "Every time I was told I couldn't or I shouldn't, I won." A sudden thought struck her and made her bolt upright. "…Every time Natsu wasn't there to save me…I won."

The sudden revelation made her pause all thoughts and simply stare down at her red hands. "All I've done is stay with Team Natsu where it is safe, but I always perform better when I'm fighting alone. When I am actually able to fight for my own life, I win and grow stronger."

The blonde stood up and clenched her hands determinedly. "I swear on the blood that I bleed and my duty of Celestial mage, I will get stronger!" A victorious grin crossed her face, one that she hadn't worn before, one that was hungry for a challenge. "And a Celestial mage can't ever go back on their words!"

The guild of Fairy Tail was having a rare quiet day. Not many people were milling about the guild, but those who were currently milling were listening to the newly not-dead Lisanna's stories about their Edo-counterparts.

"Nab?" Lisanna let out a short laugh. "Nab is the biggest workaholic I've ever seen! There's not a moment when he's not on a job!"

The rest of the guild laughed at that and jeered at the Earthland-Nab who was – as always – standing at the request board.

Suddenly the doors of the guild were opened. They had been closed against the chilly rain that had been falling for the last couple of days, and their opening wasn't welcomed in the war atmosphere of the guild. A fair few guild members shivered in the sudden onslaught of cold and looked up from their mugs of ale in order to yell at them.

"Why'd you have to open the bloody door, bunny girl?" Gajeel glared at the blonde who carefully closed the door behind her, being considerate – as always – of other people's wellbeing.

"Sorry Gajeel!" Lucy smiled apologetically at the Iron Dragon Slayer and made her way past him to the bar where she was to be served by Mirajane.

Gajeel sniffed the sir as she went past, checking if Salamander had been near her recently as he hadn't come to the guild today. He then froze at the distinct smell of burning pepper and a familiar one of metallic taste, so different from Lucy's usual scent of vanilla and flowers.

'The pepper normally means bitterness, or anger.' Gajeel studied the girl carefully as Mira gave her some sort of fruit drink. 'And that metallic smell…' His keen eyesight focused on the blue top she wore, more specifically, the red that fringed the sleeves and hem of the shirt and slowly crept away in a distinctly veined fashion.

Gajeel crunched down on some nails as he mulled over bunny girl's new look. 'I thought it was part of the shirt design, but that's blood.' And the red showed through on the cuffs of black pants, somehow also staining them.

'Her hands as well.' What he thought were red gloves were, in fact, blood caking them so much that they formed a layer almost alike to the article of clothing Gajeel was led to believe it was.

'What the hell happened to bunny girl? That's her own blood.' Gajeel swallowed the nails before deciding to do nothing about the situation after some more deliberation. 'Someone will notice it sooner or later.'

But they didn't.

The blood on Lucy's hands didn't even smudge as she drank from the perspiring glass of juice that Mira had given her. She was quietly listening to the stories that Lisanna was telling, her thoughts anywhere but on the matter of the blood that covered her hands.

'Natsu would prefer someone strong like Lisanna on his team, and as his partner.' Lucy furrowed her brow in thought. 'She's really strong and she was his best friend when they were younger. They would be perfect together.' She swirled the pulp of the juice at the bottom of her glass absentmindedly. 'I should take my own advice and try out other partnerships with other people. I've only ever been on jobs with Natsu, Happy, Erza and Gray, I should make better friends with everyone.'

Lucy spun around on her chair and stared out across the guild, noting that she didn't know most of the people and that she would prefer to work with people she at least knew the names of.

Pigtailed blue hair caught her attention and Lucy focused her gaze on the tiny girl sitting with her white cat at a nearby table. 'Wendy would be good to team up with. We – Team Natsu – brought her to the guild, yet we haven't brought her into the team properly. I wonder why that is?'

Mind made up, Lucy thanked Mirajane for serving her and quickly hopped off her usual stool, intent on getting a new job. She made it halfway to the request board before she was blocked by an angry blue-haired girl.

"Love rival!"

Lucy tried to backpedal away from the enraged Juvia, but found her way blocked by a small barrier of water that flowed from the Water mage's arms.

"Love rival!"

"I heard you the first time, Juvia!" Lucy raised her hands up in a surrendering manner. "I don't like Gray in that way at all!"

As usual, her truthful words were ignored by Juvia.

"Juvia can see through love rival's words! Love rival just wants Juvia's Gray-sama for herself!"

Instead of repeating her usual words that often resulted in getting drowned by an angry Juvia, Lucy decided to use the brain she was so proud of in order to get out of this situation and to help the resolve she made earlier on.


The Water mage paused at her love rival's quiet voice.

"I don't like Gray like that. But as I can't seem to convince you otherwise, I'll just have to convince him to like you!"

"What?!" Juvia's water barrier transformed into her arms which grabbed her face in shock. "Love rival wishes to help Juvia get Gray-sama's attention?!"

Lucy nodded, getting her confidence back as she was now in charge of the situation. "Of course, Juvia! You deserve the man you want and I'm more than happy to help you out!" She then ducked her head and muttered the last part. "As long as you stop trying to drown me."

Juvia didn't hear the last comment, too wrapped up in her own fantasies about Gray. "If Lucy-san says she'll help Juvia, then Juvia will hold it to her!"

"Just call me Lucy. And didn't you know?" Lucy gave Juvia a thumbs up. "Celestial mages never go back on their words! Not ever!"

A squeal erupted from Juvia's mouth as she launched herself at Lucy in a hug. "Juvia thanks you so much, Lucy-san!"


"How can Juvia repay Lucy-san back for this?"

Lucy carefully extracted the clingy mage while thinking about the question. "Well, Juvia…I was about to go on a job, do you want to come with me?"

"But doesn't Lucy-san go with Salamander-san on jobs?" Juvia asked innocently.

"Um." Lucy flinched slightly. "Natsu and I are…having a…disagreement right now, so I'd prefer to go on a job alone." She then looked across to Juvia. "Or with someone new."

"Juvia understands." The blue-haired girl grabbed Lucy's wrist and began to pull her along. "Let's go find a mission, Lucy-san!"

For what felt like in a long time, Lucy laughed. "Okay, Juvia, just let me get our other members of this job."

"Other members?" Juvia glared suspiciously around the guild. "Love rivals?"

"No, Juvia." Lucy continued to giggle. "Wendy is much too young for love yet and Carla is a cat; I think you have no competition in your pursue of Gray."

Juvia didn't look convinced, so Lucy sighed and walked through the guild in order to get to the table where Wendy was having a conversation with Carla.

"Hello Carla, Wendy."

The small girl and her exceed companion looked up to see Lucy smiling happily down at them, waving a red gloved hand at them.

A pain came over Carla's head and she froze as sudden visions overcame her.

Red gloved hands…

A tree falling over an island…

Glowing white lights and several guild members holding hands…

Lucy with planets floating around her and eerily glowing eyes of golden light…

Natsu screaming out…

"Are you alright, Carla?"

The exceed started and looked up to see Lucy and Wendy gazing down at her in concern. "Ah, yes, I am quite alright. Just zoning out for a moment, beg your pardon. What are you here for, Lucy?"

The blonde laughed sheepishly and ruffled her unbound hair in a manner that remind Carla of that pink-haired buffoon that was always with her. "I was wondering if you guys wanted to come on a job with me and Juvia." She thumbed back at the girl she mentioned. "You can pick the job if you like, Wendy!"

"Uh," Wendy twiddled her fingers nervously, "I would like to go on a mission with you, Lucy-san. I don't mind if you pick."

"Wendy!" Carla complained to the girl. "If you wish to be taken seriously than stop being so meek!"

Lucy giggled. 'Carla is such a mothering hen to Wendy!'

"Okay then!" Lucy grabbed Wendy's hand as the girl slipped off the seat she was on. She quickly grabbed Juvia's hand as she went by, giggling some more when Juvia squealed with excitement. "Let's go find ourselves a job!"

"Okay, Lucy-san!"

"Of course, Lucy-san."

"Just Lucy!"

Natsu sighed and scratched his head in frustration. It was afternoon now and he still didn't know what to say to Lucy in order to make up for the harsh things he said earlier on in the day. He didn't mean to say all those things to Luce, it just…came out. This was the first real fight he had ever had with the blonde and he was somewhat scared about what had happened between him and his partner.

He let out another sigh before perking up; Lucy would be at the guild, he could say sorry to her then and use the puppy eyes on her. That always worked.

Pushing his way through the last few step of howling wind, Natsu managed to shove open the doors of the guild and escape inside and out of the rain that didn't bother him at all.



"Aw, shut up you lot!" Natsu grinned good naturedly at his fellow guild members before making his way over to the bar where a large group were sitting around Lisanna and listening to her stories. Mirajane stood nearby, absently wiping a glass with a rag as she listened.

"Hey, Mira!"

The white-haired girl looked up, startled, before realising that it was Natsu calling for her. "Oh! Hello, Natsu! What can I do for you?"

The pink-haired mage flopped down on his usual seat that was situated right next to Lucy's – something that Mirajane often gushed over – and grinned widely at the bar mage. "Do you know where Luce is?"

Mirajane paused in her cleaning as she thought about it. "Well, she came in earlier, about three hours now." She peered at Natsu curiously. "And without you, which is rare. Why's that?"

Natsu fiddled with his scarf as his mood turned sombre. He mumbled something that Mirajane couldn't hear. "What was that, Natsu?"

"I said we had a fight." Natsu turned his head to the side in a sulky manner and didn't look Mirajane in the eyes.

"Oh no!" Mirajane gasped. "Trouble in paradise! Could my beloved ship be breaking apart?"

"Calm down, Mira-nee." Lisanna poked her head into the conversation as she sat next to Natsu. In Lucy's seat, no less. "Lucy-san was here before Natsu. And wearing such nice clothes as well!" The younger Strauss sister cupped her face and leant on her elbows. "She looked as pretty as usual."

"Yes she did, Lisanna!" Mirajane squealed at the thought of Lucy's new outfit. "It was so different from usual! I know she likes the colour blue, but she doesn't usually wear black. And that design on her clothes!" She let out another squeal.

"I know what you mean, Mira-nee." Lisanna twirled a finger along the bar's bench. "The red designs on her clothes were so pretty! Like a webbed pattern! And those red gloves!"

Natsu had zoned out for the entire conversation after Mira had told him that Lucy had come in early, but he jolted back to the conversation when he heard the last comment. "Red designs? Lucy didn't have red designs on her clothes!"

Lisanna blinked at his sudden outburst. "Of course she did, Natsu! You don't notice much so I believe you didn't notice her clothes." The girl giggled lightly.

"I always notice Lucy's clothes!" whined Natsu unthinkingly before he thought deeply about how Lucy suddenly had red designs on her clothes.

'Wait!' His eyes widened significantly, alerting the two Strauss girls to the fact that something was up.

"Lucy's room!" He jumped up and clenched the bar's bench. "I went back to it after we fought in order to apologize to her and it smelt like blood! I thought it was mine from my bandages, but…" He paused and tugged at the bandages covering his chest, noticing for the first time that what looked like bloody fingerprints covered it. "She was bleeding from her hands!"

"Are you sure it wasn't just her new red gloves, Natsu?" Mirajane looked at him sceptically. "I've never seen her wear them before so they might've been shedding some of the colour onto you."

"You're wrong there."

The three Fairy Tail mages turned at the gruff voice to see Gajeel staring right at them from a nearby table.

"What do you mean by that, metal face?!" Natsu clenched his fists at the Dragon Slayer.

"I mean," Gajeel grumbled under his breath, "that bunny girl was covered in her own blood. It was caking her hands, shirt and pants. She absolutely reeked of her own blood and I don't get how you guys couldn't smell it." Gajeel turned his serious gaze straight into Natsu's own. "Or the bitter anger she was feeling."

At Natsu's shocked expression, Gajeel took it as his cue to leave the conversation and turned back to his cat who was meditating on the table. "I wonder when that idiot will realise his feelings for bunny girl."

Lily didn't open his eyes when he answered him. "About the time when you realise yours."

"What the hell do you mean by that, Lily?"


Over by the bar, the conversation between the two female Strauss's and Natsu was continuing, concern tinging all of their words. "Why was Lucy-san bleeding everywhere?" Lisanna looked horrified at the prospect of walking around with blood covering oneself. "And why wouldn't she wipe it off or something?"

"I don't know." Natsu let out a low growl. "But I swear I'll find out! Mira!" He turned on the barmaid. "Where. Is. Lucy?!"

"She went on a job, brat."

Natsu glared up at the sudden appearance of Makarov, who was leaning over the balcony. "Tell me what job, gramps!"

"So you can go off gallivanting after her?" Makarov tapped his ever-present staff against the wooden floorboards. "Not likely, brat. Lucy has teamed up with two other of our members, and although something may be up with her right now, she'll be fine with them. So just wait for her return, then you can fix up whatever you screwed up so badly to hurt one of my children!"

And with that, Makarov went back to his office, mindful about the hurt that two of his brats were currently feeling.

'If those two don't make up properly…' Makarov let out a sigh. 'I don't want to think about what could happen…'

Lucy set off another round of laughter from her companions from stories of when she was travelling around Fiore before she came to Fairy Tail.

"That's a great story Lucy-sa-Lucy!" Wendy quickly corrected herself so as to not get the blonde angry.

"Calm down Wendy." Lucy ruffled the girls hair as the group of girls made their way down a road to their clients house. "I'm not going to bite you if you keep putting such polite honorifics at the end of my name. I just don't want you to see me as a person of authority that you can't talk to." She tapped the younger girl on the nose. "Okay?"


"Juvia thinks Lucy-san doesn't know where we're going." Juvia stared around at the unfamiliar town they were in. "Is Lucy-san sure that Juvia and…friends must go this way in order to meet the client?"

"I'm sure Juvia," deadpanned Lucy. "I've been here before with…my team."

"Juvia understands that Lucy-san is fighting with Salamander-san, but why is she not going with Gray-sama or Erza-san?"

Lucy looked slightly sad at that. "Well, Natsu said I was too weak to protect myself, and he's right. I always let him, Gray or Erza protect me and didn't stand up for myself. But that time's over!" She planted her feet and shouted at the sky. "I will become stronger because that's my promise as a Celestial mage!"

Carla continued to walk past her. "That's nice and all, but can we just do this mission?"

Lucy deflated at the casual dismissal of her promise and wrung her red hands. "Yeah…I guess so."

Again the blonde didn't realise she was wearing blood as a new design on her clothes. She was unaware of the fact that her ex-partner was currently worried sick over her wellbeing. She forgot about the bleeding wounds on her hands that added layer upon layer to the pair of red gloves she wore on her hands.

So yeah…that turned out way more different than I expected or hoped. I was all pumped up on a screaming match in front of the guild, but then stuff happened, and then Lucy was bleeding, and Natsu was being his usual oblivious self, and then there were gloves…

I have no idea! When I write, I don't especially plan and weird stuff happens that I don't expect. But in this story, expect friendships being formed between Lucy and a lot more guild members and her getting a whole heap stronger. In an explained way! Because people in this fandom don't realise that instant power-ups are shit and are one of the worst things you can do in writing about a fighting fandom. Take Naruto for an example, at least you can pin the power-up on a kekkai genkai (blood limit). Fairy Tail? The only thing that Fairy Tail has ever done with instant power-ups is Dragon Force and Origin magic, and they're explained.

Okay then, I've done my rant and junk. Don't expect this story to be updated often as Mimic and From the Valleys to the Heavens comes first.

So tell me what you think!
